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In Current News

FLavius Valerius Constantinus


For people who read the news, you've recently have read articles about Osama bin Laden. For the most interesting part, Osama is offering a truce to us! Bah! I'm mean come on, who's gonna listen to a guy who lives in a cave. Until recently, Al-Qaeda has been taking big hits, such as the elections in Iraq. But now, you've got reports that four top terrorists of Al-Quaeda were killed in that bombing by the Unmanned Predator.


In other news, the US government has subpoena Google. The government wants a list all requests entered into Google's search engine during an unspecified single week


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Ha, final google is gonna get nailed. Trust me, I typed in the word "cheese" and you don't wanna know what I found... anyways, I'm in favor of the Bush Administration going after Google, but I don't think google meant any harm....

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I find it hard to see how any information Google could provide would help the Government in this case. Sounds to me more like the Government is trying to set a legal precedent and is using Child Pornography merely as an excuse. Later if they get them, they can look for whatever they want in there (..requests for the pages of political parties ..whatever ) IMO This is just an attempt by the evangelical churches via the government to eventually ( if they get away with this "request" ) say what can and can't be hosted in the US and what can and cant be accessed from the US .. The anti childpron is just their smoke and mirrors to hide their agenda .. cheers viggen

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You know, the US government will get that data one way or another in light of the domestic surveilance by the NSA issues. I mean really, the government have their own top of the world hackers working for them. Google is gonna be trampled. Also, when Congress eventually discusses about extending the Patriot act, Big Brother is gonna defintely do some dirty work.

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Possibly, personaly I think it is another way to monitor whats going on, and the gov't doesn't need best in the world hackers (not doubting that they've got them) if they have a legitiment reason they can bring it to the courts who can order the company to surrender info.

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You know, the US government will get that data one way or another in light of the domestic surveilance by the NSA issues. I mean really, the government have their own top of the world hackers working for them. Google is gonna be trampled. Also, when Congress eventually discusses about extending the Patriot act, Big Brother is gonna defintely do some dirty work.


The best hackers work already for Google...


...and it's all good and well that they asked for searches and terms, but what exactly does that prove to the Gov. about the children viewing *or*? It doesn't give specific filter information or IP address, so they couldn't know if the parents are infact filtering anything or if Google, MSN, Yahoo, Aol are filtering anything or even if the school itself is filtering anything. And more importantly, it doesn't even give information on if the person doing the searches resides within the United States in the first place!


So, what purpose does this information serve to the Government except for the lobbyists? It's all about precedence!!! and that's scary. I am glad Google is fighting this ..

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Child Pornography is a very serious problem in this country, very serious. Getting this data is actually important because there are actually ways of utilizing it that won't be disclosed by the government. Maybe the data will tell the government which websites will harm children and they in turn will prosecute those websites. Who knows, there are lots of things deemed implausible. However, no matter what, Google will eventually have to cooperate.

By the way, if you haven't noticed, their shares in the economy went down considerably in light of the government controversey. Not a good thing to fight the governement.

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the gov't really needs to focous on bigger issues than child *or*, I'm sorry, but Its not that big a problem to me. I'd much rather have teenagers looking at models on a screen that making themselves look stupid in real life.... though I still don't support it....don't get me wrong, I just think the gov't should move on to bigger things. Personaly I think this is mostly a little fiasco they're pulling to draw attention from the NSA ordeal.

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I really don't support any attempt by the government to get information that could possibly violate citizens' privacy without good cause...I'm almost certain they aren't really worried about child *or*...they're looking for something else. I don't want the government to know what I've been searching for in Google, even though there's no reason for my opinion other than principle. I know they are spying on us, Bush has admitted to it...(impeach the &@#%) It's things like this that make me really wish I lived in Canada.


I find it terribly hypocritical and ironic that they are making our citizens fight to give other countries the same rights that they are slowly taking away from our own citizens...


sorry...my little rant...I could go on but I won't.

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Sure the goverment can go spying on all of us. I mean its easy as heck, but they have no reason to unless they strongly believe you are deemed a threat to the state. So really, let's not overreact. And about the NSA stuff, well its not even determined if he even went overboard yet. Who knows, it could have been perfectly legal under the Patriot Act. Not matter, this power of Bush actually improves our fight against terrorism. Speed is of the essense.

And Sextus, about child pornography, you should worry about because it is a big issue even if terrorism is still the dominate issue. Ask a parent and they would say it matters much. It affects thousands which in effect affects thousands more. Not to mention child pornography leads also to sexual predators. SO it is a big issue in any country.

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Child Pornography is a very serious problem in this country, very serious.


NO NO, this whole issue of government vs Google case is not about child *or*, not at all. It is about children looking at pornography... it’s about a proposed law requiring those sites to restrict access to minors, the Child Online Protection Act from 1998, which just didn’t get through in the past because the ACLU filed suit and every court along the way - up to the supreme court has prevented it from being enforced.


...and now the current administration wants to revive (and for that reason, asked different search engines to hand over search logs and indexed URLs to prove the law is needed) this...




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Sure the NSA stuff might be legal under the Patriot Act...but I'm not terribly fond of the Patriot Act either.


Also, it's up to parents to restrict access to *or* for their children, not the government. Really, that isn't government's place at all. they have better things to worry about. If the parents have a problem with children seeing *or*, let the parents block it. It's not that difficult to do.

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Oh, then why not give the damn government access to the data. Though the government intends to use these data specifically for its COPA-related test, it's possible that the information could lead to further investigations and, perhaps, subpoenas to find out who was doing the searching. I fear that if the government request is upheld, it will open the door to further government examination of search behavior, because of precedence...

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Viggen hit the nail right on the head. This is about precedence, end of story. Once the gvnmt gets their foot in the door that door will remain open to monitor whatever content it sees fit to monitor. Google is doing the right thing, fight it...The child *or* thing, or kids searching for *or* is smoke and mirrors...!

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