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An Update



My dad called yesterday morning, screaming at my mom. She basically told him, "you're being an @ss, and you're alienating your daughter. She's going whether you want her to or not, so you can make this easy, or you can make this hard. If you keep acting like this she might just jump in the car and go, and you don't want that, do you?" So he's stopped being a donkey's behind, and I'm catching the train in Downingtown. It'll be a VERY long ride, (about 2 days) and I have to change trains three times. He's not coming with me, but he'll see me off.


I'm disappointed to learn that I would be better off leaving my ritual dagger at home, I probably won't be able to bring it on AMtrak. I don't really need it, but I'd wanted so badly to show it to Al. I don't know about bringing anything I make there home...I suppose I could mail it back. AMtrak is more strict than the airlines are, with their checked baggage. The good news is, I can take up to 100 lbs of luggage with me as *carry on* not including my purse, and I can carry up to 150 lbs of luggage in checked baggage. I'm going to try to do it all as carry on however, because of all the changing trains. I don't need much to survive after all, and it's only six weeks.


There's a lot I have to get done before I go though, I have to renew registration for my car, and get it inspected. I also have to get some decent luggage. I think I may ask my gram to go with me shopping, because she's more likely to be available than my mom on any given day and she is more well traveled than I am.


I've put in my notice at work, WOO-HOO! Three weeks...May 23...and no more work. At least until I come back from MN. (They're holding my job for me, because they really don't want me to leave). I'm desperately hoping to get a new job quickly after I come back though; my current job, while sometimes a joy, has been detrimental to my physical, mental and emotional health. I really need to get out.


I've gotten a ring to use for my "coming of age" ceremony (my friend calls it "reclaiming adulthood" and I rather like her term for it), but it'll need to be resized when I get it here. I am planning to do it *before* I go, because it makes more sense, and because it's more practical. Hopefully the weather will cooperate.


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My dad called yesterday morning, screaming at my mom. She basically told him, "you're being an @ss, and you're alienating your daughter. She's going whether you want her to or not, so you can make this easy, or you can make this hard.


Who was screaming at who?

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Did you tell your dad that you're going out of state to stay with these people, whom you've never met before, specifically for a "coming of age" ceremony?


Because, yah, that would make a dad scream, all righty.


-- Nephele

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LOL I've been corresponding with these people for three years, as have my mom. I didn't mention the ceremony to him either. He wouldn't understand. I think he assumes I'm an atheist. If I told him about Iuppiter, he'd make some crack about lightning.


He's just nuts. Yes, he has more experience, but I have lived with him for 16+ years, and he's always like this. Jeckyl and Hyde, and then some. It's scary. My family is actually afraid to let me go stay with him for a week, and sometimes I'm afraid of him to.

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He's just nuts. Yes, he has more experience, but I have lived with him for 16+ years, and he's always like this. Jeckyl and Hyde, and then some. It's scary. My family is actually afraid to let me go stay with him for a week, and sometimes I'm afraid of him to.


Your father sometimes makes you afraid? :) Nephele gives LW a hug.


-- Nephele

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