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Con Flab It!

Sextus Roscius


Yes yes yes, I need to vent. I'm completely upset today for no particular reason about the Terrorists! Stupid stupid stupid terrorists. I agree that western culture (american in particular) is far too sexual, and that something needs to change that, but I doubt they or we are going to get any where by being gun-slinging nut jobs on a stick....


Though my least favorite part, is knowing that its OUR country's fault for letting Iran become a nuclear power...


Please, in responses, don't give me any "why can the rest of the world not have nukes if america can. shouldn't we get rid of all our nukes before we go about getting rid of other country's nukes?" thats the junk that my social studies teacher hands out on a daily basis.

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Well, you can blame the Clinton administration and the EU. They absolutely did nothing when Iran was beginning an effort for nuclear power. So Bush got stuck with this issue but Al-Qaeda and terrorists activities distract us so much and in Iraq with the insurgents(whom I can shoot all in the head mercilessly).

However, Iran has economic powers over us which is why we haven't invaded them yet Sextus. They are the 4th largest producer of oil, meaning more than 2.5 million barrels of oil per day. That certainly would spike the gas prices up.

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