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Romans vis-

Edited by Faustus
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Schools should work like they are supposed to. Teachers should focus on the lesson plans and encourage those students who care to achieve and leave the rest behind wading in the miasma of their illiterate texting gibberish. Instead, they spend too much time trying to reach out and enforce educational equality (some of this mandated by the necessity for the schools and individual teachers to record certain "testing" qualifications), while the best and brightest are left to achieve on their own merit.


I understand the reasoning for why public schools do things the way they do, I just don't personally like it. Freedom provides the opportunity, not the guarantee. That's my ultra-(US)constitutional viewpoint anyway.

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I opt for another option: if students continue to use their cell phones (and iPods, btw) in class, snatch it from them, whack them upside the head, and send them off for re-education!


Ok, a little harsh, but seriously...I have college-aged students who honestly don't understand that the classroom is one area where one NEVER uses that stuff. And then they're indignant when I tell them to knock that crap off, or they can leave the class. I know some professors will take the device away, but I feel that's high school level...and if there was a dean or principal to send them to, they'd do that, too. No, I feel they can be treated like adults...called out, and told that they will leave the class if they keep it up!

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My daughter is in 8th grade and in her school you are allowed to bring your cellphone or Ipod to school with you, but it is not to see the light of day. If so, it is confiscated.

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If you whack the kid, you have to deal with mommy's schiester.

If you don't pass the kid, you not only deal with the schiester; you have to look for a new job.

If some sort of signal is used to disable these things, the teacher won't be able to use her phone to call the cops when some thug whips out the Uzi that he has gotten passed the alleged 'security guard'.

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If some sort of signal is used to disable these things, the teacher won't be able to use her phone to call the cops when some thug whips out the Uzi that he has gotten passed the alleged 'security guard'.


Interestingly enough, there was a recent law passed (California? US? Not sure) that we instructor-types cannot ask that our students turn their cell phones off during class...the reasoning being that if an emergency signal is broadcast across campus, everyone needs to be aware of it.


Of course, students use their phones to cheat--texting, pictures of the answers, etc.--and try to get around it. I'm pretty vigilant in the classroom, and am watching them most all of the time (can't say "all the time," because I'm sure there are times when my back is turned). But who knows.


Truthfully, students have tried to cheat since there was a school....

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