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Tomorrow I'm catching the train to MN. It will be at least until Friday before I get online again. :lol:


I'm really nervous about the trip, not sure why. It is a lot of things I have never done before, but I think I'll be alright. I just wish I could stop worrying LOL.


We had our memorial day celebration yesterday, and my cousin's friend got his car stuck...you should have seen us trying to get it out. We got it out, but it was by 6 or 7 of us sitting in the trunk to add enough weight to get the front bumper off the pavement. <_< After that KT's friends came over, and we had a "jam session" that went until almost ten PM.


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How exciting! I'll give you an anagram identity for the road (not that you'll need one, but what the heck). In fact, I'll anagram your name into a hippie name, as I've been doing on the board to amuse myself.


Behold! As you trek across the nation, knapsack on your back and adventure in your heart, you get the hippie name of: "Kelcey MintJello".


-- Nephele


"Kathy," I said as we boarded a Greyhound in Pittsburgh,

"Michigan seems like a dream to me now."

It took me four days to hitchhike from Saginaw;

I've gone to look for America...

-- Paul Simon, "America" (1968)

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o.O you have no idea how similar that is to what I was mockingly called in elementary school...I was "Kelly McJello" for quite a while. (gawds are gradeschoolers immature)

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