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Commies! Commies Everywhere!

Antiochus of Seleucia


AP US is the coolest class on earth.


Today I learned that the US saved the world from communism! We spent billions of dollars in foreign aid to hapless countries to prevent communist uprisings and combat the spread of this form of government. We saved Greece, Turkey, South Korea, and pretty much all of western Europe from them damn commies. I'm not sure how Amero-centric this unit is, but many of the facts are quite reinforcing to the unit thesis, and we even discuss many of the stupid things America did during this time. The cold war is very interesting.


I think you are a commie. Yes you!


General Macarthur wanted to drop circa 50 atomic bombs on China, commies, and create "a wall of radiation between the communists and the free world!" Damn!


JFK is a jelly donut.


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Actually, MacCarthur's idea of "winning the war" instead of containment was the best strategy. Apparently, Truman listened to Dulles and Kennan too much.


We talked about all those guys today.


Marshall came up with the brilliant concept of donating money to the poor teetering countries, on the grounds they buy our products. Stopped communism, boosted their economy, boosted our economy.


Dulles was an idiot that wanted to get us all killed. He got the Korean conflict started for blabbing his mouth.

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1. The Marshall Plan was authored by Truman. He would not have gotten it through Congress using his name because of the republiks therein.


2. mac arthur's aide would not awaken him to tell him that the gooks had attacked the South for fear of disturbing the great general.


3. JFK was a jelly donut? ;)



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Then after the fall of the Soviet Union, we were saving the world from _____ism, which was no good, so we had to start saving the world from terrorism.

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I actually preferred Kennan's original containment thesis - keep Communism out of the industrial centers of Europe and Asia, but don't worry about eradicating it from every corner of the globe. When we strayed from that original thesis, we got bogged down in idiot third world countries.

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I actually preferred Kennan's original containment thesis - keep Communism out of the industrial centers of Europe and Asia, but don't worry about eradicating it from every corner of the globe. When we strayed from that original thesis, we got bogged down in idiot third world countries.


I prefer you not say "idiot third world countries" because one of those countries happens to be mines and my fathered suffered greatly when the Americans didn't live up to their promises.

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one of those countries happens to be mines and my fathered suffered greatly when the Americans didn't live up to their promises.


Wild guess... Hungary?


Think RSVN


Europe or Asia? There are currently no 3rd world countries in Europe, they are all industrialized nations. (Even Greece.)


Edit: I figured out from South Vietnam. Your father was probably promised a democratic country but the Americans failed while you father served in the navy.


Am I right, or crazy?

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Well that's tragic, Flavius, and I am sorry. But the fact is 99% of Americans had never heard of your country before Americans started coming home in body bags from it. Its geopolitical significance was no where near the industrial centers of West Europe and Asia, and consequently a lot of armchchair students of geopolitics feel the American government should never have committed itself to its defense in the first place.


I don't apologize for thinking in terms, not when my father could have easily been sent there to die. Cheers.

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Well that's tragic, Flavius, and I am sorry. But the fact is 99% of Americans had never heard of your country before Americans started coming home in body bags from it. Its geopolitical significance was no where near the industrial centers of West Europe and Asia, and consequently a lot of armchchair students of geopolitics feel the American government should never have committed itself to its defense in the first place.


I don't apologize for thinking in terms, not when my father could have easily been sent there to die. Cheers.


I understand the your statement, but the use of the adjectible "idiot" does not do history justice. Fact is, when the US cut off funding for the South Vietnamese army, Sai Gon fell, so my father was forced to serve 6.5 years in a concentration camp(id est Reeducation camp). That sir, is the worst disgrace in US history, which also happens to be why I support the Iraq War, which has far greater consequences.

Oh, in addition, regarding geopolitical importance, if the US had won the war, the containment strategy would have lived and oh, did everyone forget the fact that Vietnam has pretty good amount of oil reserves(one reason why US companies wanted VN democratized).

Nevertheless, forget this matter.

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According to the textbook, between the years 1945 and 1984, the United States alone handed out more than $280 billion dollars.


I wonder what would happen to the world if we just stopped giving away all sorts of our money? Maybe the world would see that we aren't so bad after all. ;)

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According to the textbook, between the years 1945 and 1984, the United States alone handed out more than $280 billion dollars.


I wonder what would happen to the world if we just stopped giving away all sorts of our money? Maybe the world would see that we aren't so bad after all. ;)


Funny, the amount of money Americans(private and government donations) give out each year in donations/aid and in good faith far exceeds that of the entire European continent by the tens of billions.

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