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caesar novus

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Posts posted by caesar novus

  1. asking if you need anything from Rome I told myself I could do the same for Napoli, Pompei, Herculanum, Velia, Capri, Paestum

    Maybe pictures inside Paestum Museum, which is quite nice and not yet finished IIRC by my last visit. Also how about pictures of favorite local cuisine... like mild Sorrento lemons, Caprese salads/sandwiches, blood orange drinks, and smooth gelato:


  2. I'd better stick to passing on choice opinions of others rather than my own, or someone may catch me contradicting my motto:

    My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right.

    A CNBC reporter suggested the AIG bonus issue was intentionally pumped up and then defused in order to divert attention from a potentially worse populist outrage against the gov't. Many zillions of tax money is going to foreign financial companies who took out AIG insurance on obviously risky and lucrative investments, and will end up the winners due to being made "whole" by the US. On the other hand, they were burned badly by the gov't takedown of Lehman, and opinions are split whether the kill-Lehman or save-AIG approach by gov't was the best or worst one.


    ...read the full article at Harvard Business

    In http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/e...icle5821706.ece the Harvard Business School is portrayed as a typhoid Mary... at the center of most recent financial disasters. From Enron to Lehman to RBS, they pushed and participated in the very innovations that later lead to downfall, even recently praising them as the epitome of the way forward. Which brings to mind:


    White, Blue-Eyed Bankers Have Brought World Economy To Its Knees

    An editorial from The Economist magazine claims we should appreciate this "bleeding edge" financial innovation from mostly the Anglo world, and tolerate a fair amount of stumbles. It's one thing for other countries to follow along and emulate the capitalist experiments that seem to work best. But the way forward to better well-being has to be blazed by people free to break the paradigms and smash entrenched interests holding things back. Some small tweaks to the notorious types of securitization may bring a lot of new opportunities. So the reins of regulation best be light and not presume too much. And our suffering may be like that of Roman warriors, hopefully civilizing the world albeit thru a certain amount of mayhem!

  3. Interesting, although I cannot stand the oration style of almost any US president... to the extent that I still lunge for the mute button with a sense of desperation on any newsclip. It just seems blatant opiate for the masses, although maybe my nonsense radar is too quick to engage.


    I have only responded to oration from some almost evil figures, and one recent example must have been fictional where a BBC portrayal of Crassus explained to his troops why he had to decimate them. Wow... passionate about ideals, direct about his disappointment, and to the point about his gruesome solution. If I heard that I may have been mesmerized enough to not bring up the obvious point... "Sir, must it be every 10th man to submit to the hammer or every first out of 10"?


    Such oratory may be what is needed more than actual correct content right now. Just like FDR, who co-opted and kept at bay various populist rebellions with rhetoric and some pretty bad actions. It is increasingly recognized in the economics world that, unlike the myth, many of Roosevelt's famous actions stifled or reversed recoveries, that did actually work out in other countries without those steps.


    Anyway, here's some criticism about Obama CONTENT that has even led to a lot of known O. supporters in the financial world to repeatedly plead to him publicly along the lines of "please shut up!". His high toned but populist slant built up from mid Jan to mid March, and I think took a recent reversal which is reflected in this graph: http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=PGF&t=...;q=l&c=^DJI


    The violent downdrafts in early March were directly tied to his loose-cannon statements about wiping out investors who were trying to help out troubled banks (pgf curve) or <<oops, this wrong example now removed>> . This was bad relative even to the well known Dow Jones disaster curve. His philosophy to punish some past scapegoat actually punished the folks coming in to carry the load of recovery (some wiped out forever; had to call it quits before partial rebound).


    Same thing with his recent call to arms to be ruthless about bonuses. Some folks that are giving up AIG bonuses were experts recently hired to untangle the mess, with a salary of only one dollar in addition to the bonus and have now quit (I earlier posted here about how populist outrage would make the turnaround experts stay at home). It's the height of idiocy to cause a brain drain out of this company that the taxpayers needs to sell back to the private sector to get their billions back (besides punishing employees not a bit to blame).


    So he soothes the masses with oratorical style while Rome burns. Well, after it got to the point where his oratory incited death threats against his targets, it appears he has stopped pandering to the populists and either found Clintonian pragmatism or else realized how well the financial world bankrolled his election. I'm not impressed, but didn't expect much from either him or his elderly opponent, neither of whom seemed to have the executive experience of even a child who has run a lemonade stand. Can learn on the job, but I don't see why this one has had the automatic benefit of doubt from the intellectual set. Maybe my oratory blind spot prevents seeing real aptitudes, though...

  4. But there must have been a lot of misses where the pilum hits rocky ground. And there must have been pauses in some battles, where a bunch of unbent pilums laying about would be a temptation to an enemy who might be now low on weaponry and perhaps finding the Romans on the brink of defeat.


    At least this is what Romans might imagine when sitting around a campfire, and I imagine guys even back then liked technical "gimmicks" aside from their actual efficacy.

  5. I had always pictured the Roman Legionaries on fatigue duty heating and straightening their recovered weapons. It strikes me as a total waste if they couldn't.

    Heating should do the trick... of melding those stress fractures back to normal. Dunno what temp would be needed (and hammering, blowing bellows, etc?). Maybe someone could experiment by straightening a thin bent nail, then holding a lit match on it before reusing it. Could help me with home repair work if it works.

  6. Pretty good one on Roman Civil War, huh? http://www.archive.org/details/Pharsalia .

    The above narrator seems to have a rare gift of very pleasing delivery - just click on one of the 128Kbps mp3 files. For more examples of free readings of Roman material of much more variable quality, check the beginning of http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=ro...dio_bookspoetry and towards the end of http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=ro...etry&page=2


    Maybe the less good ones are worthwhile for listening during distracting environments like commuting. I think an ideal player for audio books is the Sansa Clip which has a tiny screen just big enough to navigate among books (and music, etc) yet is as little as a matchbook. I found a 8 gig (=20 books?!) one on sale for almost no more then the most entry level Apple ipod.

  7. (How could Rome ever mean bad luck?), see you guys in 3 months 8th of June! :)

    Oh boy, some more pictures could soothe the ache of my May itinerary falling apart... Some ideas:


    - If admission fees are an issue, remember the third week of April being culture week with state museums free. I used to hit 5 smaller museums a day, commando style. They have disproportionately high fees, and some are only worth a brief walk thru anyway. But others would be worth skipping lunch for, and I remember encountering a 5 euro wine festival at the end of such a day with no food in my stomach - ouch!


    - Maybe download somewhat confusing directions and maps ahead of time for getting to Hadrian's Villa by public bus (looking forward to more of anyone's pictures of that place).


    - Career in flux? Maybe schmooze with various archeo groups in order to become a known quantity for hiring consideration. If not those Swedish societies in Rome and Anacapri, then how about some rich EU bureaucracy that prevents it's construction projects from damaging artifacts?


    At a book talk today I was once more reminded of the importance of showing up as opposed to applying thru channels for a job. The Army ordered the author to go home, but he sneakily went AWOL and hitchhiked to Nuremberg to join the prosecution team of WW2 Nazis (and go on to enough glory to rate a biography). BTW, he said what do you mean justice of the victors... Stalin and Churchill were telling them to drop the trials and shoot them all, although they did acquit 2 Nazi's he thought were among the worst.


    - Modest proposal: Isn't tiny Malta providing the head of the EU in June? Hop on over for a visit to, say, the bar frequented by the prospective president. Or find him on the beach or where ever and propose a role for you and archeology in the new regime. Like a plan for Turkey (and it's Roman sites)... bring them into the EEA rather than EU like Norway and Iceland. Not a marriage, just good friends, but I think with juicy subsidies for Turkey. I hear they have umpteen Roman sites that are threatened by construction or more often unauthorized visits or plunder. Map them out, protect them, plan their future on an EU budget?

  8. M. Aurelius, not only the first guru but also the worst life coach?

    I had also wondered about that, but think it may be the case of "Those Who Can, Do; Those Who Can't, Teach." Think of the folks who are fascinated by (or employed in) psychology or marital therapy... aren't they the ones a tiny bit unstable or with 4 ex spouses?


    If I look at my own talents, which are only about twofold but not too bad... almost all the success comes at a non-verbal, subconcious level. I don't mean artsy intuitive stuff; it is absolutely based on logic but the tactics transcend what can be itemized and organized into narrative.


    Contrasted to my vast shortcomings, where I can easily reflect and think of more logical ways to cope, partly because I keep falling short. Sort of like sports where at one time you may get in the groove and dominate effortlessly and mindlessly, or at another time mess up everything and rack your brains for explanations and ways out.


    P.S. I bought the new Hicks translation of Meditations and then heard it was a bit eccentric... anyone prefer another version?

  9. Not exactly history, but it is a pretty regular demonstration on TV documentaries of recreating them and showing how they can bend after hitting shields, at least a shield being moved around in battle. A breakaway approach must have more to do with preventing the pila from being thrown back.


    Of course a victim can straighten out bends and rethrow, but unless hitting flesh it would probably just bounce off any obstruction. Anyone who has spent time trying to pound in a restraightened nail knows how severely weakened it can be.

  10. Wether Cleopatra had African ancestry or not does not exclude her Greek ancestry. A line of descent three centuries old is likely to have several different strands, much the same as with any individual who is part of an immigrant population.

    True, even the historical geneology records should remain open to challenge since there may have been ulterior motives for pretending a certain ancestory. But based on measurements of a now vanished skull, and would one eighth ancestory or whatever have such a great effect on the skull?


    I've recently stopped following Egyptian archeology, but seem to recall various mummies with funny skull shapes being reasoned away by distortion pressures over the passage of time (I'm not just talking about that Akenaten-sp? oddball). Cleo's sister skull was measured a century ago when they probably didn't recognize when or where plasticity was possible in ancient skulls.


    I wonder what skull types they consider local for that time period. Maybe not the Egyptian arab kind, but Egyptian nubian (like in current Aswan) which may be more distinctive than arab compared to Greek? Well, anyway this is based on a chain of assumptions like this is really her full sister.


    I wish such key assumptions in social sciences could be flagged with explicit certainty factors. Too often we hear xyz is the most likely, not knowing whether the speaker means something like 5%, 50% or 95% likely... that is whether there are strong alternatives. When computers were young, there was a lot of excitement in modelling artificial intelligence by assigning certainty factors and doing the math when chaining them together. I think it came up with surprising and good results.

  11. I hope they get more precise about the evidence. Nowdays it's the scientists that operate on faith rather than reason, and skim over the facts and veil the degree of certainty if it can prop up the sacred cause of victimology (human or ecological).


    For example, the case of Thomas Jefferson fathering a slave child was mainly thru "winking" innuendo which could not be supported by DNA theory (the child DNA being related to any male Jefferson, not any particular one, and the family living context not limiting things to Tommy).


    Edit: victimhood in the Cleo case being a bit different in the sense of wanting to boost the esteem of present day perceived victims by delivering them a heroine (or well known or notorious personage?). If it looks true, fine... if it looks plausible, disclose; just don't play games with half truths.

  12. Sometimes you can work an audio book into your schedule easier than a physical one. Here are some of my initial attempts to pursue that, in case it might inspire others to do so or to tell us how to do so.


    Free audio books online: There are a surprising number, expecially old ones in the public domain. Most are in indecipherable synthetic speech, and some narrated by a mixture of painfully amaturish volunteers. There is supposed to be a new on-demand synthetic speech project released in near future.


    Public library DRM downloads: Holy moley... my threadbare local library has gone online with umpteen audio books and CD's available under the watchful eye of Digit Rights Management software. Requires a library card, and makes me wonder if I might be eligible for any other library card with similar privileges.


    Issues: Most of what I see seems to be in Windows Media Audio format, which can't even be played on an Apple Ipod, at least with DRM. Even if you have a compatible WMA player, we can't load it via a Mac because it's DRM only works with mp3 (here).


    Anyway, an unexpected resource. Thinking of downloading "Caesar's Legion;

    Epic Saga of Julius Caesar's Elite Tenth Legion and the Armies of Rome" but will have to wait til I find time to both sort out download issues and actually listen. They still enforce check out timeframes, and the bits presumably vanish on a schedule.

  13. Well, thank you all for being so honest. Some might have sensed that I had blown my travel budget on a big TV, and patronized me with white lies. Actually it's worse, as I probably have to skip a month long trip to Italy with painful cancellation fees. Arrgh... hope you all will continue to post nice Roman photos online.


    Anyway, just a reminder of some computer simulated experiences. Besides the free http://earth.google.com/rome/index.html , the very expensive http://www.teach12.com/ttcx/CourseDescLong2.aspx?cid=3430 (Experiencing Rome: A Visual Exploration of Antiquity's Greatest Empire) sometimes goes on sale for 75% off, esp with coupons you can google up. I can't get the latter to show terribly clear simulations, (maybe it is my equipment) but the audio is clear, if that professor can be believed.

  14. Hmm, it's sounding as if I fell in love with the Roman Republic but then accidentally got married to her evil lookalike sister, the Roman Empire!


    I don't know where I would have seen so many busts from the Republic, and I clearly recall seeing more than one notorious emperor being depicted like a kindly uncle trying to think up less painful ways to execute Christians.


    But maybe we all take captions of busts too seriously. I visited Rome's Palazzo Altemps when they had temporary(?) cardboard signs with lengthy english writeups on the changes the busts had gone thru. For example, it might have originally been a historical figure that was changed to some god for a Cardinal who was looking for that. Then fashions changed, and it was changed to some other historical figure.


    I don't see these signs in slideshows I will post at the bottom. If I turn on the "show info" flag on flicker I only see one discussion of a faked sculpture, and googled text just talks about repairs and minor enhancements. But a physical guidebook agrees with the "cardboard" that such sculpture changes to Roman originals were widespread, not only in that Cardinals massive and now dispersed collection, but throughout the Renaissance.


    Most permanent museum captioning has not been edifying to me. In Italy it may be absent (Naples?) or be in a confusing format. Not only Roman numerals, but some puzzling initials which I couldn't relate to BC or BCE etc. And outside Italy it has become fashionable to use those annoying spotlights which inevitably become misaligned to throw captions into perma-gloom shadows.


    The following don't seem to show my poised emperors (I'm sure they somewhere exist?!) and don't seem to show edifying signs (I'm sure this wasn't from a dream?!) but might ring a bell for someone who has visited, or entice others to visit. Best to turn on the "show info" flag on for flicker, and for that matter turn them to slow and hook it up to your TV with a digital HDMI cable for a nice background show for Roman nerds...



  15. I guess that you are referring to 1st century bc pieces CN?

    I thought they were more widespread, but I must admit that while trying to find some online pictorial examples to illustrate my point... MOST do not show that quality. I do seem to remember a cluster of good life size ones in the British museum, and frequently in central Italy (often hard to identify date).


    So to restate my point with more tedious precision, this wonderful and surprising quality is by far most frequently found in Roman sculpture compared to other traditions, even if it is in the minority. It is especially striking in powerful figureheads which almost always tend to the vainglory elsewhere. And I can't prove it, but when seeing Roman sculptures tagged as a copy from the Greek... they seem more natural and nonaffected compared to what I see in Athens Museum.

  16. One thing that "hooked" me on Roman culture besides the architecture was a hard to describe unaffected, matter-of-fact composure of sculpted faces, especially of powerful men. Usually there seems none of the vain-glory theatricality or affectations of other ages, just an even tempered, centered, solid person. The gaze is neither distant nor blank, reactive nor imposing, but somehow just right. Even when the subject was a deranged psycho :(


    Sorry, I don't see Roman sculpture as a me-too of Greek sculpture; I don't groove on the Greek stuff at all. And the florid Renaissance stuff can just be moved off to Disneyland where it goes along with the cartoon themes, for all I care. I wonder why this understated gravitas; I suppose I might find the key in Roman philosophical writings. But I don't see such qualities in Roman paintings (bleh) or mosaics (passable).


    P.S. my avatar isn't a positive example but chosen as kind of an amusing exception...

  17. Looks like the geneticists have failed to disprove the artifact-based theory that the Clovis people migrated from France to the US. To oversimplify, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solutrean_hypothesis agrees today's Amer-indians have some Euro-origin genes, but they "appear" to have gone thru the same wringer (gene evolution) as all of those migrating eastwards (cross-Pacific rather than some of them cross-Atlantic).


    Well,I just want to stay vigilant since so many scientists seem to have abandoned science for new age looneyness. Some rejoice to have any ancient remains immediately reburied by their supposed tribal descendants, eliminating the chance to study whether they have another origin. Others have decried how melting pack ice will raise sea levels, while it is an elementary scientific fact that floating ice displaces the same volume whether it is floating or melted (eg. water greatly expands when frozen... and also minutely expands when warmer than +4, so it actually lowers sea level when going from freezing to +4).

  18. Oh, that's nice once I got my browser to cope with the picassa kind of slideshow.


    I'm really surprised how satisfying this kind of virtual tourism is, once you get it on full screen with quick succession to the next slide. Maybe because my visits to such sites have been quite crowded ones, so I was continually being distracted rather than absorbing. Like I hear a noisy group approaching, so start to rush to stay ahead, or maybe dance around to avoid blocking someone's view.

  19. That's pretty interesting. I'm sure they have their hands full for a hundred years already, but wanted to suggest some sites for future searching. I'm thinking of Italian military zones. They may be strategic now for the same reasons as for the Romans, but would I be right to guess many are currently falling into disuse? Also some may be relatively undeveloped/undisturbed compared to privately held land.


    For example there is a large forested conical hill in SE Capri that is fenced off for the military (maybe radar or transmitters?). I don't know the name, but its directly in from the Faraglioni rocks where boats zoom thru a natural arch. It just feels like a site for one of the supposed 6 imperial villas on Capri, being a prominent spot between the Villa Jovis and the other one now supposedly replaced by the current Certosa. You can circle it on one of the most beautiful walking trails on earth, branching off Via Tragera.


    The Romans were especially fond of this area of Capri: in ancient times scattered with splendid villas and shady ninfei
    Via Tragara, a road which dates back to Roman times.

    Also it looks possibly free of historical dwellings.... the Swedish doctor Axel Munthe reported in his 1880's book "The History of San Michele" that Capri residents working on their home foundations would find and systematically destroy many Roman artifacts (erotic mosaics, etc) due to the bad reputation of Tiberious with respect to Christianity. Well, if not there maybe other coastal military sites...

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