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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Posts posted by Princeps

  1. I caught the Nero repeat on Wednesday. I enjoyed it, though there were some bits that seemed wrong (I only had one eye on it as I was painting at the time). I am fairly sure he kicked Poppea to death after a night of drinking (for which she criticised him), and I also thought he got his slave to stab him in the heart, instead of inserting a blade into his own neck. It was quite good, enjoyable.

  2. Unfortunately I missed this. I watch a fair few hours of TV on Thursday nights, but there are other shows that compete with the subject programme (Sopranos, and I think that was the night I caught up on 'Low Winter Sun', plus something else too). One of my friends watched though, he was apparently amused by a scene in which Nero contrives a survival strategy involving 100 prostitutes, and another where Nero finds a comely young lad with the aspect of Poppea. That's the type of thing that amuses him :furious:).


    ps Admin, have we lost the media forum?

  3. I am Simon Quinlank! Prepare your weak lemon drink and see my hobbies!



    The famous hobbyist Simon Quinlank would be proud. I have managed to combine 2 of my hobbies into 1 project. Here is my interpretation of a Roman Legionary circa 30,000AD. There are a few more bits to add and I need to take a decent pic too, but this is basically the final WIP shot. Painting will take around 10 hours, it will be a simple scheme but I will put a lot of effort into it as this will hopefully be a competition piece. Can anyone tell me what the tassles are called?



  4. I was never a massive fan. WHile he was amusing and fun, this was offset for me by his inappropriate treatment of wild animals. A truly great naturalist, David Attenborough for example, would never interfere with animals in the way that he did (jumping on crocodiles and wrestling them around, grabbing snakes, goading them to make them strike at the camera etc etc).


    Regardless of this, it is sad news.

  5. To me this smacks of elitism.


    I come here for fun and discussion. I simply don't have time for all the academic flummery.


    If this becomes the norm, it will be a case of "goodnight" from me.




    I agree 100%. To be blunt, this idea really, really blows. It would suck all the fun out of UNRV. I am not an academic, I am an enthusiastic amatuer. This proposed new system effectively rules me out of all future debates, period (I have a few dozen Rome books, but even if I had the time to stack them up beside my computer and source all of my posts, I would certainly not enjoy thumbing through them every time I wished to contribute to a thread). It may be ok for those of us that have an encyclopedic memory, or are deep into the subject every day of their lives (lecturers and what have you), but it's not good for the rest of us.



    To me this smacks of elitism.

    I come here for fun and discussion. I simply don't have time for all the academic flummery.

    If this becomes the norm, it will be a case of "goodnight" from me.


    (quoted again for truth).


    And then there's the logistics to think about.


    Edit - just read that this will be a separate forum. Ok, I guess if people want this then let them have it. I see no problems with the current system.

  6. Could it be the guy on the left? Universally acknowleged to be the greatest practioner of the beautiful game that has ever lived. Unfortunately he played a wee bit too long, which hamstrung the team a little. Then we get the guy on the right, but he proceeds to hamstring himself, so it's not looking great this season.



  7. what is the quotation " the Roman sword can both stab and cut, but the Celtic sword can only cut, and that needs a little room", I paraphrase badly, but I think you have it there.


    "The slashing blows favoured by the Dacians was far inferior to the stabbing motion of our own Legionnaries"


    Also paraphrased. I think a few of the Generals said similar things though, I believe it.


    Hey, those Dacian falxes were nasty. If they got you at all it probably meant dismemberment or split down your head. That was one of the few moments in history where the Romans had to use unorthodox armor- gladiator armbands and helmet reinforcement.


    The falx has been discussed in this thread, http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?showto...4&hl=hammer


    I know it had merit, I think I nominated it as my favourite weapon (behind the Gladius of course, which I still think is superior when combined with Roman techniques).

  8. what is the quotation " the Roman sword can both stab and cut, but the Celtic sword can only cut, and that needs a little room", I paraphrase badly, but I think you have it there.


    "The slashing blows favoured by the Dacians was far inferior to the stabbing motion of our own Legionnaries"


    Also paraphrased. I think a few of the Generals said similar things though, I believe it.

  9. ...being born of an Italian family doesn't ensure that you have more Roman blood in you then for example someone born in Britain.


    I disagree. It virtually guarantees it.

  10. Well, thinking further, I'm not entirely sure I could manage it any time soon. I'm going to enrol on another course in September, I'd still have a little free time of course, but I've also been off the road since Christmas (I'm seriously thinking of quitting driving for good too). It would be a fair way down the road for me, if at all. (I hope I didn't give the impression that I was a probable).

  11. If the BBC are involved ,its likely that they tested the population of a Station buffet in Hertfordshire and drew wideranging ethnographic conclusions from this.


    I think they're becoming more inclusive. They may have ventured as far as Chester.


    If the BBC are involved ,its likely that they tested the population of a Station buffet in Hertfordshire and drew wideranging ethnographic conclusions from this.

    You Brits have such great place names. I am going to move that Brooklyn be rechristened Brookfordshiresexington Great Olde Place.




    AMerica has it's fair share too, I always liked the Wild West names, I'm sure there'll be a town in the US called 'Dead Dog' or something. I always liked 'Cumming' myself (Virginia?).

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