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Romans In Britain Play


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I remember the furore distinctly, mostly as everyone was grimacing in embarrassment. AS far as the merits or de-merits of the play itself, they were totally submerged by the media circus.

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I saw one of the first performances in the Olivier Theatre at the National in London in the 80s(?)


The play is an elaborate way of saying that the Celts have been buggered by others throughout history - by the Romans, by the saxons and most recently by the brits in NI. But it is quite entertaining.


The well-known actor, now dead who played Caesar (I cannot at the moment remember his name) was excellent. One of the very best Caesars I have ever seen on stage or film.


I can still recall greg Hicks, not a sympathetic actor, as the young druid who gets abused.


Also the scene where the fleeing Romano-Brits "invent" Arthur" to give them hope was amusing.


Some guarter century and more on, I still remember the play.. Not a great play, but well staged, and definitely not worth the hype, or required it, then or now.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I wasn't even born when this play was released, although I did see a program recently about Mary Whitehouse trying to get the play banned when it was first released. She was a campaigner for decency in the arts who objected to a rape scene in the play. I wonder what she would have thought of the Roman Arena.

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