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In Re My Lord Pertinax

Gaius Octavius


It pleases me to be the presenter of pleasant tidings pertaining to the present perigrinations of the pertinacious and puissant Lord Pertinax of Putney :notworthy: . His Grace, :notworthy: in his perpetual pursuit of pastoral provender, is perambulating through the pastures of the provinces of the Picts; picking parsley, purslane, pansies and peppermint, and imbibing potent porter. These powerful precious pearls of paradise will provide his porridge with potent palatable provisions. Paroxysms of pleasure will permeate his person :notworthy: and perpetuate his pleasure at all prandial proceedings.


His :notworthy: peculiar pastime proceeds from a penchant for perpetuating the practice of polyphristic psyonics.


This ponderous, peripatetic periphrasis should not be perplexing to the polloi.




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Gaius esta muy tonto. Dios mio. Porque tenemos no acentos? Ay...

"Gaius is very stupid. My God! Why don't we have accent (marks)? Ay...." :ph34r:


HAH! You used a translater! FOOL! Tonto = silly.


Actually, it means both 'stupid' and 'silly'. And 'airheaded', in certain situations.

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Thanks Doll. Now, I don't have to search out my ancient dictionary. It is quite obvious to me that a 'certain party' is unaware that words have situational usage and may also have a number of meanings. Let us pick a word at random. Oh, let us use 'fool' to demonstrate: "Don't 'fool' around!" Pedestrian usage, but acceptable. Now, "You 'FOOL', you!" is dangerous - particularly when the 'user' is a lingual blunderer and doesn't have his squirrels all in a row. It demonstrates a certain degree of, oh!, dis-education?; a certain lack of civility?; a complete lack of even rudimentary bad manners?. As I am not so much as distantly acquainted with swissconsin espanish, the forgoing may not hold water. This disquisition may also not hold water on account of petty provincial perversions.


Domestic wild crow is on the carte this evening. I wonder how it will taste!


To sum up: :chair: :bash: :horse:



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Actually, it means both 'stupid' and 'silly'. And 'airheaded', in certain situations.


I know, but the more insulting uses of tonto are at the end of a long list of different ways to say silly, ect. and aren't used in that manner often. So now I must say. Tengo solo cuatro a

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With much more respect for your elders and betters, and fewer petty remonstrances, "...life would be a dream, sweetheart, sha boom,sha boom." :ph34r:


It would also keep you out of the :horse: grounds. :D




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