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Formations And Tactics

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I would love to know more about roman tactics especially, I know a fair bit on the maniple orders and cohort strengths but pre- Gaius Marius I know very little apart from Hastati, Princepes and Triarii were the bulk of a force, I would be most grateful for some detailed replies. Cheers

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In the Republican army you would first have your velites harass the enemy while sceening the approaching main force. The hastati would first engage to wear down the enemy. Once the hastati tire, they fall back through the openings in the maniples and the principes would finish the job. The triarii would hold ground in case all failed. They had the interesting job- if you were a triarii you would rarely have to fight, but when you did, it meant you had to protect the routing army, and not fall back yourself. The cavalry alae were mainly to protect the flanks and ham a fleeing army. Besides ambushing, the legions really didn't do too much fancy meneuvering like today's armies. (I think)


As for post-marian legions, you may find the different formations at the bottom interesting.

Edited by Antiochus of Seleucia
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De Re Militari by Flavius Vegetius Renatus has pretty much everything you'll need to know about the workings of the Roman army



Edited by Gaius Paulinus Maximus
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In the Republican army you would first have your velites harass the enemy while sceening the approaching main force. The hastati would first engage to wear down the enemy. Once the hastati tire, they fall back through the openings in the maniples and the principes would finish the job. The triarii would hold ground in case all failed. They had the interesting job- if you were a triarii you would rarely have to fight, but when you did, it meant you had to protect the routing army, and not fall back yourself. The cavalry alae were mainly to protect the flanks and ham a fleeing army. Besides ambushing, the legions really didn't do too much fancy meneuvering like today's armies. (I think)


As for post-marian legions, you may find the different formations at the bottom interesting.


This has been incredibly helpful, thanks for the points :P


De Re Militari by Flavius Vegetius Renatus has pretty much everything you'll need to know about the workings of the Roman army




The site you have given me has been a real help, My pre-marius is rally bad compared to my after marius and this will hlep me on my way. cheers

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