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Yay! ::dances::



I DID get the bow...A WEEK EARLY!! and I have no clue how to aim it, but I can manage to hit the bale, even if not the target :P I'll learn...because it was a struggle to make myself put the thing down, even though I have permanent grooves in my fingers now hehe. Stringing and unstringing WAS a real treat too :lol:Boys in my shop class "helped" and basically ruined two of my projects... :lol::lol:


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Nice LW,what type of Bow is it? i have a 65LB Yew Longbow,but unfortunatly i never have enougth time to practise anymore :D

Remember when you Loose the arrow the flight has to be at your ear and not at the chest :) took me ages to be able to do that :)

Good hunting mate.

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Hehe well I was shooting without an armguard so I was half afraid to pull the bow all the way back. I'm going to tape my arm with horse wrap today...and my fingers too hehe I don't have a tab...or a glove...


Its a Viper longbow, 45 lb. I'll take a picture and post it when I get the thing strung. I forgot yesterday.


::edit:: Pictures can now be found in my gallery :D

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