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With the eyes of the Overlord

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New Forum

...was about time and last chance, the old forum software was about to expire for good (meaning no more security updates). With this 4.0 version we should be good for another 4 to 5 years and than who knows.... I am also strongly consider to change the whole site to a CMS (custom management system), with about 2.000 hand coded pages no small task, but whatever keeps one busy...



Baby - one more time....

...first encounter, little sister meets new born son for the first time... I think they like each other...                           p.s....my genetic contribution to this planet is now over, thanks it was a pleasure



Battlefield post office

I have to send quite regualry maps to various customers around the world and luckily till about a few months ago the delivery rate was really good. I think one in 100 maps arrived damaged in some form or shape, so nothing to worry about. However...   About a month ago my post office informed me that round tubes are no longer served, i cannot use them anymore, reason beeing they cannot be stacked, they roll, so they are a logistical nightmare. Ok, whats the alternative? I was told that there is



Bye Bye Wordpress

...after 11 years it is time to move on. Worpress served us at times ok but security and spam issues are got so out of hand its no longer sustainable, and that despite the good reputation it has in general. There are just too many hack attacks and spam floods coming with it that i decided the time has come...   To give you an idea, we run wordpress really only for the front page, basically a news window to new content we produce. The forum, gallery, blog and download section is all one softare



Decades before Industrial became mainstream...

Loud, pounding drums; harsh, whispered vocals; unusual instrumentation; and a somewhat catchy tune buried underneath. That old-timey bit at the beginning? That's sampling. Caledonia by Cromagnon has all the staples of modern industrial music (minus the angsty lyrics), and it came out way back in 1969.     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPiO_G-DEHs



109,7 kilograms = 241,847102 pounds

...so i finally broke through the 110 kg barrier, phew, lot of sweating involved. Since my personal training session, i also noticed that i am a weakling, almost everyone seems to be able to lift twice as heavy weights then me, but i work on it..., so next stop is then breaking through the 240 pound barrier, i keep you posted....



110.7 kilograms = 244.051724 pounds

This is hard, much much harder than i thought. I fear with age the ability to loose weight fast disappears....   I tried really hard with exercise and not eating too much, despite all my efforts for a long time i was stuck at around the same weight level. It was as if my body pulled a switch and decided to not loose any weight anymore. Only a few days ago this "threshold" seems to have been broken through and i finally have a new weight to announce, slow very slow but nevertheless the pounds



111,2 kilograms = 245,154036 pounds

...i am way behind my target but at least i am still loosing weight, for some reason my metabolism has slowed down tremendously and no matter how little i eat or how much i exercise i dont loose weight in a rate that i would expect....   in the meantime some food for thoughts, excellent video about why the NON FAT craze that started in the seventies made us all fatter...      



Deutsche Musik - Kraftwerk; Autobahn

Kraftwerk are one of the most influential bands of the past 35 years. Without them, dance music as we know it today might never have existed. The signature Kraftwerk sound combines driving, repetitive rhythms with catchy melodies, mainly following a Western Classical style of harmony, with a minimalistic and strictly electronic instrumentation. The group's simplified lyrics are at times sung through a vocoder or generated by computer-speech software. Kraftwerk were one of the first groups to pop



111.4 kilograms = 245.59496 pounds

(In case you wondered; i am checking my weight every morning just after i get up, before i have eaten or before i had something to drink.) I lost again a pleasing amount of weight, since my last entry (0.4 kilograms = 0.881849049 pounds). Although i had some chocolate attackes i managed to continue to loose weight, mostly because of a technique called Intermittent fasting, i skipped dinner twice the last few days and it really gives you a boost in weight loss. I thought it will be difficult but



Deutsche Musik - Anton Karas, The Third Man Theme

Thanks to one of the greatest film ever made, the austrian Anton Karas become the first austrian music star after the second world war...   "The Third Man Theme" was released as a single in 1949/50 (Decca in the UK, London Records in the US). It became a best-seller



112.2 kilograms = 247.358658 pounds (it was the strawberry)

...so i didnt reach my goal of getting below 112 kilograms = 246.917734 pounds by yesterday but i was close, I guess that icecream yesterday with fresh strawberries made the difference, but it was worth it... Our local farmers came up with the idea to grow stuff and let consumers pick it for day to day use, it started about 15 years ago, not sure if that is also available in other countries, here its a big hit...   Right now its strawberry season and you cant get bigger, sweeter fresher and



112,4 kilograms = 247,799583 pounds

New record low since i started to check on this! 112,4 kilograms = 247,799583 pounds   Just got back from the gym, 20 minutes cross trainer, 25 minutes with cardio bike and some weightes, feels good to be alive...   let see if we can get below 112kg this week...



117.2 kg (258,381771 pounds) was enough

When you are 187cm (6.1 ft) tall and reach 117.2kg (258,38 pounds) than you know you have a (weight) problem, i didnt like it at all, so about a month ago i started to eat less and better, and 4 weeks later i am down now to 112,9 kg (248,90 pounds). While this is cool and all i realised that eating habit change alone is not going to make me feel better and there will be not much room for a little sin here and there, so i walked yesterday to a gym, signed up and today i already had my first hour



Tudo Bem?

...to combine the need to learn portuguese with making my blog more active, i will keep this as a diary of my progress, (well we will see about that progress part)...   ....as it happens Transparent Language gave away free downloadable language course in exchange of writing about the experience, so here i am busy downloading a 330 MB file, its a bit slow for my liking (just under 200kb/s) but hey, its a free download. There is also an option to download an Ipod version, (dont have one, so skip



...UNRV bloggers need love

I think we should reward our bloggers, how about an Amazon Kindle or a NOOk?   Come up with how the competition should work, who should get the first prize, the one with the most blog entries not going to happen, (sorry caldrail, than there wouldnt be a contest to begin with, you are just too productive )   ...so any ideas ???



ethiopia roman empire red sea closed

...the search phrases with which people arrive via google to our site remain pretty stable and are predictably the same, however one or two are the odd out, every week at least one funny, interesting or obscure search phrase sticks out like a sore thumb....   last week was (150 times searched)   ethiopia roman empire red sea closed which directs the people to this forum thread   ...probably a school project of sorts...



Why it`s hard not to hate the South African Post Office

08th of April birthday parcel sent from Austria to South Africa 30th of April, first enquiry at the South African Post Office for the parcel as no collection slip has yet arrived - Answer; no parcel has arrived 08th of May, second enquiry for same reasons with same result 22th of May, third enquiry for same reasons with same result 05th of June, fourth enquiry for same reason - were told, "oh, that parcel has been sent back to Austria as no one collected it" FUUUUUUUUUUUCK



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