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Posts posted by Artimi

  1. Isaac Asimov's Foundation Trilogy also deals with the collapse of a complex society - an Intergalactic empire.


    This a wonderful science fiction series from the early 1950's. Can the Dark Age that follows the collapse of an empire, complex society be shortened? Is there really a discipline called psychohistory?


    Erik have you read the Ward-Perkins book- The Fall of Rome and the end of Civilization?


    Note to self:

    Possible fancy or project: reread the Foundation trilogy (for the upteenth time), re read the Ward-Perkins book, read Taintor's book and attempt once more the read Peter Heather's politically correct book.....

  2. this will involve some losers


    This phrase is used a lot when counting costs of downsizing anything such as companies, health care, public transport.


    It is such an innocent bland phrase. Anonymus numbers of people of all ages, easily acceptable.


    But, it involves actual people. And from what I have seen, it is usually people who cannot afford to lose more.


    And yes I know, understand, realize, there are people who abuse any system.

  3. For an ancient Greek, the easiest way to get a six-pack with those muscular abs is to buy a bronze cuirass hammered into the appropriate shape.


    Available from your local armourer. (If Pericles could walk around with that silly helmet perched on the back of his head all day, bronze abs should not be a problem.)


    There's a great example here http://www.amazon.co...=283155&s=books



    Six packs? this picture reminds of the the segments of a possible agressive insect.

  4. I've spent the last 2 weeks watching a DVD collection of Farscape.


    Farscape was a cult Sci-Fi hit 10 years ago. I caught episodes here and there and thought it was ok. But watching all the episodes back to back on DVD has really made me appreciate it.



    I really enjoyed watching Farscape first time round, I didnt get to see all the episodes. One day.

  5. I am readint The Antonines- the Roman Empir in Transition by Michael Grant. I am enjoying it which right now is the most important thing. But I am learning and like the writing style and physicality of the book. Old fashioned hardcover binding and it is mine mine mine!!.


    I do want to read Eragon by Paolini. I saw parts of the movie and enjoyed it.

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