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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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When a hobby turns into work....



Phew, now when we (PP, Moon and I) started in 2003 with Unrv.com we couldnt imagine how this all would turn out, all we wanted was a simple site with some basic info for a online role play game that theme was the Roman Empire...


The growth of articles and members and contributers is growing in a pace thats just incredible, to give you some examples...


Google has 58.000 pages indexed, now thats massive looking back starting with about 20 a few years back...


2007 till yesterday Unrv.com had almost 3.000.000 pageviews and almost a million unique visitors


I (not sure how many PP gets but assume plenty to afraid to ask :) ) get about 20 to 50 emails a day concerning Unrv.com


We get contacted by bestselling authors, top universities and Professors from all over the world, and all that i have to manage in a few hours in the morning.


So please excuse me if my replies are sometimes slow, or a review isn`t published right away, the newsletter is not as often, or you dont see me around as much as you think i should...


We have hundreds of ideas how to make Unrv.com even better or more interesting, however we all have a day-job, so implementing new stuff takes unfortunatly more time then we want...


...sometimes i wonder if i should just ignore all the monthly bills that i have, quit my job and work full time on Unrv.com... :D


...anyway thanks to all the contributers that makes this place special...


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Thanks is truly in order to you, PP and Moon for donating your time to make this place run, and to Ursus for being 'The Enforcer'. Having been an admin on a large board myself, I know how much time and energy it can take. Thank you for making UNRV run as smooth as it does!

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Ditto on what DoL said. Many, many thanks for all that all of you do.


I've found my "home" on the 'net here at UNRV, and I can't express enough my gratitude for having such an enjoyable, informative venue to spend my time. The friends I've made here are people I both respect and cherish for their wit, intelligence, and kindness.


I'm pleased beyond measure to hear that this site is getting such richly deserved recognition. I never miss an opportunity to promote UNRV.


I'm truly proud to be a part of your growing community!


-- Nephele

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Thankfully, I don't get very many emails, but those I do get generally require fairly in depth responses. (ie, Students or teachers asking for bibliographies or footnote information, various requests for help in research, questions about our maps, copyright reprint requests, etc.)


Still, I love it :thumbsup:

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I take my hat of to the Triumvir's, you guys really are doing a top notch job of Running this site so efficiently.


I second what Nephele said about finding a "home" here at UNRV, I've just recently reached my 500th post (yipeeee!!) which I never thought I would have, but the quality of people at UNRV has made it a pleasure and I'm looking forward to many many more.


Cheers Guys :thumbsup::D

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Thanks is truly in order to you, PP and Moon for donating your time to make this place run, and to Ursus for being 'The Enforcer'. Having been an admin on a large board myself, I know how much time and energy it can take. Thank you for making UNRV run as smooth as it does!

Ursus is in fact the "Dirty Harry" of Paganism. Make His Day Punks!

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I would love to do this as my primary job, and maybe someday it will be possible. It really trips me out sometimes when I think about it. :thumbsup: I think this site would be lost without the dedicated members.

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I too have found a home in the past three years. I appreciate the hard work done by everybody, from the Imperator and his two colleagues, all the way down to loyal equestrians.


If I knew anything about site programming, I would certainly offer to help with reviews and such. As I don't, I guess I shall happily remain the enforcing Praetor. :thumbsup:

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UNRV is WONDERFUL and thanks for making it such a cool place to hang out. :P


So many webforums I see are not that good, there might be a huge wealth of information but it's poorly run, or there is far too much drama to have it be worth staying, and some just never take off to begin with. This place is excellently managed; I am wishing that the pagan forums I go to would be like this. :D


I guess it just goes to show that people never lose interest in Rome! :thumbsup:

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This is an absolutely brilliant site, it's fun, full of great information, well maintained and updated, with a great set of wonderful forummers, it's civil, laidback, well illustrated... I could go on!


A big thank you to the site's administrators for keeping it up and running. Keep up the Excellent work!!!

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