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Vibius Tiberius Costa


I have returned, although I didn't leave for long. I think it's about time to reveal my age, I am sure you won't be surprised. I am therefore stil at school, am working towards uni and possibly moving into finance (however I am not boring as i am sure you have all atained). However for purposes i wish didn't exist i will not have my age up for long before i turn it back to 0, as i don't really want my age on the internet for long. I was fed up of 'lying' to you lot.


I think you will now understand why my book takes so long, for i am still at high school and comes second after school.


Please don't treat me to differently but bear in mind that i have less knowledge on Rome than you probably originally thought.


Cheers :)




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Well there's nothing wrong in being young it will just allow you to have more to learn! I see that as a good thing. I'm rather young by the norm here too and I've never found that anyone have had any strange reaction too that.


Maybe Nephele would prepare an age statistical material for us? :(

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Maybe Nephele would prepare an age statistical material for us? :(


Hahaha! Nephele's age is officially "1 year old", because I was "born" when I discovered UNRV, on September 14, 2006. :D


As far as my UNRV statistical curiosity goes concerning age, VTC is ten days older than me. And you, Klingan, are a whoppin' 5 MONTHS older than me! :(


It's the triumviri, Primus Pilus, Moonlapse, and Viggen, who are the old men around here -- more than 4 years old! :lol:


-- Nephele

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Because I am at school the book is consequently really difficult. I also have a really busy life so only have an hour a week to actually do Roman stuff and a good 10-40 mins of that is spent on here learning.


I've been at my book now for nearly a year and the past few months i've only wrote 10 or so pages. It's semi-writers block i suppose.



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