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A Cato for President, Pt II

M. Porcius Cato


Ron Paul, the libertarian presidential candidate who bears some resemblance to the historical Cato, has apparently eclipsed John McCain in the fundraising effort, according to this ABC news story.


I'm wondering who a good Roman analog for John McCain might be. Regulus, perhaps, the war hero tortured by the Carthaginians? Nominations welcome.


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A few of the Republican candidates for nomination have eclipsed McCain when it comes to fundraising. Do you think that Paul will get the Republican nomination? He seems to antagonize his own party, doesn't he? And, hasn't he said that, if he doesn't get the nomination, he won't be running as an Independent? I wonder if he might change his mind on that.


-- Nephele

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I believe the odds are greatly against him, even if he gains massive support. The ideals that he's trying to revive are very threatening to established authoritarians.

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I agree with you Moonlapse. Many Republicans are simply conservatives because they worship power and authority as much as so-called liberals lust for power and authority. Small-l libertarians like me are sickened by both of them, and I'm afraid authoritarian conservatives and power-lusting 'liberals' are not only very much in the majority (which is no big deal), they're also convinced that they're morally right in their kinks (which is a very big deal). For this reason, I'm not hopeful that Paul stands a very good chance of arousing deep support in either the race for the Republican nomination or the general election, but I am hopeful that he'll have enough support that he'll remain on the ballot long enough that I can cast my vote for him. I haven't had a chance yet to vote for a candidate.

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why do the republicans bother, its going to be a democrat next time anyway ;)


p.s. btw. any idea why Presidents from the Democrats are so much more popular in europe then republicans? (my impression at least)




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why do the republicans bother, its going to be a democrat next time anyway ;)
I think a more appropriate statement would be, why do neo-conservative Republicans bother. Ron Paul is essentially libertarian/classical liberal (a political stance which I think is widely misunderstood, due to a two-party mindset). He's running Republican because its nearly impossible to get on all the ballots as a 3rd party candidate, unless you are extremely wealthy.


p.s. btw. any idea why Presidents from the Democrats are so much more popular in europe then republicans? (my impression at least)

Perhaps because modern Democrats tend to be socialist and modern Republicans tend to be corporatist. Did you know that Bill Clinton set the stage for regime change in Iraq?


Actually, in following Ron Paul's progress, I've seen unusual online support for him from Canada, Australia and Europe.

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The ABC interview:


I like how former CFR member George interrupts and tells him outright with a smirk that he is not going to win. Too bad most TV watchers can't pick up on the subtle meaning of this.

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why do the republicans bother, its going to be a democrat next time anyway ;)


p.s. btw. any idea why Presidents from the Democrats are so much more popular in europe then republicans? (my impression at least)





Not necessarily true Viggen. The Republican candidates fully oppose Bush's regime, who can with a 30% approval rating the guy's like the plagues, and have more front-runners then the Democrats. O'Bama and Clinton won't make it because of the traditionalist feelings of America and with more understanding Republican nominees there is a very good chance a Republican will be elected.


That and the fact the Democrats now control the Congress which would put imbalance in terms of politics like we've seen with the Bush administration. I think people have learned by then. ;)

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I looked over Ron Paul's campaign issues and his solutions


That's great--not your choice (though that's good too), but that you actually went to the trouble of looking at the candidate's proposals. Nothing irritates me more than "charisma voting"--voting for a president like you were choosing a date or a buddy. These voters, incidentally, are never happy because charisma depends on success more than anything, and after their clueless but charismatic candidate starts screwing up, he will have the charisma of a bad ex-husband.

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