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Video Games Systems Or "entertainment" Systems?

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I have to say the new wave of next-gen systems have really hit a new low IMO. The new price of the PS3 is really ridiculous considering why its so high. The systems seems to focus entirely on a minority of the market, spending all of this money on this "High-def" stuff which probably about 30% of the game market even has(and even here I would have to say exaggerated). All of this is pretty much manditory leaving only a 100$ difference(which shows just how exaggerated the price is considering it basically removes a 60gb harddrive, supposed to be around 40 bucks, with a 20 gb one.


What do you think about this transformation?

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I lost faith with game systems a long time ago. I stick to PC games for my gaming experience, because they are the only ones anymore these days which put out worthy games. Console systems all seem to have nothing but eye candy crap, lots of explosions and fancy effects, little real content.

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