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Can't Believe I Actually Enjoy This



So, I've just completed my fourth day of work. I've had to get up at 4:30 AM every day that I have work, and I've taken to not eating lunch, simply because there isn't time and when I'm busy, I'm just not hungry. It's been interesting, getting started. I've been learning to run a cash register (which isn't as hard as I thought it would be) and learning to do various other menial tasks (which are much harder than I thought they would be).


I'm really enjoying my work, despite the early hours. I get along well with my coworkers, although one, seems to think I have the intelligence of a five year old or something. She doesn't say as much, but I can tell it in the way she says things sometimes (I almost put the envelope in the wrong side of the safe and she yelled "NO!" at me like I was a dog or something. :blink: ) She's really nice, usually, but there is something just "off" about the way she says some things...and I don't even think she means to do it. I can understand because she's really busy, and I do think that if I were in her position, trying to train someone, I would be the same (after all, I can be pretty antisocial. Especially after getting up at 4:30 AM). I surely hope her opinion of me changes, or my opinion of her opinion of me changes, because otherwise, this is not going to be good. :ph34r:


Yesterday I burnt my arm on a pizza tray, and today I had to re-price a whole passel of jugs of water. See, they didn't tell me how much they were supposed to cost, so I did what I *thought* was the most logical thing. I looked in the cooler to see how much we were selling them for. The problem was, the ones in the cooler were marked wrong. :ph34r: So I remarked both the ones in the cooler AND the six or 7 boxes (all stacked on top of each other) that I had priced. :ph34r:


I met this really cool old guy yesterday, who came in and ordered a vegetable hoagie...basically, a sub made entirely of condiments :oops: I do not know his name, but meeting him just made my day and I hope I see him again soon :lol:


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lol we have an "inventory crew" come in. And we don't have carts to bring in. lol stocking the freezer is fun...hehe seriously, the big walk in refridgerator is awesome. I love it back there ;)


I remembered at about 6 PM last night that I forgot to cut some guy's pizza before I gave it to him ;) I hope they don't give me hell...

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lol I told my trainer today, she says "don't worry about it".


I's sad, my freezer was open last night (I guess the door popped open) and our ice cream cake melted! ;)


I got my mom three pink roses for her birthday ;) I won't tell her how much they cost ;) I wanted to get her a "proper" birthday present but I haven't had the money, or the opportunity.

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Congrats on your first job. Glad you enjoy it. But a smart girl like you needs to go to college or a trade school so you won't have to do those menial tasks the rest of your life. Either that or marry a rich husband.

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Ok, I'm just going to pretend that I understood that...;)


The Perils of Pauline? Any better?


Work harder than you did getting work, at getting to college and grad school. There are plenty of scholarships available.


Don't forget to give Mom a hug; or to slaughter the pizza.



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I'm going to Minnesota to learn blacksmithing, at an apprenticeship type deal.


It's not actually my first job, my first job was in a machine shop when I was 16.


Who is Pauline?

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