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Sick :(



This has been the worst week like, ever. One of my pet chickens is very sick, I have her in a cage in the basement hoping she'll get better but it seems highly unlikely. She is so covered in mites I can *not* believe it. Come within 5 feet of her cage and you're likely to have them.She won't eat and its gotten to the point that I kind of wish she would just die, she wouldn't feel sick anymore and there's only so long I can handle taking care of her. And I've never seen so many mites in one place. I gave her another bath this morning but when I put her back in her cage the darn things started crawling out of her feathers again...


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No. Even if we could afford a vet, there was way much wrong with her than lice. She wasn't going to get better. I took her out to my mom's garden and put a steel bb through the back of her head. I didn't want her to suffer anymore.

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