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Segedunum, Hadrians Wall

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Help, folks. I have just embarked upon my most ambitious reconstruction model yet - a 6mm scale (1/300) reconstruction of Segedunum! At first I wanted to do Greatchesters, as I have always had an odd fascination with that site. But there is too little of the groundplan available to reconstruct, and the western ditches would be a headache to get right. Then I thought Housesteads - but its already been done by several other people, and better than I could do. Other forts are too lacking in detail currently, and I would hate to spend a lot of time making a model of a site, only to have some archaeologist disprove my conjectured groundplan a few years later! So I chose Segedunum, partly because the plan is nearly complete, and partly because the aparant lack of ground contours will render this easier to build than the aforementioned forts. When complete this will, including wall spur and vicus, cover a small tabletop, say about 1.5 metre square. I have a groundplan blown up to this size - but groundplans always miss out one important factor to model makers - contours. Which leads to my question.


On the photos I have available, the whole site looks fairly flat - is this the case, or are there undulations and rises that I might need to include if my model is to be absolutely bob - on? I would be grateful for input from people whao have been there. I havent - as yet.

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Dont forget that the excellent site relating to the whole of the Wall is available via this link:




whilst it is still "under construction" I hope UNRV members might drop in . NNs work is directly related to the key site of Segedunum at the Eastern extremity of the Wall which is the focal point for ACs efforts.

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It's been quite a while since I've been to the wall at segedunum so my memory of it is a bit hazy, but from what I remember it did seem to be mostly flat, but to be fair I wasn't really taking much notice of the lay of the land.


You've probably already seen this website but if not then it might be of some use to you.




I know it's quite a trek from where you live but probably the best way to put your mind at ease would be to visit it yourself and make up your own mind about the contours of the site, it also makes a great day out.


Good luck with the project NN, can't wait to see it.

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Thats terrific, Gaius - the photo told me all I need to know. It seems that the fort platform is flat, with a slight drop to the south and west. Cheers! But yes, a visit would be the best thing, of course.

Edited by Northern Neil
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Just as a footnote, there is an excellent website which devotes itself solely to Hadrians wall and the continuation of the frontier down the Cumbrian coast. Here is the link: http://www.hadrians-wall.info/

There is a vast amount of information on the Wall here - not just history and site information, but also travel itineraries and bus/hotel availability. There is also a cheerful little forum to be found in the 'of interest' section. One or two familiar names have signed up already! I urge those with an interest in Hadrians Wall in particular to explore this site and forum. You will not be disappointed!


EDIT: Whoops! I see that Pertinax has done this already. That'll teach me to read posts properly! Anyway, it wont harm to post the link again.

Edited by Northern Neil
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