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A New Day (now that I'm coherent again)

Today, August 14, 2007 I became an Initiate on the Pathway of the Gods.   This wasn't supposed to happen until Samhain, or maybe one of the Dark or Full moons surrounding it. My mother Morrigan, however, had other plans. (And you *don't* argue with Her! ) When I told her I was ready, I was expecting to decide then what date would be right. Instead the reply I got was "well what are you waiting for??"   The ritual took place near the same spot in the forest where I did my Coming of Age Rite s



Pathwork, Pathwork, Pathwork

This week has been filled with work on my personal path. I've renamed it Pathway of the Gods (on the suggestion of someone on Covenspace.com; I was clear out of ideas) because Walking With the Gods is just...not poetic at all. I've done a lot of work on the actual *path* part of it. Designing and working the bugs out of curricula, deciding on appropriate coursework, and actually *doing* the coursework myself. On top of that, I've written the Dedication and Initiation (both forming a two-part Ini



::Squeals with Delight::

I don't know how it happened, but when I was going to screw around with Snapfire, I found a copy of Corel Paint Shop Pro on my computer!! I don't know where it came from; the only thing I can think of is that it came loaded on the computer (it did come with a lot of photo software). It's better than anything I've ever used (so I doubly hope it's not just a trial version that will go away). I am so psyched!!   As of this moment, I'm back into digital art.   Now it's going to be REALLY hard fo




Well I talked to the guy who would have been my boss today. He said that he really was only looking for a subcontractor (and that I really hadn't made an issue by calling too much; I and my friend had both blown it out of proportion). I'm unable to be a subcontractor until I have a shop to work in, but I said I'd give him a call as soon as I had a place to work. He asked for my number as well which shows me he definitely is interested. He also filled me in on the name of the guy in Beaver Lake.



Oh Well

I got home yesterday (finally! It was great to be able to sleep in my own bed!). I went into my old work just to say hi and ran into my friend. She seemed angry with me, it turns out that the reason the job I thought I had wasn't working out as planned was because a) I had been calling my perspective boss' house (I was given that number and I had assumed they had a home office; it didn't make sense that I would be given his *home* phone number!!) I called a few too many times (even though I was



New Hope (again)

I finally got to New Hope today, and I finally got my gemstone runestones! They are made of sunstone, and they are beautiful! I actually first bought a set of rainbow moonstone ones, but I couldn't connect with them, like there was a shield around them and they wanted nothing to do with me. I couldn't stop thinking about the sunstone ones! I swear they were calling me so loudly I couldn't ignore it, so I actually went back and asked if I could trade the moonstone ones I'd just bought for the sun



Green Dragon and a Wedding

Well, I'm back safe and sound in PA. I really missed Pennsylvania, and any thoughts I once had of moving out west are now completely gone. I love this place.   Yesterday we went to Green Dragon...it's a HUGE flea market both indoors and outdoors. It's enormous. I didn't buy anything but a sno cone and a pretzel, but I had a good time just checking everything out.   This afternoon my cousin is getting married. It's going to be so weird that Becky is going to be a Pearson instead of a McJilton



Going Home

I'm going back to PA tonight at 3 25 AM (yay?). I'm exhausted and so NOT looking forward to the trip. I am really going to miss being out here in MN and working with Al. I've learned so much, I can't wait to get my own shop set up and see what I can do!   The birdbath stand that was such a pain in the ass got taken out by some wind, it's a real shame after all I went through with it. It was a good project though, I learned a lot. We went to Raven Works Forge and I got to meet Joel and Sue; the



Pagan Pride (and a few other things)

On Saturday I didn't get to go to the horse show, so I went to the Farmer's Market with Kathy. I am sure glad I did (I'm not disappointed at all about missing the horse show anymore. I was there for a little bit.) I met three people who I could talk about paganism with. The first was the salesgirl at a clothing store; she approached me and asked about my jewlery. It turns out she's Wiccan and we talked for about fifteen minutes on the subject of religion. The second was Robin who works at Brigid




Is turning out to be a lot easier especially now that I have a helmet that works properly. Al's helmet is way too big for me, and I had to hold it on, opera-glasses style. My new one is MINE and it's auto-darkening. No more "blind tack welding".   I'm currently working on some Oblisk lawn ornaments. This is actually really fun.   I haven't been this content or "mellow" in a long time. I used to be a complete spaz, but I'm not anymore. It's wonderful.



Been Busy

Wow, it's been a while since I updated this; it's been a while since I updated my other blog too. Al is keeping me busy, between working the forge, fishing, and occasionally getting to go with him when he works with horses.   I'm really starting to "get the hang of" this, and he's started turning me loose in the shop and leaving for the day. Yesterday I made a paper towel and tp holder, and the day before that, a decorative hinge. The blisters on my hands have healed and I actually have forear



What a Day!

Well, my hands are blistered, and my heels are blistered (boots not broke in), I've spark burns on my arms and I'm covered in all sorts of filth...   I finished my first blade today. Not my first successful blade, the first one EVER...and it was successful. Not perfect, but really not bad at all for a first try. I'm absolutely stoked.   I'm so happy to be here now, it feels almost like I've lived here all of my life. I had a great discussion with Kathy last night about energy, past lives, et



I'm Here

I have made it safely to MN. The journey was interesting, but not that great. I did get to see Pittsburg (beautiful!! I'd LOVE to go back!) and Chicago (nice, but not great). I was so exhausted from dragging my luggage everywhere (too cheap to rent a locker...dragged it all around downtown Chicago). I was 2 days on the rails, luggage in tow the whole time and gods my arms hurt!! I arrived in Detroit Lakes at 3 AM...and the sun was coming up by the time I made it to bed.   I'm having fun, altho




Tomorrow I'm catching the train to MN. It will be at least until Friday before I get online again.   I'm really nervous about the trip, not sure why. It is a lot of things I have never done before, but I think I'll be alright. I just wish I could stop worrying LOL.   We had our memorial day celebration yesterday, and my cousin's friend got his car stuck...you should have seen us trying to get it out. We got it out, but it was by 6 or 7 of us sitting in the trunk to add enough weight to get



Scented Oil and Salt Scrub

Scented oils from resin: This one is extremely easy; I actually discovered it by accident.   You need:   ~Some carrier oil (grapeseed works well, so does mineral oil; I haven't tried any others. Recommend grapeseed for skin use)   ~Resin incense (such as Frankincense, Myrrh, Copal or other) I can tell you from experience that Dragon's blood does not work well at all sad and Myrrh works phenomenally. mr blue   ~One of those liquid potpourri burner things with a tealight candle (mine is




I am no longer employed at a certain gas station/subway I've been complaining about for the past several months.   This job has been hard on me. Very hard. No one knows exactly how bad it's gotten, with the exception of maybe a few close friends. But I toughed it out, and I survived. And damnit, now I'm FREE!! I WILL really miss my coworkers though. We had a lot of good times together.   The meeting I was griping about earlier wasn't so bad; I feel like we got some things accomplished; at le




Come on, I can do this! Just four more days of my crappy job left! I can do it, I know I can!   I have a meeting tomorrow at 8 am, about all the ******* that has been going on. It's pretty much guaranteed to make my last four days more stressful, but it's only four days, I can make it.   I have made very good connections apparently, and when I get back from MN, I have a pretty definite hook-up for something that is nearly the perfect job for me (I say nearly because nothing is perfect!). I c



Quote Function, Coworkers and New ISP (part rant)

I'm a member of a website called TC. It's great, the people are great, for the most part, and the conversations are wonderful. The one thing that really bugs me is that the hosts are a bit erm...pushy. And one thing they are VERY pushy about is that each reply must contain a quote, made using the quote button, of the post you're replying to. It doesn't matter if you are making a general reply to everyone, you still have to quote *something*. It's very annoying, but I don't think the quote butto



What a Week!

All in all this week wasn't too bad; but these past two days nearly killed me. Friday was the grand opening for Subway, and we were absolutely slammed. It nearly killed us. We were so busy we couldn't keep up, and there were at least 14 of us working. The people were lined up nearly out the door, for hours on end. It was nuts, but we made it. I got my picture with the Shell race car, and a picture of the rather perverted looking neon sign in front of my store. I'm sending them to my dad.   Sa



Things To Do

Car registration Update computer virus and antispyware protection Book train tickets Get car inspected Acquire luggage that meets AMtrak requirements Get Tracfone minutes Get ring resized (when it gets here) Move money out of savings account Pack   Getting there! A lot of loose ends to tie up. I probably won't be very active online for a few months (until I get back). There's a lot of stuff to do, and the train trip is going to take several days.   I'm nervous about the trip, I've ne



An Update

My dad called yesterday morning, screaming at my mom. She basically told him, "you're being an @ss, and you're alienating your daughter. She's going whether you want her to or not, so you can make this easy, or you can make this hard. If you keep acting like this she might just jump in the car and go, and you don't want that, do you?" So he's stopped being a donkey's behind, and I'm catching the train in Downingtown. It'll be a VERY long ride, (about 2 days) and I have to change trains three tim



Wonderful Weekend

The weather is freakin' gorgeous! 70+ degrees and sun, AND I had off all weekend! On saturday my mom and I went shopping, and then we went out to dinner with her friend. I had a great time, and I really enjoyed getting to spend time with my mom (we rarely have a day off together). On sunday I spent some time outside, in the woods, meditating. I wrote my "rite of passage" ritual that I'm going to use when I go to MN, and I talked to the people I'm going to be staying with on the phone for about 3



Things That Make Me Happy...and Not

Things that make me happy:     I have this weekend off (as of now) and so does my mom   Our 6-inch subs are on sale   I've started working together with Heartshadow on the religion she's creating (because there are many similarities between my path and hers)   Chocolate   Black Chai Tea     Things that Don't make me happy:     My back is still stiff from shoveling 18+ inches of wet snow   I pulled my back/shoulder somehow last night and was having muscle spasms so bad



Snow??!! Ugh...

Well it snowed. We got one heck of a snow storm in the middle of April. And the power was out all day, but now it's back on again. I hope it stays on.   This week has been very stressful, but I'm extremely glad that it is over. I have tomorrow off too, and I'm really enjoying my time off. Due to the power outage I had nothing to do (other than shoveling 18 inches of snow) so I spent most of the day in meditation (when not trying to keep warm. I was huddled around an oil lamp for heat. It was



Easter Week

Well, Easter Week is over. I got my new ring from Israel and it is BEAUTIFUL. I also got my other new one today, a "color change" amethyst that really does change from a bluish purple to a raspberry red. Unfortunately, the seller lied about the size; it's a size 10 or 11, she said it was a size 7. It doesn't fit my biggest thumb.   Yesterday I got to go to my grandmother's for lunch. I had to miss Easter dinner, because I got stuck working. But I got to help hide eggs and watch the kids try to



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