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Get out of my head!! It's not safe in here!!

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Memorial Day Weekend

I was away at my dad's this weekend and had a great time! We visited my grandad in the hospital (he broke his back and is not doing well ...) on Saturday morning, then after that we went to New Hope, where I got my ear pierced again...   Shiny new inner conch piercing:     (and of course kick ass spirals as well).   Sunday was our picnic- we had an amazing time there as well! After that we had a Wii tournament- word of advice: Wii tournaments make it really hard to walk or do anything a



Baby cut her beer teeth...

...On Guinness Draught, yea!!!   I never liked beer. I had about three drops of Honey Brown Lager when I was younger- and swore off beer forever.   But I was determined to find at least one beer that was tolerable. There were a few (like, three) that I really wanted to try. Guinness was one of them.   I had to try three different places to find a four pack of Guinness Draught cans- and pay through the nose for them. But I actually like it! No, love it!   I like the smell, the color, the



Dante's Inferno Test

I normally don't do tests like this, but this one was just too good to pass up.   Funny I only scored "moderate" as a heretic, when I'm not even Christian!   The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell!   Fifth Level of Hell   The river Styx runs through this level of Hell, and in it are punished the wrathful and the gloomy. The former are forever lashing out at each other in anger, furious and naked, tearing each other piecemeal with their teeth. The latter are



Pierced Goddess

I finally got to change my new 14g earrings today!!! I put in my Shorty Goddess Spirals by Little Seven (actually called Shorty spirals but they're a smaller version of their Goddess spirals)     And a close up:     Those are actually 18g LeRoi flatbacks in the bottom holes. They're meant for labret piercings, mostly, but they work great for earrings. A little difficult to put in and remove, but awesome for long term wear - just make sure the balls are tightly screwed on every day. No



Pain + Shiny = J<3Y!!!

My navel ring did NOT grow shut, in fact...the hole shrunk quite a bit but I was able to stretch it back open, and I now have a beautiful new titanium barbell from Industrial Strength. It's a shorter barbell, at first I thought it was too short, but I LOVE the shorter barbell. It feels so much more comfortable than the longer one I had been wearing.   (You can see the nasty surgery scar that is *slowly* healing and fading, and yes, my stomach is that hairy LOL I should totally take a better pi




Well, to make a perfect end to the clusterfluck week...I wound up having (minor) surgery today.   I had a cyst near my belly button...as a result I had to be cut open and it drained. I had to remove the jewelery until it heals which means it'll probably grow shut and need repierced. *sigh* That's the last thing I wanted (well rejection would be worse but...) but right now I'm more worried about the wound healing than losing my navel ring.   The PA that did the procedure is awesome though.



Finally I'm catching up!!!

I just finished Gladiatrix last night, and just submitted the rough draft of the review today. WOOO HOOO!!!!   Update on Flash: he has been eating his tail. A whole 1/4 inch it seems like disappeared one day- but I have an idea why this might be happening. Turns out, the poor guy's bowl was in the sun for several hours a day! I was at work during this time, so I had no idea. I have taken measures to make him feel safer, and to stop the sun from shining on him. So here's hoping the situation im



I'm Not Dead

Just busy.   I got a new fish, pictures posted Here.   He seems to be doing well, still won't eat. BUT his beautiful tail that you see there, is in shreds!!! He must've got it caught on the plant (I removed the plant) and it looks just awful but I'm so worried about stress on him and the possibility of fin rot.   My poor, beautiful baby. And his poor tail. I just fell in love with that tail. I am so sad.   I'm still reading Gladiatrix and I must say, I am pleased with it. I'm almost don



Sad News

I'm really sad to report that Lasairian died this morning.   I don't know what happened. I changed his water on Saturday and he was fine. I fed him Saturday. He took one bite of food (I think it was too big a bite. More than one pellet stuck together or something) and went to the top of the bowl. Just hanging there. He stopped eating.   All day yesterday he was either at the top or bottom of the bowl...totally just like 'meh'. I could tell the spirit wasn't in him. He ceased to be Lasairian



Myrrh salve

This wasn't as difficult and messy as I thought it would be. Worked far better than trying to do this with honey.   I started with a little less then the amount that my container would hold of fractionated coconut oil. (I love that stuff...but I'm going to have to start using something else soon). I put that in a double boiler (well, the makeshift version) and I ground up the myrrh resin as much as I could. I put this directly into the oil which I heated, stirring for a good 15 minutes or so.



I just trance danced

For the first time in literally months and I feel GREAT!!! I had forgotten how awesome it could be to just dance with no purpose in mind (as opposed to dancing in order to work some Big Time Mojo during which I always wear myself out and leave myself feeling rather icky for days afterwards). WOO!!!   I just received a signed copy of Gladiatrix to review for UNRV which I can't wait to get started on it! I've been busy though, I plan on starting it this weekend.   Tomorrow I'm going hunting fo




I didn't realize it'd been so long since I updated!!!!   I've been keeping myself busy, I jumped right in with my Gwyddon studies and I have my first group ritual this Monday (Beltaine!!!). I've been collecting supplies, sewing robes and am preparing to set up an altar. Most of it I hope will be set up tomorrow. Unfortunately the onyx bowl I ordered isn't here yet...I didn't realize it was coming from Canada or I would have ordered it sooner. *sigh* I may wind up using a temporary one until i



It's Here!!!!

MY NEW LAPTOP IS HERE!!!!   Her name is Josie. I had to practically chase the mailman to get her but she's HERE!!!!   I spent a few frustrating hours getting her set up, but now I'm laying on the couch watching TV and posting blogs like a good little lazy techie.   It took a little while, but I'm getting used to the keyboard and touchpad and I LOVE IT!!!!!   :D :D   Now if only Kitten would get on so I can bug him on webcam.   Tomorrow is Friday. ME SO HAPPY!!!   I didn't think



YAY (and also, shit)

I now have DSL (it was really pretty painless) and my laptop is in Allentown, so it should be here sometime early next week (provided DHL Express doesn't decide that they won't deliver it to my house, grrr). I'm really excited to get it. So YAY.   I got to see my therapist on Wednesday, and she says I'm doing really well. Major improvement from last time. But I am really glad I got to see her, because I needed to. The newest thing I have to deal with is that my best friend has an excruciating



What a Week

On Monday I summoned up my courage and asked for (and got!) a raise, and more hours. That turned into more stress than I needed, but alls well that ends well, and I did get a raise and more hours (and the increase from my old weekly income is going to go right into my savings.)   It took me most of the week but I found a DSL provider, for less than I actually expected to pay! I ended up going with the phone company, which I DIDN'T want to do for various reasons, but I did have to as Verizon wa



Gothic Fractal (Nephele!)

So I downloaded Apophysis again. Been having fun. One of my newest:     (not exactly my cup of tea but I have a couple of friends who really like this sort of thing.)   I'm more into stuff like this:    



New Houses for Plants Day

If there is a line between "house plant" and "plant house" I think I'm about to cross it. Seriously.   I used to not be able to grow ANYTHING but I now have...ten plants that are *definitely* mine, and my mom has I don't know how many that are *definitely* hers, and then there are a few we fight over...   My most recent additions (this week, in fact) are a beautiful palm from the local nursery and a GORGEOUS sago palm. I LOVE cycads...and I certainly hope that my new sago loves me. I manage




So I've been making my own body balm...yummy...Recipe Here.   It's so easy even I can do it and the benefits of this stuff (over commercial products) so far have been WELL worth the effort (besides, I enjoy doing this).   I made some mandarin first, and tonight, grapefruit and ylang-ylang. It smells SOO good (and it's a light scent...which I need because strong scents make me sick). I made some of it stiffer, this time, and put it in an old Lip Smacker tube. I actually had just enough to fil



Well I've done it again

I've gone and created another blog. This is blog #8...my friends all think I've totally lost it.   I guess I truly am a blogger at heart. Plus, wordpress is entirely too much fun.   So without further ado, I give you: Tranquil Mayhem.   I posted a recipe for an awesome (and awesomely simple) hair/body/lip balm. I love this stuff. I'm currently ordering supplies to make even more.   I'm doing alright, today. Actually had a good day...it's the first day in at least a week that I've actual



Where Have I Been?

It HAS been a while. My presence on all of my 'usual hangouts' has been greatly reduced. I'm sure you guys know that I've been struggling with some sort of depression...so here's the REST of the story.   I'd been slowly 'losing my grip' for months now. Most noticeably since Christmas, when I started having panic attacks. Well, about a month ago I guess it was now, a very dear friend of mine became ill (he has a chronic illness) and was in the hospital for a time. Then I stopped hearing from hi



Brighid's Fire

Most of my Brighid's Fire (the actual ritual part) was short, sweet and to the point. I lit a candle, said a few prayers, did a bit of healing work.   The "prep work" took the majority of my evening. I started at about 3.30 or so...painting a bottle to go on my shrine (it's sitting next to it as it's too big to go ON the shrine, it looks silly and easily tipped over.)         Then I spent...close to two hours painting my legs with indigo. The indigo painting, for me, is part art, pa



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