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Gaius Octavius


Fellow Sufferers:


Seems that the Canadian Moslems want to assimilate, i.e., on their terms. They will determine what 'sin' is. My sometimes faulty logic tells me that means Canadians will have to do the assimilating. I'll pass and turn in my honorary Prince Edward Island citizenship. Then, there is a group of these ruffians who want to hack off the premier's head. I'm sure that that is a go for some Canadians.


For a prize, let's see who can use the word 'that' in a row, (without any intervening words), the most times and still make sense.


The mail brought in some very good news. My Brides Health Maintainence Org. just upped

the monthly rate by $100. That makes it $7,344/annum. Considering that a stay in a hospital costs two grand a day, that's a bargain! IF one uses it, otherwise it goes into the deep pockets of top management.

I often wonder why the neopath trash talkers prefer to pay their taxes to an HMO with an average 18% overhead per premium dollar vs Medicare's less than 2%. Iupiter forbid that one has to go to a hospital or doctor when one is traveling out of their area of coverage. A nurse (!) located in Tanu Tuva will have to OK it, IF your shade doesn't cross the River Styx first. The :wacko: CENSORED :blink: .


Now the beer has run out! I thank Minerva for paper plates.


I think that I have been banned from the Racist topic of Ramses! :o Banned, I said! Where is Mr. Roberts? :2guns:


And the Yankees lost - again :wacko:


Dear Lord,




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I think that I have been banned from the Racist topic of Ramses!


No, I thought that people making others feel inferior was condescending. With that said Gaius I agree with you here it goes.


Seems that the Canadian Moslems want to assimilate, i.e., on their terms. They will determine what 'sin' is.


Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. It's too bad I guess head scarfs and no freedom of speech will be the new trend. Not publicly funding mosques or praying besides Allah would be the new 'sin'. I think Muslims should wonder what 'suicide' means and 70 virgins up in the 'promise land' that by the way never lose their virginity means before a 'sin' is proclaimed. What are they rubber?


Too many Liberals running a country leads to disaster. If I was a Canadian Congressman I'd wonder what in the **** they are doing. By the way I hope there is not another Ayatollah coming and potentiall taking over the parliament. I lived up in Canada, they have no clue what is going on. Taking wide open risks will bread disaster. By the way I hope Iran gets destroyed in soccer tomorrow. Oh wait, is that also a sin? :D

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Beshrew me! young Lord Blackadder you are in fine fooling today! I see you blog under the influence of Bacchus and use one of the few great modern innovations-paper plates.

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Beshrew me! young Lord Blackadder you are in fine fooling today! I see you blog under the influence of Bacchus and use one of the few great modern innovations-paper plates.


I fain beshrew thee ere I am off to the Brewster-Sessions! In and for thy honour, I shall garnish my grig with Fool's-Parsley this eventide. As I am presently bereaved of fine Falernian, planter's whiskey will accompany that excellent comestable.

It is my earnest wish that you enjoy my skimble-skamble.


I am your humble servant,

Captain Blackadder :D

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"tis most exelentte of you , doubtless merrye capers and japes will abounde


Nay sir, the japes and capers must await the return of the wandering Bride, Claudia Prima. Yet, my old partner in Kali4kneeya, is caprificating my figs.

Something tells me that you will soon force me to resurrect my 1920's encyclopaedia and/or get a copy of the O.E.D.

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"tis most exelentte of you , doubtless merrye capers and japes will abounde


Nay sir, the japes and capers must await the return of the wandering Bride, Claudia Prima. Yet, my old partner in Kali4kneeya, is caprificating my figs.

Something tells me that you will soon force me to resurrect my 1920's encyclopaedia and/or get a copy of the O.E.D.


Most trullye Sirrah you have great gravyte and bottome!

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"tis most exelentte of you , doubtless merrye capers and japes will abounde


Nay sir, the japes and capers must await the return of the wandering Bride, Claudia Prima. Yet, my old partner in Kali4kneeya, is caprificating my figs.

Something tells me that you will soon force me to resurrect my 1920's encyclopaedia and/or get a copy of the O.E.D.


Most trullye Sirrah you have great gravyte and bottome!

Sirrah! Me, sir? Must I thank you or build a marmorate covered Martello-tower against your predations?

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Heaven Forfend! as long as you do not sequester a marmoset in my morion.


A marmoset? Iupiter forEfend! Only a midget murine mammal to graze on your hair.


Fie! must I then fumigate my follicular growths with fumitory herb therewith to frighten off the mammalian marauder? Surely my mollions will be roughly aggled!

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Heaven Forfend! as long as you do not sequester a marmoset in my morion.


A marmoset? Iupiter forEfend! Only a midget murine mammal to graze on your hair.


Fie! must I then fumigate my follicular growths with fumitory herb therewith to frighten off the mammalian marauder? Surely my mollions will be roughly aggled!


Ah, but you are good! You have me, the nonce, on the last two. Nonetheless, I suggest that you use lycopode instead of the herb. I'll get you yet, Black Baron!

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cackles maddly :pimp: and kicks hideous sidekick into dungheap :D


Doubtless you will return Sir ,armed with that pantechnicon of the Mother Tounge , Dr Johnson's Dictionary-I trust you will suffer no cymbocephalic tergiservation.I trust you will return gruntled and without mental incalescence.


also I have found my slang thesaurus which allows me to translate from English to the Colonial Usage

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cackles maddly :pimp: and kicks hideous sidekick into dungheap :D


Doubtless you will return Sir ,armed with that pantechnicon of the Mother Tounge , Dr Johnson's Dictionary-I trust you will suffer no cymbocephalic tergiservation.I trust you will return gruntled and without mental incalescence.


also I have found my slang thesaurus which allows me to translate from English to the Colonial Usage



You are DOOMED! :D I shall return! :sniper: And when I do, I shan't spell (of all things) TONGUE wrong. :D Tounge!, in deed, my good fellow! ^_^ Your dictionary of Colonial Usage will not serve you! :P Remember who won the war. :2guns:

Captain Black Adder B)

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Now, now, my good man, we do know that pre Johnsonian spelling was much what one liked, but we are post Johnsonian. I will give you that Pres. Andrew Jackson once held: "It's a damned poor man who can't spell a word more than one way." The red wine bit is a much more acceptable excuse. :bag:

I wonder why I have the unworthy impression that a certain party is making up words?

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cackles maddly :pimp: and kicks hideous sidekick into dungheap :D


Doubtless you will return Sir ,armed with that pantechnicon of the Mother Tounge , Dr Johnson's Dictionary-I trust you will suffer no cymbocephalic tergiservation.I trust you will return gruntled and without mental incalescence.


also I have found my slang thesaurus which allows me to translate from English to the Colonial Usage


Good Black Baron:


I am returned as promised. Tounge honed, gloved in lead and shod in marble. I was sorely tempted to produce an Emergency Blog on the matter before us, but my world reknown clemency forbid such an action and thus considered it most prudent and gracious to keep the proceedings private.

The extent of your vocabulary humbles me. Yet, the logic of your musings astounds me.

Pantechnicon: You have your words collected and exposed for sale? No taker here.

Tergiservation: Suffer a type of evasion? How can one do this in the sense used?

Incalescence: Mental or otherwise, please see above comment.

Are you of a certainty that you really wish to make use of this verbiage and make no sense at all?

Let us take on: aggled, mollions and cymbocephalic. Have you abducted these last from the Cymric tounge or some ancient archaic lexicon produced by the most laudable Dr. Johnson and long ago supplanted?

In this last case and as a practicing Doctor of Metaphysics, I commend and prescribe to you 60mg of Cymbalta, B.I.D. This, hopefully, will rein in your prattle.

I take it that in the future you are going to mock me with Colonial Usage. As I am compiling a dish of Yankee and Dixie slang, you had better get a thesaurus that goes the otherway lest you be asea.


All the above twaddle notwithstanding, you are a profit to this site and a source of much knowledge and wonderful pictures.


As soon as my Bride enters the domus today, I shall instruct her to pour the last of the planter's whiskey and I shall drink to the health, happiness and prosperity of you and your gens.


I remain your most obedient servant,

Captain Black Adder


P. S.

How about accepting my challenge as to the serial usage of the word 'that'?


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making up words! shame shame .


perhaps the word incalescence is a source of difficulty? meaning as all know a type of mental overheating and intellectual "excitement" . Aggled-fye fye-an old Englisshe usage meaning excited and distressed , i'll warrant you most particularly from the New Forest area of course .Pantechnicon of course means a collection and coming together of items , a great "hugeness" of ebullient philology.Cymbocephalic-pish-an easy word meaning a constriction of the skull, perhaps caused by excessive scrutiny of books and librams.

The word "that" I shall ponder most fondlye...


as we all know Lord Blackadder did mention to Dr Johnson that he was peridiscombobulated......

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Pertinax & Pentagathus:


Fly!, don't walk to the "Pronunciation - Words & Names" thread. Some boeotian has started posting in Neapolitan! What is the clod saying?


Maj. Serpe Nere

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Good Pertinax:


At least two Romans are awaiting for your composition in re 'that'. These two are also awaiting your dipping your dainty toes into the latest bit on 'Languages, etc'.


Your servant, sirrah,

Dikke Benen

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