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Gaius Paulinus Maximus

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Posts posted by Gaius Paulinus Maximus

  1. The way i see it is that in 88bc Sulla was left with two options, 1, march on Rome and fight for what he thought was right or, 2, just roll over and die and let everything that he's spent his whole life working for disappear into thin air. Which option would you choose?


    At the time Sulla was consul of Rome and had every right to take full command of the war against Mithridates which he was legally given by the senate, by this time Marius was an old man with a history of illness but with a belief that he was still the greatest general in Rome and with the help of the radical tribune Publius Sulpicius Rufus (who's masive debt had mysteriously disappeared?) they not only managed to revert Sulla's command but also came up with a law that had the potential to make the senate powerless which then resulted in riots and murders of romans in the forum.


    So the way i see it Sulla was left with no option but to march on Rome, not only for personal reasons but for political ones aswell.


    Who knows, if Sulla had been left alone to take the war to Mithridates and not been forced to take the actions he did then he would have returned as the all conquering hero instead of a bitter and twisted man bent on revenge, and we may even have been calling him the greatest Roman ever???

  2. Whats next, the smell of burger is irritating me? Ban all burger outlets, or have one section with neutral smelling burger and one section with traditional smelling? The person next door has a strong body oudeur and stinks, must he go now to a stinking section? Or maybe i am allergic to Gucci perfume, what then?


    Can't say that i've ever heard of people dying from passive burger smells Viggen, but i will agree on bad B.O., people with bad hygene problems should be banned from ever leaving their houses! :P


    Fast Food kills more people then then smoking, alcohol kills more people den smoking, weapons kill more people then smoking


    Do you have any evidence of this?


    Why is it so difficult to make a smokers only place/pubs/restaurants and leave us alone and you others can all die healthy... ;-)


    I'm all for that, although i'm a big fan of banning smoking in public places i do think it's pretty harsh making you guys go outside to enjoy a fag, so yes , smokers only pubs would be a good idea, leave you guys to cough and splutter to your hearts content :pimp:

  3. I have two small children and take them to restaurants all the time, most of the time they are well behaved but on the odd occassion they can be right little buggers so yes what the hell ban the little blighters or at least make them sit outside until the grown ups have had a nice peaceful evening :D:):naughty:


    Edit- but i wouldn't want them sitting there breathing in other peoples smoke either, children and passive smoke- not a good mix

  4. [*]Publius Decius Mus, received two grass crowns, one from his own army, and another from the troops


    Which one?


    The first Publius Decius Mus, consul in 340bc and hero of the Battle of Vesuvius 339bc.


    MPC, i got the list from good old Wikipedia, although sometimes it can be a bit inaccutate i find it quite useful now and then

  5. Here's a small account of the British expedition from Plutarch's Life Of Ceasar


    2 His expedition against the Britanni was celebrated for its daring. For he was the first to launch a fleet upon the western ocean and to sail through the Atlantic sea carrying an army to wage war. 3 The island was of incredible magnitude, and furnished much matter of dispute to multitudes of writers, some of whom averred that its name and story had been fabricated, since it never had existed and did not then exist; and in his attempt to occupy it he carried the Roman supremacy beyond the confines of the inhabited world. 4 After twice crossing to the island from the opposite coast of Gaul and in many battles damaging the enemy rather than enriching his own men

  6. I've found a list of winners of the Corona Graminea (grass crown)

    • Lucius Siccius Dentatus
    • Publius Decius Mus, received two grass crowns, one from his own army, and another from the troops which he had rescued when surrounded.
    • Fabius Maximus, after Hannibal had been expelled from Italy.
    • Marcus Calpurnius Flamma
    • Scipio Aemilianus Africanus
    • Gneius Petreius Atinas, a primipilus centurion during the Cimbrian War
    • Lucius Cornelius Sulla during the Social War at Nola
    • Quintus Sertorius

    Here's what Pliny had to say about the Grass Crown


    But as for the crown of grass, it was never conferred except at a crisis of extreme desperation, never voted except by the acclamation of the whole army, and never to any one but to him who had been its preserver. Other crowns were awarded by the generals to the soldiers, this alone by the soldiers, and to the general. This crown is known also as the "obsidional" crown, from the circumstance of a beleaguered army being delivered, and so preserved from fearful disaster. If we are to regard as a glorious and a hallowed reward the civic crown, presented for preserving the life of a single citizen, and him, perhaps, of the very humblest rank, what, pray, ought to be thought of a whole army being saved, and indebted for its preservation to the valour of a single individual?

  7. At first there were less than 12 lictors for the Consuls (in the 6th and 5th centuries - only 1 Lictor) . The notion that the 12 Lictors represented the 12 citys of the "Etruscan League" is not accepted anymore . Why the number was raised from 1 to 2/3/4 to 12 is not know (maybe someone know's why ?)


    According to Wikipedia there were 30 lictors in total, 24 for the consuls (12 each) and 6 for the sole praetor.


    Lictors were associated with the Comitia Curiata and probably originally one was selected from each curia, since originally there were 30 curiae.

  8. Good call with Sertorius, if it had'nt been for the opposition of Sulla he could possibly have become one of the greatest Romans of his time, he had it all, he was a great statesman and a great general, it's just a shame that he came up against the powerful Sulla.


    This is slightly off topic but was Sertorius a distant relative of Gauis Marius or is that just from the imagination of Colleen Mccullough?, i can't seem to find any evidence to support it.

  9. Like MPC says the majority of people will be happy to believe that Rome was just like it is in the blockbusters and be happy to leave it at that, i think it takes someone with a true love of Rome to take the time to look into the real history of Rome and get past all the blood and gore of the movies and delve into the "boring" side like the workings of the senate, the daily life of the typical citizen etc. To Romanophiles like us that sort of stuff is fascinating, to people who like blood, guts, action hero's that sort of stuff is boring.


    Basically i think it takes more than a movie to get you properly interested i think the interest in history has got to be inside you from the very beginning.

  10. It was surreal watching Leeds with Burnley's best two ex-strikers , being beaten by us with an ex-Leeds man scoring the winner ;)


    Tell me about it!!


    Robbie Blake is a class act when he wants to be, the same goes for Andy Gray..... good goal though, think we had a bit of hardlines with the sending off, it's the same old story, when your down in the s*** and need a bit of luck it never comes........ :wine:

  11. Publius Decius Mus.



    There were 3 of them .

    Sorry for my lack of clarification-


    All of them. All distinguished themselves valiantly.


    The first Publius Decius Mus - certainly


    The second PDM - maybe


    The third PDM - not so sure


    All were very brave and heroic of that there's no doubt but good generals ? IMO the jurys out on that one.

  12. Paulinus - our esteemed Leeds fan - how are you feeling now you have Denis and Gus on board?


    The jury is still out, one game we play really well the next we are shockingly bad, we just cant seem to get a run going, but in the long run i think Denis and Gus have the potential to become legends at Elland Road, i must admit i was a big fan of Gus Poyet before he came to Leeds, I think he will bring a bit more fun and charisma to the dressing room, it already seems to be paying off, the players are looking like they're actually enjoying it and Denis Wise has given them that fighting spirit which was serverly lacking while Mr Blackwell was in the hotseat.


    All we need now is for old Santa Claus to put his hand in his very deep pocket and give Wisey some cash to spend.


    Just watch us start climbing that table :wine: (i hope)

  13. Thank fo that link Pertinax, i've recently started trying to learn latin, i've got the Cambridge Latin course book1 and am enjoying the challenge although it sometimes gets a bit too much and i dont have as much time to study as i would like.


    I've just purchased the Harry Mount book from Amazon, it's got some great reviews on the site and sounds like a pretty light hearted look at the classic language, it could be just what i need, i'm going to stick at the Cambridge book but also use Amo, Amas, Amat for a bit of extra easy going reading.


    Will let you know how i get on :rip:

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