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I Can't Wait



For my new scanner to get here. I hated using my camera to get my artwork online, and my old scanner is beyond worthless, so I decided to get a new one. My dad sent me a Circuit City gift card, but, much to my surprise and dismay, the local Circuit City does not carry flatbed scanners! I've ordered one online and received conformation last night that it has been shipped. I cannot wait till it gets here!


I have managed to get my hands on a copy of Roman Sex and have taken a break from Simon Scarrow to read it. Nonfiction is my true favorite thing to read, and I got halfway through this book in a matter of an hour or so! Of course, it helps that it's mostly pictures, but I am enjoying it. My mother found a copy of another book, I believe it's called Sexuality in Ancient Rome for 94 cents and she got it for me for Easter.


The last part of my Easter present should be arriving any day now, I know my mom is going to give it to me as soon as it gets here. If it's what I think it is, I can't wait to have it. I know I dropped enough hints LOL.


I've written two more essays for Love, Hope and Life, I was "out of the loop" so to speak and only wrote two essays last month. Shame on me! It's a beautiful day, and I think I'll find some lunch and then go for a walk.


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Smoke what?


Pastrami, silly. I don't smoke, either. I buy mine at the deli.


-- Nephele


:mummy:, nah, just being me. :lol:


Smoke what? Weeds? A Pastrami? Nah, smoke a herring! :lol:



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