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Eagle's Mere

So we ventured into a little town called Eagle's Mere today. They have a few really cool shops, and in the first one we walked into, I found two Roman coins. Well more than two, I couldn't resist buying one, and I actually ended up with two. I wish I could have brought them all home.   The first one I picked up is from Constantine, the second, Constantius. I have no idea why I picked the one of Constantine, other than I was drawn to it for some reason. Actually, I didn't even realize until I g



Eight Crazy Nights...well...six, Actually

The first three days of this week were alot of fun, but the last three, well, were something else lol. I had to work deli alone for the last three days (I worked till 10 PM six days in a row ). The first night, was so crazy that I didn't actually manage to get anything done, I swear, if one more person came in with a pizza order or wanted a hoagie, I was going to scream lol. Then last night I had to "take down" deli, as well as do all my normal work, which I would have barely had time to do bec



And This Is Why I'm Insane Lol

So, I get in my car to drive to work, and my car CD player says "bad disk" and spits the CD out at me. (there is absolutely nothing wrong with the disk. I put it back in and it plays fine.) I stop at an intersection, and a guy is spackling overhead, there is white fluffy stuff falling down and it appears to be snowing in the intersection in the middle of summer.   Is this an omen for the rest of my day?   I get to work, and I cannot get the pricing gun to work, it somehow gets the tape of li



This Is Me Throwing A Hissyfit (parts I And Ii)

So, here it is, 10:40 PM and I just got home from work. Mind you, this would not be so bad, however I must be up at 4:30 tommorrow morning so that I can be at work at 6:30. I am also working Sunday morning, at 6 or 6:30 AM. I had switched days with someone so that I would have Sunday off, but the manager decided that since I was a trainee, that wouldn't do. So now I'm back to working Sunday again. Sure, give me some relief from this hellish weekend, then yank it away again! The shift before mine



Can't Believe I Actually Enjoy This

So, I've just completed my fourth day of work. I've had to get up at 4:30 AM every day that I have work, and I've taken to not eating lunch, simply because there isn't time and when I'm busy, I'm just not hungry. It's been interesting, getting started. I've been learning to run a cash register (which isn't as hard as I thought it would be) and learning to do various other menial tasks (which are much harder than I thought they would be).   I'm really enjoying my work, despite the early hours.




FRACTALS RULE THE WORLD!!!   I've just started playing with a little freeware program for making fractals. Fractal art using this program takes practically no skill, just pushing the right buttons and adjusting the right settings. Even so, the results are SERIOUSLY cool, and no one can argue about that.   Not only that, they can be given really awesome names. So far I have "Firefly", "Golden Peacock", "Hell's Staircase", "Sandstorm", "Snail Star", "Snow White Galaxy", "Sun Flame" and "Fire C



New Job/orientation

So, I had to go to orientation this morning. Had to be at the store at 6 am and then head out to New Milford. I had no clue where that was. And I was making the trip alone. Majorly nervous because I was sure I'd be lost. I get about 3 or 5 miles from the store and hit fog. The windshield fogs up terribly, so I slow down to about 20 mph (in a 45 zone) trying to figure out what's going on. It happened immediately after I hit the windshield washers, so at first I thought they did it. Then all the




A girl kneels by the bedside of her dying lover. Her tattered wings spread out behind her, the feathers unkempt and dirty. She is crying pitifully. The only one who can save her lover, and therefore herself, stands behind her, scowling at her weakness. He is the reason her lover is dying. She would be lost without the one she loves. The voice of Justice echos like thunder throughout the room.   I've watched your helpless fall from grace And the agony in your face If every cut were one less p




Of the two applications that I put in at the beginning of last week, I got a phone call from one of them (on the same day I was going to call them to "check in"). I had forgotten to fill out my birthdate on the application, and the manager called me to ask for it. No big deal. I come inside from mowing the grass and theres another message on the machine. I almost don't answer it thinking it's the same message as before, but since there are two messages which are nearly identical, I figure it's a



Boredom=dangerous Creativity

So, I woke up the other day with this crazy idea in my head that I wanted to build a webforum. Mind you, I already had two webforums. I simply enjoy building them As luck would have it, I was having a problem with the admin panel on my one forum, and tech support was ignoring me (it was a function that I *really need* that wouldn't work). I had wanted to move to Proboards anyway (Proboards is AWESOME), but I was worried about moving again, because the first time I moved Hidden Worlds it was a



Job Hunting, Etc.

Well I've been home from my dad's for 3 or 4 weeks, and now it's time for me to find a job. I put in an application at a local grocery store. Not only is the place within walking distance, but I liked the atmosphere and thought I would like to work there. They weren't officially hiring, but they were short staffed. I had two reccommendations from people who worked there. I turned in my application. I called a few days later, they told me that the manager had taken it upstairs to look at it. All



New Hope

I went to New Hope PA today with my dad and KT. (New Hope is PA's mystically-inclined shopping town. Tarot readers are a dime a dozen there.) Unfortunately my little cousin Jenny could not come along, she became ill last night, but I hope to be able to see her sometime this week. We spent the day shopping and basically having a blast. I didn't spend much (it's very easy to spend entirely too much in New Hope) however we did visit many interesting shops which are "right up my alley" so to speak.




So I got my first tattoo today It's a tribal design, on the front of my left hip. (Painful place for a tat btw. Mine is pretty big, too.) I went with KT (dad's girlfriend. She's really awesome.) and tomorrow we're going to Harrisburg to go shopping. I'm having so much fun!!   My first two days weren't as great...on the whole ride up and yesterday too I was feeling a bit ill, and at my graduation party yesterday I was half asleep and a bit nauseous. I'm feeling much better now though, so it's



Graduation Day

Well, now I'm an adult. I have been technically "adult" since my eighteenth birthday, but I didn't feel much like one. I mean, nothing changed. I still went to school. I had my driver's license, but I didn't drive, because I didn't have anywhere to drive to, and no car. Now I'm eighteen, have my license and a car, and I now have my high school diploma. Now things have changed.   That chapter of my life is closed. That stage of my life is over, and in a week I'm going to be looking for a job, s



New Car

I am now the proud owner of a 2006 Ford Focus SES ZX4! Yippee! It's a very dark metallic gray, very shiny and pretty. And it drives amazingly. Everything is adjustable, the seat is adjustable three ways, steering wheel, everything. I've never been so comfortable in any car (or so comfortable driving any car) as I am in this one. I actually drove all the way home by myself (and that is the first time I've ever driven alone) without feeling uncomfortable.   We test drove two, one was a used blac



I Just Had To Share

OMG, I just got an email from my aunt, my cousin Jennifer Founds (my little Jenny!!) has just started singing professionally, and will be touring soon. Jenny is such an AMAZING singer, a good actress and I hear is getting good on a guitar to. I AM SO PROUD of my little Jenny (now not so little anymore). I LOVE HER SO MUCH!! I can't wait to see her!!!   My mom and I just got back from shopping, we figured out what we are going to do for under my graduation gown, one of those dresses like the Ro



Tomorrow Is Friday :)

Well, I'm finished the last book assigned for English (well actually the assigned portion of it) and so I only need to finish The Mill on the Floss for an assigned review for English. I'm getting rather bored with that book, as it is so long. I can't wait to start Simon Scarrow's book, which I will be reviewing for this site and perhaps will start it this weekend, hopefully after getting the review done for English. I hope it is considerably more exciting than a 500-something page novel about fa



This Requires Chocolate...lol

Well I finally got around to painting my room. My mom was being a bit of a **...she said she'd help me before but then didn't (was too sick) but still got mad at me for not painting it "her way". So anyway...I had just started painting my ceiling when I managed to break the handle off of the roller (which then fell on my head. I managed to keep the paint roller off the hardwood floor, but I looked like a wannabe for the "blue man group"). I've got my room back together now though, and it looks r



Ooo, I Am So Mad! I Can't Believe This...

I got this email today. Normally I don't pay too much attention to forwarded emails unless they are cute, but I read about this EXACT SAME THING in Newsweek about a month or so ago.     Stupid government. If the American people are not sufficiently angered by this, then I officially give up on America. And if this bill actually passes, then it's really true, democracy doesn't work anymore.   On a lighter note, after much work this morning we got the art show cleaned up (I worked extra to h



I'll Be Glad When This Week Is Over

first off, the AP exams are DONE. The chem exam was killer, but there were some nice "gift" questions in the free response part, so I am really happy about that I'm most happy that it's done, I have no more exams hanging over my head (except finals, but I was never worried about finals). I'm not even really worried about my grade. Although the girl who switched papers with someone and got her score invalidated is now trying to get all of our scores invalidated on a technicality. I doubt she'll



Man I'm Tired

Well last night was prom, nothing really exceptional but I had a good time. And nothing disastrous happened either. The only disaster, was some of the food, something unidentifiable that I think was pork, and some green beans that smelled, seriously, like that really stinky kind of plastic and tasted similar. The strawberry shortcake was to die for though.   I have the responsibility of watching the neighbors dogs for the weekend, and I went to their house yesterday morning to find the kitch



Exams-shoot Me Now

Well I had my first AP exam today. English. It was an hour of multiple choice (55 questions and a whole hour to do it. I had 10 minutes to spare) and two hours in which to write three essays, preferrably 5 paragraphs each. GAH. It really wasn't THAT bad. Although after working for an entire year on a college level course (if I pass this exam, and then later go to college, I won't have to take the corresponding English course. It's a high school class for college credit) two girls decided to exch




So, I got my hair permed today. I'd never done it before, and I must say, while the process isn't the most enjoyable in the world, I am really happy with the result. It's hard to imagine what I would look like with curly hair, so I really didn't know what to expect. Everyone says it smells really bad...this doesn't smell *bad* but rather odd....I think it smells more than a bit like...corned beef seasoning. Yes, my hair smells like a highly spiced piece of meat I don't mind though. It's not a



Well, My Weekend Is Ruined

So on Easter we went to my grandma's for dinner. My gram had a stomach virus and was not feeling well, but my mom thought it was "side effects" from all the meds she's taking. Yea, well, "side effects" are not contagious. Last night I spent the whole night puking my guts out...amoung other things. I couldn't sleep a wink. I spent half the night eating popsicles because they were the only source of water that I (thought) I could get to stay where it was supposed to. Of course I threw them up all



My Not So Boring Easter

So I woke up this morning, at about 11 00 (no sense getting up early on spring break of my senior year. Pretty soon i'm going to have to get a job ) and my mom is outside the bathroom door, she heard me get up and as I was brushing my teeth she told me she was sneaking into my room to get a hanger out of my closet. I find out she needs the hanger because the dryer won't turn on...we had clothes hanging in odd places all over the house...   The reason the dryer wouldn't start was because as m



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