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Blog Entries posted by Lost_Warrior

  1. Lost_Warrior
    I didn't think I would ever get it done, but I did. My review of The Eagle's Conquest has been sent to Viggen for publication. It's been several months now, since I started reading the book. I promised you a review to come soon, thinking that I would read quickly but alas, life got in the way. Now, finally, I've finished the book and have written the review.
    Time to celebrate! :drunk:
    I have tomorrow and Friday off, which I am very happy about. Our one assistant manager quit at a pretty bad time, so my schedule got rearranged. I'm back to forty hours a week, which is a mixed blessing. I will have to start training for Subway in a couple weeks, which will be a welcome change of pace however I am unsure of my feelings about it. (The addition of SubWay will probably change the work environment quite a bit, and I don't like that prospect at all). The remodeling is scheduled to be done on March 17. If you look at the current status of the project, this date seems to be pushing it a little, however, hopefully, the new coolers should be up and running today. I kind of doubt it though, because of the heavy snow we have been getting since yesterday. I was sort of hoping that work would get called off, but alas, there is a reason I joke that our store is "open 24 hours-even if it's on fire". The snow is falling so fast that plowing is pointless; ten minutes after it's done it needs done again. I don't think the truck made it today, but I hope it did.
    My trip to Minnesota is scheduled for sometime in early June. I was hoping it would be sooner, but it's nearly definite now. I can't wait to get out of here! I don't know what I'll do when I get back, but I'm not going back to working at a gas station. No, never. This sort of work is not good for me, physically or mentally as I have seen in the past couple of months. Just three more months, and I can get the heck out of here!
    And now, I can start procrastinating on the next book in the Eagle series. It is upstairs on my shelf as we speak.
    I have so many books I don't know what to do with them all. The obvious answer is "read them" but alas I'm not quite the bookworm I used to be.
  2. Lost_Warrior
    Her name is Josie. I had to practically chase the mailman to get her but she's HERE!!!!
    I spent a few frustrating hours getting her set up, but now I'm laying on the couch watching TV and posting blogs like a good little lazy techie.
    It took a little while, but I'm getting used to the keyboard and touchpad and I LOVE IT!!!!!
    :D :D
    Now if only Kitten would get on so I can bug him on webcam.
    Tomorrow is Friday. ME SO HAPPY!!!
    I didn't think I would, but I love the Google desktop. I was trying to figure out how to turn the damn thing off when I realized "hey I kinda like this" so I started playing with it. It's really neat! I put the scratchpad gadget on mine. Purdy!!!
  3. Lost_Warrior
    Well I've been home from my dad's for 3 or 4 weeks, and now it's time for me to find a job. I put in an application at a local grocery store. Not only is the place within walking distance, but I liked the atmosphere and thought I would like to work there. They weren't officially hiring, but they were short staffed. I had two reccommendations from people who worked there. I turned in my application. I called a few days later, they told me that the manager had taken it upstairs to look at it. All was looking good. They told me they'd call me. They didn't. I called back, they said "oh, well we looked at your application but we aren't hiring". Um...you think they could have told me that...when I handed in the application? OR, when I called the first time? I think they just wanted a nice way to blow me off. But they could have called. That way I'd have known to keep looking.
    See, the problem is, where I live no one wants to hire an 18 year old. People my age have quite a reputation for not showing up for work, walking out on the job, or if they do show up and stay there they just stand around.
    So I applied at another place, the small convenience store/gas station. The manager was very happy to see me, told me "we're always hiring! They'll find some place for you!" and sent me off with an application, which I turned in 15 minutes later. I went back a few days later to check, and they had lost my application. Manager said she'd find it, I called the next day she hadn't even started to look. OK, that's fine. Told her that if she couldn't find it and needed me to fill out another one, to call me. Said she'd be conducting interviews maybe at the end of the week. I haven't heard back from her yet, but I'm still hopeful.
    I was going to go yesterday with my neighbor to a knife/tool place in Williamsport. See, we are both collectors of knives and swords. He was ill, unfortunately, and also Williamsport was getting pelted with hail and tornados Needless to day, I didn't go. I needed to get some driving time in in order to get a discount on insurance, so today mom and I went to Wal*Mart. (I love Wal*Mart).
    Unfortunately, the road we usually take was closed. So, we had to go the long way around, and we managed to get lost. Well not truely lost, but we were much confused.
    Finally we get to Wal*Mart, and I happen to find the ring I have been looking for. It's citrine, and I wanted a citrine ring, not so much for the look of citrine (citrine is a yellow stone for those who do not know) but for it's energetic properties. Some believe that wearing citrine attracts wealth, which is something I am not concerned about. However, I find that when I wear citrine or carry some of it with me, I am considerably less agitated. I found this out years ago, when I could not stand to be in my school. Large crowds and certain types of technology make me feel physically ill to be around. I do not know the reason, but I found that citrine helps with that, and with some other things as well. Recognizing the "energetic insanity" creeping up on me again, I pulled out my piece of rough citrine and stuck it in my pocket. Instantly felt better. So then I started seeking a ring made of the stuff, because I really don't like carrying random stones in my pocket. At the very least, they tend to go through the wash if they don't get lost alltogether. Besides that, my particular piece of citrine looks a bit like crystal meth. My friends and I used to joke about this, especially since I carried it in a stash box that I had found near some woods where I used to live. But where I currently live, this might not be such a funny coincidence. Especially when I'm trying to obtain and hold onto a job.
    So I found this ring at Wal*Mart, it isn't silver like I wanted, it's yellow gold. But it's quite pretty, and wasn't horribly expensive. I was going to buy one on Amazon, but when you buy a ring online like that you can't see the stone or really what the ring looks like. This one cost about the same as the one from Amazon would once you added in the shipping charges. It's also very simple, which I like, because I plan on never taking it off
    While I was in Wal*mart I stumbled across a soapstone potporri holder/incense burner which I plan on putting on my altar. I don't like incense, because of the smoke and because most of it burns my throat, however some other sort of scented thing would not bother me at all. I'm thinking a cotton ball with some essential oils on it
    And of course, I can't go anywhere without something going wrong. I stepped to get out of someone's way in the perfume isle, and a box fell off of the shelf behind me and right onto my foot. The corner left a bloody and bruised scrape Watch out for that designer cologne spray, that stuff hurts!
  4. Lost_Warrior
    My new job is going great, I feel like my old self again, and I haven't felt this good since...well...it's been probably a year now!! I'm starting to write poetry again, too; I haven't written in quite a while. Picked up a book of Tennyson poems at a used book store, and that has definitely renewed my interest in poetry.
    As for the harp, well, it appears as though the crack is getting bigger. it also looks like the top part of the frame is listing off to the side. There seems very little chance at this point that the damage is merely cosmetic, despite what my mom says (she has never played a harp before, and there are plenty of people who have happy to contradict her). I think unless I find out from the maker otherwise, I'm going to have to send her back for an exchange. so it will be a little while (a couple weeks) before I have a playable harp again.
  5. Lost_Warrior
    Today I decided to cut my hair. Spontaneity turned out better this time than it has in the past; my hair was two distinctly different lengths and all split, so I just grabbed some scissors and started whacking. I don't think I did too bad, but the back IS a little uneven. I've got "kiddy steps" and I'm sure my mom will chastise me But overall I think it actually looks pretty good. I'm sure mom will disagree.
    I'm concreting my plans to head to Minnesota in the summer. Things are looking up! My mom wants me to call dad and get him to go with me. He wants to, too, but I wasn't sure. I will get him to go, to give them both peace of mind (and make the journey easier). This is something I need to do.
    I'm getting further in The Eagle's Conquest and am enjoying it once again. I am very behind on my reading; I'm happy to see myself doing some things I actually enjoy again. Today I may go to meet up with some friends. Maybe I'll have dinner with them again.
    These past few weeks (and months, in hindsight) I've been having some really bad issues with my blood sugars. It didn't get as bad as passing out and such, but it was pretty bad. I'm feeling much better now, thankfully. Things are looking up! I'm just trying to hold out in my current situation until summer.
  6. Lost_Warrior
    Ok, so I went to see my dad's side of the family over christmas break. It was pretty hectic sometimes, but I'm really glad I went. I got to see Chronicles of Narnia, its a great movie, I highly recommend it. We got to the theatre late, but that only meant we missed the boring part where they set up the plot, and got there just as Mr. Tomnas entered the picture
    SO I get home. Now, all of my teachers assigned work over vacation (well...many of them did.) It's the "you're going on vacation so you'll have plenty of time to do three projects and twelve pages of problems" syndrome. Unfortunately, I was going away lol. And when I got back I was too distracted by my new colored pencils to get any work done
    So I'm working on my lab report. My dad gave me a new laptop (well..."new". The thing runs on Windows 95 and thinks its 1988 ). I thought I'd do my lab report on it, and hook it up to the printer (you know, so I can do my homework in bed. big mistake). The thing refused to print. WELL it printed SOMETHING, but it wasn't my lab report. You see, the thing must have thought it was simply hilarious to spit out about twelve pages with one line of nonsensical jibberish at the bottom
    Ok, I think, so I'll just put a cd in the drive, save it to cd and print it on my computer. Yea. OK. The cd drive happens to be broken. Great. I find ONE floppy disk in my closet, the only one left in the house. I save it to the floppy though my pc doesn't have a floppy drive. I'll have to print it at school. When I get it to school, and try to print it, the disk is broken. It causes the computer to freeze up SO I take another disk home, and manage to get it on that disk. I finally get it to print YAY Of course, I get it to print the day after it's due
    Now I'm finally done with the OTHER two projects, one a seven page chemistry report and one a simple english paper. And if I ever mention using that laptop again, somebody please smack me
    Thank Gods it's friday. At some point I am thinking of writing an actual paper on Roman paganism (different then the things that have already been posted...well if I get around to actually writing it you'll see) that is if I can tear myself away from my colored pencils
  7. Lost_Warrior
    But I have it back now. *Pries brain out of life's mouth*. A little spit covered, but no worse for wear. *grins*
    Over the past year or so, I've been so preoccupied with work, and other things, that I've hardly had time to do anything I cared about. And when I DID have time, I was usually so bogged down with depression or something similar, that I couldn't manage to do anything. It started sometime last winter...and during that time when pretty much my whole focus was on surviving and maintaining some semblance of sanity...I somehow lost track of all of the things that were actually important to me.
    Fast forward a few months, and I am off to Minnesota. I had a wonderful time, but the job I was counting on coming back to, fell through quite literally at the last minute. So my newest concern became finding a suitable job. I did that, and recently, my life has been so bogged down with various spiritual stuff (unrelated to my religious pathwork) and random mental ick (I've been putting a lot of work into overcoming some issues stemming from my childhood which were literally preventing me from maintaining functional relationships. I think I've made a LOT of progress.) that I again, lost track of what was important.
    I realized today that for the past several months, my life contained three things: my job, the mental and spiritual whirlpool that was consuming my mind, and my relationship with Kitten. I had nothing else, literally. Nothing else mattered to me, and all of the things that I used to enjoy, got in the way of those three things.
    I also realized that my best friend in the world, who is also quite the little shut-in, still takes time out of his day to watch movies. And he spends so much time working that it's absolutely insane. So while he was unavailable all day (really, for the past four days or so) I decided to take the time I have the house to myself to feed my poor brain.
    The only thing I did today that even remotely resembles work is washing the dishes and feeding the chickens. Then I took a hot bath, and sat down to write. I wrote two essays for Love, Hope and Life which are part of a project I have been attempting to do for the past four or five weeks. I've been dressed in my PJ's since about 2 PM, and I've got tons of tea and chocolate.
    I've been spending a lot of time reconnecting with my friends outside of that one relationship previously mentioned, as well. I'd realized that I'd only wanted to talk to one person, in the world...maybe two, on some days. Even a shut in needs more than one friend, so I'm making an effort to reach out to other people.
    And with those two essays (and the long standing project that they represent) done, I think I'd like to have a drink to celebrate...if only I had a drink. Well, I'll take a rain-check on the drink I guess. This has been a perfect end to 2007 if I do say so myself.
  8. Lost_Warrior
    I finished the article and it's waiting to be published, go me!
    [edit]I just realized it IS published! thanks guys! It can be found on the UNRV homepage!
    I got another 83% in AP Chem
    I went to the Sportsman's Show in Harrisburg on Friday and let me tell you, it's worth a trip, but you really cannot see it in one day. It TOTALLY redefines the word "huge". (I got a pretty little piece of agate from the Yellowstone River there. It kind of looks like a lopsided arrowhead and it's all polished up. I turned it into a necklace )
    I FINALLY turned my lab report in today, this isn't a good thing because it was due last Wednesday. I was a bit upset that I couldn't get it done before now but I'm glad it's done. Now I have an English project to contend with, which won't be too big a deal because it's art...but it's still annoying
    My art teacher loved my newest paintings, I can't wait to do more but I don't think they'll happen tonight.
    Oh yea, I'm building an Atlatl in shop (it's a device that can throw a six foot dart upwards of 100 yards...and sometimes at 85 mph) I'm really proud of it, I stained it black and painted red markings on it. It looks really cool. I'm going to do the same thing with the darts. (Most just left it boring wood colors and hardly finished lol). I'll post a picture when I get it done and bring it home
  9. Lost_Warrior
    ::glances around this poor, neglected catagory::
    Just yesterday I have started a blog for various religious essays. This will not be for "everyday stuff", but only for things about my personal path. I had started out with the intention of "starting a religion" but I realized that by believing as I do, and practicing as I do, I am effectively creating the path simply by walking it. I was inspired by someone else's religious essays, and decided to write my own. I figure it will help me to learn more about myself, which is my intention. And it may prove entertaining or helpful to others, which is an added bonus
    My blog is here: Love, Hope and Life
    I was inspired by this blog: Flamekeeping
  10. Lost_Warrior
    Well last night was prom, nothing really exceptional but I had a good time. And nothing disastrous happened either. The only disaster, was some of the food, something unidentifiable that I think was pork, and some green beans that smelled, seriously, like that really stinky kind of plastic and tasted similar. The strawberry shortcake was to die for though.
    I have the responsibility of watching the neighbors dogs for the weekend, and I went to their house yesterday morning to find the kitchen full of gas The pilot lights on thier stove had gone out. I had no clue what to do about it thank Gods "Uncle Frank" was home, he always knows what to do
    Watching the dogs is no big deal but it included staying at their house for the night as the really personable dogs (who didn't like when it got dark and they were alone, they left a "present" on the floor) don't like to sleep alone. I watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail again, and tried to crash on their couch. Except, have you ever tried to sleep with a Shi Tzu on your chest? yea. Suzy has a habit of walking all over you when you try to sleep. I woke up, with Little Bear at my feet and Suzy about 2 inches from my face, staring at me. I'm glad to be back in my own house. I was wishing I were in my own bed last night.
    My favorite TV shows are on tonight! I hope my neighbors get back by then so I don't have to stay over there (I'm not going to have to stay the night but I kinda want to be *here* this afternoon. No idea when they are getting back except that my friend will be back from...wherever she is...by nine)
  11. Lost_Warrior
    I was away at my dad's this weekend and had a great time! We visited my grandad in the hospital (he broke his back and is not doing well ...) on Saturday morning, then after that we went to New Hope, where I got my ear pierced again...
    Shiny new inner conch piercing:

    (and of course kick ass spirals as well).
    Sunday was our picnic- we had an amazing time there as well! After that we had a Wii tournament- word of advice: Wii tournaments make it really hard to walk or do anything a couple days afterward! LOL It was so much fun though.
    I found out my dad and Katie and I have way more in common than we thought. I'll probably be going back next month for my cousin's School of Rock concert.
  12. Lost_Warrior
    ...and looks like it's going to have to be sent back. There's what looks like a crack, or at least, a shoddy glue job, where the two pieces of the frame meet. At the very least, it will probably effect the sound. Still waiting to hear back from the girl I bought it from, to see if it's an issue. Mom is *insisting* that it's not a problem but I think it probably is.
  13. Lost_Warrior
    So I woke up this morning, at about 11 00 (no sense getting up early on spring break of my senior year. Pretty soon i'm going to have to get a job ) and my mom is outside the bathroom door, she heard me get up and as I was brushing my teeth she told me she was sneaking into my room to get a hanger out of my closet. I find out she needs the hanger because the dryer won't turn on...we had clothes hanging in odd places all over the house...
    The reason the dryer wouldn't start was because as mom was trying to bake bread, she discovered that the stove would not turn *off*. She turned off the power, but that also shut down every 220 line in the house, including the dryer and the oven. She tried to unplug the burner but it wasn't the plug in kind-it was hard wired. The wires were broken somehow.
    So my grandad comes to help (that's who we call when we need something fixed) and he needs a flashlight. My mom gets hers only to discover that it has exploded. Literally. The batteries exploded and shattered the plastic outside part. So I fetch my flashlight from my nightstand.
    We then discover that in order to fix the stove we need wire nuts. We don't have any wire nuts, so mom asks me to run over to the neighbors and ask if they have any. My one neighbor answers the door, laughs slightly when I tell him the story, but looks confused when I ask about the wire nuts and says he doesn't think they have any, but sends me to another neighbor who just happens to bring over three different sizes...and meets my grandparents. Nice guy we sent him candy later in the day.
    So the stove is fixed and the bread is being very slow to rise as it is cold in the house, mom finally gives up and sticks it in the oven half risen. It turned out wonderfully. The one thing that went right today. We went to my grandparents for dinner, then came home and everything is back to normal...sort of. We still need to replace the 50 yr old countertop stove...there goes our "emergency fund" lol two burners still work but the wiring is just too old..its too risky to not replace it.
    So how was everyone else's Easter sunday?
  14. Lost_Warrior
    Well after several harrowing days on morning deli (ACK!) I finally got a couple of days on the evening shift again. Last night was rediculously busy, simply because it was Friday and also because today is the first day of archery season. I hope today isn't that busy. My coworkers on deli were about going nuts because we had non-stop sub orders.
    One of my customers (who has become a rather good friend of mine just by his coming in the store) told me where to get alexandrite (the lab grown variety) inexpensively. Mine arrived today in the mail and it is GORGEOUS!! Alexandrite is extraordinarily rare and usually very expensive. This is it's lab-grown counterpart, which is chemically and physically identical to a flawless natural alexandrite, I paid $30 for this one as opposed to the several thousand (!) that a natural stone of similar quality and size would cost. Alexandrite, if you have never been "blessed" with having seen it and consequently become obsessed with it, is a nifty little gem which appears green in sunlight or flourescent light and red in incandescent or firelight. I first saw it at Kay jewelers, when I was simply window shopping (I cannot afford anything from there) and I fell *in love* with it, so that I would go to Kay just to stare at the alexandrites. I bought a setting for this one and set it myself into a necklace, my mom said it would be a pain in the butt to set the stone, however I had absolutely no trouble with it and it only took me a couple of seconds to get it set. It's a good sized pear shape on a simple silver chain, too big for a ring, though I thought of putting it in a ring it would look..."hokey" and besides, my hands get bashed around alot.
    I actually look forward to seeing my friend at work now, as he comes in almost every night. Last night he showed me a black diamond, I'd never seen one and I thought they were a metaphor or something, but they do exist LOL. We compare gemstones when there's no other customers in the store
  15. Lost_Warrior
    This wasn't as difficult and messy as I thought it would be. Worked far better than trying to do this with honey.
    I started with a little less then the amount that my container would hold of fractionated coconut oil. (I love that stuff...but I'm going to have to start using something else soon). I put that in a double boiler (well, the makeshift version) and I ground up the myrrh resin as much as I could. I put this directly into the oil which I heated, stirring for a good 15 minutes or so. (I couldn't tell you how much myrrh I used. I just "eyeballed it").
    When it smelled decently of myrrh and was a nice golden color, I strained the oil back into the measuring cup I'd started with, and cleaned out the pan with a paper towel. I then strained the oil back into the pan, put it back in the double boiler and heated it again, this time adding beeswax until it hardened to the consistency I wanted. (Test this by dripping some onto a cold plate.)
    Allow to cool enough that it won't melt the plastic container, pour into container and there you go.
    It does not have a lot of smell once it's solidified, but when you rub it into your skin the scent returns.
  16. Lost_Warrior
    I am now the proud owner of a 2006 Ford Focus SES ZX4! Yippee! It's a very dark metallic gray, very shiny and pretty. And it drives amazingly. Everything is adjustable, the seat is adjustable three ways, steering wheel, everything. I've never been so comfortable in any car (or so comfortable driving any car) as I am in this one. I actually drove all the way home by myself (and that is the first time I've ever driven alone) without feeling uncomfortable.
    We test drove two, one was a used black one from 2005 and the second one was this gray one. I got behind the wheel of this car and fell in *love*. Seriously. I had to have this car. The car ended up being $1000 more than was on the sticker because Ford changed the rebate. But my grandad managed to get them to pull some strings and get the price down some. Grr. But I have my baby.
    We left the dealership and I got to drive it home, but we got about a quarter of the way home and my grandad realized that we didn't have 1) the owners manual and 2) the spare key. So we had to go back. We got them and everything was fine though.
    After everyone spending about an hour examining the car, I drive home, my mom decides to follow me to make sure I make it home safely. and then she goes to the store. I get home fine, but don't have a house key. I realized it halfway home, then got to watch my mom drive by me waving happily while I have to sit on the porch and wait to get into my house
    I'll post a picture when I get around to getting them off my digital camara.
  17. Lost_Warrior
    I picked up a book at the library today, it's called A Pillar of Iron by Taylor Caldwell. It's a historical fiction novel about the life of Cicero (from his parent's life the day of his birth onward). An ambitious read (sixty-seven chapters!!! of really tiny print!!! 649 pages!!!) and at first I wasn't sure I could finish it, but I'm already just into chapter III and it's great...actually easy language to understand and I was laughing about something or other the whole time I was reading it (Caldwell writes with a sense of humor well befitting Cicero! ) If this book is as good as I am expecting I may just have to invest in my own copy
    I'll let you all know how it is. I may well write a review for it as well
  18. Lost_Warrior
    I went to New Hope PA today with my dad and KT. (New Hope is PA's mystically-inclined shopping town. Tarot readers are a dime a dozen there.) Unfortunately my little cousin Jenny could not come along, she became ill last night, but I hope to be able to see her sometime this week. We spent the day shopping and basically having a blast. I didn't spend much (it's very easy to spend entirely too much in New Hope) however we did visit many interesting shops which are "right up my alley" so to speak. KT added to her collection of Tigger things and also her collection of blue glass.
    I got a nice dagger in a small magic shop. It's a well made dagger (for decorative purposes or for use in ritual, not "battle worthy" as far as I know) and very beautiful. I doubt I'll use it for magic as I don't really practice magic, however I do feel some sort of bond with it and it almost instantly became very special to me. (I do collect weapons of all kinds).
    I also found some perfume oil in another shop down the street. This fragrance oil, unlike most of it's kind, is actually designed for use on skin. This was from a slightly larger magic shop and many of the oils were designed for a magical purpose, however I do not know how effective they are in serving that purpose. In any event, I chose one which smelled pleasant, and which I could be certain would not have any unwanted side effects if the magic did in fact work. It smells really good, and the smell reminds me somewhat of being in a temple of some kind. It's an odd, happy, protected feeling.
    That's all I bought, but I'm rather proud of myself because I didn't plan on spending alot of money even though there were so many things there I would love to have. We ate lunch at a nice little place called "Wildflowers", which I absolutely love. The entrance is hard to find (it's back beside a building and you have to go down stairs) but the food is served outside on a terrace (usually) and the atmosphere is amazing. As is the food. Cheaply priced (you can get a whole lunch for $8 while at most places one entre is $14) and absolutely delicious. The service is wonderful also, and you get your food quickly. I highly reccommend it if you are ever in New Hope. I know if I go back to New Hope I am eating at that resturant again.
    Yesterday we went to yard sales, and then to a wedding. At the yard sales I got a weird candelabra which is pretty much hideous, it is made almost entirely of solid marble with brass "arms" and details. It cost $4. I'm sure it's worth far more than that. I also got a pretty mother of pearl and abalone shell box, which I'm sure isn't worth too much more than the $5 I paid for it, but I simply fell in love with it. It is sitting in my room and I always have to stare at it now when I'm in there.
  19. Lost_Warrior
    I finally got to New Hope today, and I finally got my gemstone runestones! They are made of sunstone, and they are beautiful! I actually first bought a set of rainbow moonstone ones, but I couldn't connect with them, like there was a shield around them and they wanted nothing to do with me. I couldn't stop thinking about the sunstone ones! I swear they were calling me so loudly I couldn't ignore it, so I actually went back and asked if I could trade the moonstone ones I'd just bought for the sunstone ones! The guy was confused at first, but he let me. I felt really weird asking, but I couldn't leave the other ones there. The little sunstone guys seem quite happy with me...and the moonstone ones must have been meant for someone else; I do hope they find their home soon. It's actually kind of annoying being "called" by objects so strongly.
    I also finally got my dragon's blood perfume oil. I had some, but it was fake, and the smell was similar to Lady Stetson (to which I'm allergic) with undertones of dragon's blood. I had to force myself to get used to it (after nearly violent reactions to the scent). This stuff smells nothing like that, it's sweet, and flowery, and woodsy all at once. And it smells like *home*. I love it. Plus, it is long lasting (by long lasting I mean I took a shower...and the smell is still on me! the fake stuff is like that as well, but not as noticeably.) The funny thing is, they were out of the oil that they carry that I like so much, so I had to go with a different brand. I got to smell some of the stuff they had left (not enough for a whole bottle) and I actually really like this better! If they had had theirs, I probably wouldn't have gotten this.
    All in all I had a really good day. I am really excited to go home (for one thing, I want to see how my myrrh oil turned out after 8 weeks or so!) and it'll be great to be in my own bed again (plus, this bedroom is so small. I literally have to vault over the bed to get from one side of the room to the other!). I also can't wait to get my own shop set up.
    I haven't actually worked with my runes yet but I hopefully will start doing that tomorrow. I just wish I could get to my google bookmarks on this computer; I have a link to a really good rune site that I can't remember the name of.
  20. Lost_Warrior
    If there is a line between "house plant" and "plant house" I think I'm about to cross it. Seriously.
    I used to not be able to grow ANYTHING but I now have...ten plants that are *definitely* mine, and my mom has I don't know how many that are *definitely* hers, and then there are a few we fight over...
    My most recent additions (this week, in fact) are a beautiful palm from the local nursery and a GORGEOUS sago palm. I LOVE cycads...and I certainly hope that my new sago loves me. I managed to kill one once before...
    This is my new Sago beauty:

    (Sagos, by the way, are not palms, they're cycads. Cycads are actually prehistoric conifers. They're absolute evolutionary marvels...they have not changed much at all in 200 million years! Now THAT is an awesome plant!)
    I spent today repotting some of my plants: my two African violets (well, three now. I divided one. It doesn't have many roots so I hope it survives...there were two crowded into a small pot in a way that they did NOT like, and so I have given them their own 'houses' to live in. ) and my 'gold dust tree' which is growing quite large since I got it last year.
    Tomorrow my...zebra plant? Is likely to get divided.
    When we go back to the nursery (I hope soon!) I hope they still have a Fantasy plant (I think it's a type of Draceana. I can't remember what it's called exactly, but it's got red and yellow and all sorts of funky colored leaves. I wish I'd bought one when I was up there before.) It's that time of year, when I want to bring nature indoors and I can never have too many plants. This year's collecting begins...
    I worked this morning, and then spent the day repotting stuff. I'm beat. I'm trying to get my mind and body both together in order to do my weekly ritual, which I'll do when the sun sinks a little lower.
  21. Lost_Warrior
    So, I had to go to orientation this morning. Had to be at the store at 6 am and then head out to New Milford. I had no clue where that was. And I was making the trip alone. Majorly nervous because I was sure I'd be lost. I get about 3 or 5 miles from the store and hit fog. The windshield fogs up terribly, so I slow down to about 20 mph (in a 45 zone) trying to figure out what's going on. It happened immediately after I hit the windshield washers, so at first I thought they did it. Then all the windows fogged to. I could not see a dippin' thing. I know the guy in the car behind me was thinking "what the hell is wrong with that car in front of me" and I pull over and throw on the hazard lights, then I turn on the defrosters and finally get the windshild clear with use of the wipers, and I head out again. It was foggy and I had to drive 10-15 miles under the speed limit most of the way. The road I had to take most of the way was a mess because of recent rains doing major damage to the blacktop. Then I get to the end of the road that I *thought* went straight into New Milford. I have two choices: right or left. Now, this wasn't in the directions I was given, so I was *sure* I made a mistake. I look right and see there's more buildings down there, I figure I'll get to the nearest likely one and I'll ask directions. Then I see "New Milford Hardware" as I'm driving down the road, and I think "hey, maybe I made the right turn after all!" Still no sign of the store I'm supposed to go to, so I pull into the parking lot of an automotive shop and ask directions to the store. If I had driven 10 more feet down the road I would have seen it. They guy probably thought I was nuts.
    I thought I would be late, but I actually was about 40 minutes early. I followed the trainer into the parking lot. We were talking and she looked at my paperwork. She said "I can't believe she's starting you out at only ** an hour! That's a little low, don't you think?" I'm like "um..I guess so. I don't know what they normally pay." She makes a phone call to the corporate office and gets me a raise...before orientation even actually starts!!! I'm a bit concerned about this actually, because my manager does not know about it yet, unless the corporate office contacted her. I hope she doesn't get mad.
    Orientation itself was kind of a bore. It consisted of sitting at a table watching videos, filling out paperwork, and cracking jokes with the other trainees. The company bought us lunch, and it was good lunch to. I had an italian hoagie. I was not sure how they were making it and was quite shocked when she dumped some thick stuff over it instead of the oil I was expecting. The thick stuff turned out to be creamy italian salad dressing. I was a bit annoyed and confused at first, but I tasted it and it was incredible! I'd never even heard of such a thing, but it was really, REALLY good!!
    The drive home was uneventful, and I stopped up at my mom's store instead of calling her. I think I startled her I got shirts that she will wear once my uniform shirts come in. I also got two pairs of cheap sunglasses, because I broke my sunglasses and I need sunglasses. I have a pair of glasses for the car, but I want them to stay in the car so I always have a pair in the car
    LOL what's with the "too many emoticons" thing? I had no clue there was actually a limit on emoticons!
  22. Lost_Warrior
    She's here, and in good condition. There is a small odd mark in the finish however that can be remedied with some furniture polish and I'm not worried about it. I'm not tuning her a lot at one time, giving the strings and frame some time to "rest" in between, hoping to avoid undue stress on her.
  23. Lost_Warrior
    I got home yesterday (finally! It was great to be able to sleep in my own bed!). I went into my old work just to say hi and ran into my friend. She seemed angry with me, it turns out that the reason the job I thought I had wasn't working out as planned was because a) I had been calling my perspective boss' house (I was given that number and I had assumed they had a home office; it didn't make sense that I would be given his *home* phone number!!) I called a few too many times (even though I was told to call back later in hopes of catching him!) and c) I was following some very well meaning advice that obviously I shouldn't have followed. Basically, I was a bit overzealous and in trying to secure a job, I pissed off the guy's wife and blew it.
    I hope I didn't get my friend who had hooked me up with the guy in trouble; I don't think I said anything that would put him in a difficult position if things didn't work out (I was careful not to do that!) but I don't know what *he* said. I guess I can't do anything about how far he chooses to stick his neck out; but I still feel responsible.
    I'm going to call him tonight, and I'll call the guy I was going to work for tomorrow. Basically I'm going to say something like "I'm sorry I kept calling your house, honestly I thought that you had a home office and did not realize that I'd been given your home phone number. I didn't mean to cause any disruption in calling to tell you when I'd be back in town, I was following well meaning advice that I shouldn't have followed. If you still want to talk to me we'll set something up and if not, just tell me now and I'll go away, no hard feelings."
    I'm not too worried about not getting the job, I know I can make something work. I've got more than one back up plan! I *am* kicking myself in the butt though!
    I came home and the energy here is much better than it was when I left. I still feel a bit pissy whenever I'm here and I don't entirely know why. I guess I have to work on the energy here, because this doesn't happen elsewhere.
    I see my mom has a lot of new books that I might like to read. I started one called "Sexual Life in Ancient Rome" or something like that (can't remember now) and though it's written in a style that's a bit dry, it is very interesting.
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