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Google Vs Yahoo On Net Censorhip

M. Porcius Cato


Although Google has been rightly taken to task for capitulating to Chinese demands to assist in censoring dissidents on the internet, rival Yahoo has been doing vastly worse--actually assisting Chinese authorities in tracking down and imprisoning dissidents. More in today's New York Times. What a shame--now I'm going to have to abandon Yahoo entirely.


Does anybody have a suggestion for a good MyYahoo alternative?


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I use Google. I hate yahoo their services are bad anymore. My mom lost a very important email this morning (that took her 2 hours to write) because of a "confirmation code" (those pics that you have to read but cant?) that is now required to send an email with yahoo.

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Google was my choice anyway, I always hated yahoo. wasn't good for anything, except for checking stocks, though I use other things now. Though the schools tell us to use yahoo. It is better censored (in terms of inapropriate searches and pics....

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