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I have come to realize something during my recent vacation that I should have known or sensed all along... What with my natural aptitude at sailing and swimming, my love for the sea, my providential naval service & induction as a 'Shellback' (servant of Neptune), my choice of Nauclerus as a title here at UNRV, etc...


My run of bad luck lately may indeed be because I was forsaking the signals that I was perhaps all along a beloved son of Poseidon and have not been honoring Patros Genethlios as I should; an unfortunately easy thing to do when one is living hours away from the sea.


I'm writing this down in my blog here because there are enough of my friends here that will read this with understanding and without judgment or without thinking I've lost my marbles.


Anyway, the first few days in Jamaica were rough. A wicked north wind grew from a nuisance on Saturday (17th) to a full out gale by Monday night (19th) where the swells crashing on the cliffs were sending waves of spray up to and over 30 feet high. It became quite dangerous to go anywhere near the cliffs. The locals said a north wind like this was rare and many speculated it was being caused by the weird winter weather in the States.


Most everybody of good repute was saying it would definitely last until Thursday before it would calm down due to the strength it was showing.


I was determined for it not to last that long because I wanted to swim/snorkel off the cliffs and knew the sea would only be safe 24 hours after the swells had calmed. Rough seas churn up all the critters and push big hungry things towards shore


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I always did wonder why you weren't devoted to Poseidon, but I figured you had your reasons.


Congratulations. I don't think the Earth Shaker has many followers these days, but quality over quantity, I say, and he certainly has quality in the likes of you, my friend.

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Teach you to fool around with Blue Hair Poseidon. :angry: Gotta keep your word with the gods. Maybe the Tiger Shark was the god himself looking for another pop or you for breakfast. ;)


G.O., Cos.


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Maybe the Tiger Shark was the god himself looking for another pop or you for breakfast.

My Liege, :ph34r:

Please consider this: "With his horses he rides in a chariot over the waves of the sea, which become smooth as he approaches, and the monsters of the deep recognise him and play around his chariot." - DoGaRBaM


To clarify, when I said I did not consider the shark (Pistrix=Seamonster) a daemon of my fate, I meant that I was the only one not scared to go swimming (only the jelly fish kept me out when I saw them). It was a double edge sword, yeah it was lurking in the area but I knew without a doubt in my heart that it wasn't there to have me for breakfast...


Seriously though, thank you everyone for the kind words. :notworthy: I almost didn't post this here and considered just PM'ing certain folks individually. I'm quite glad I did now!


And Nephele my dear, Polytheist is the preferred nomenclature, 'Pagan' has such an irreligious connotation to me... :angry:

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My Lord of the Greeks: :notworthy:


"To clarify, when I said I did not consider the shark (Pistrix=Seamonster) a daemon of my fate, I meant that I was the only one not scared to go swimming (only the jelly fish kept me out when I saw them). A likely story. :P


"DoGaRBaM" Oh, yeah? ;)


Anything else of note occur? For example, did you see Atlantis while you were under the waves? Did you eat sea urchins and feta cheese marinated in retsina? :) Conduct experiments on Xamaycan wine, beer and rum? Visit ancient :alien: ruins? Anything? :ph34r: Anything at all? ;)


G.O., Cos.


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"DoGaRBaM" Oh, yeah? :P

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology :ph34r:


Anything else of note occur? For example, did you see Atlantis while you were under the waves? Did you eat sea urchins and feta cheese marinated in retsina? :angry: Conduct experiments on Xamaycan wine, beer and rum? Visit ancient :alien: ruins? Anything? ;) Anything at all?
No Atlantis, no Aliens...


However, I will say the Appleton Estates Reserve 12 Year Old Rum is quite delightful. Neat or mixed with Ting... :drunk:


Oh and Ursus & Pertinax, too bad one cannot (I don't think) find it outside of Xamayca but I found that Hermes quite likes 'Bull Brand Shandy' for safe travel libations. It's some wierd conncoction of hops, sugar & alcohol (18% ABV). I wish I would have taken a picture of the bottle!

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One other thing, if you want to visualize what I'm talking about in this blog, go to my 'Out of Order' gallery and on pages 2 & 3 (as of now in 2007) you can see pictures taken last year of the appropriate locations.


I have added comments to those images with explainations.

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And Nephele my dear, Polytheist is the preferred nomenclature, 'Pagan' has such an irreligious connotation to me... :ph34r:


Point taken. :angry: Although I couldn

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'Pagan' has such an irreligious connotation to me... :ph34r:



And not to mention the term is essentially meaningless these days, given the variety of strange postmodern groups that have usurped it. :bash:

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