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Sick :(

This has been the worst week like, ever. One of my pet chickens is very sick, I have her in a cage in the basement hoping she'll get better but it seems highly unlikely. She is so covered in mites I can *not* believe it. Come within 5 feet of her cage and you're likely to have them.She won't eat and its gotten to the point that I kind of wish she would just die, she wouldn't feel sick anymore and there's only so long I can handle taking care of her. And I've never seen so many mites in one place



::Dances for Joy::

I'm feeling much better now, and I am enjoying my two days off from work. I am thinking of getting together with a few friends later. This week was interesting, but now it's over, and I'm glad. The other day I woke up feeling like I'd been dragged through a sick cow backwards, but once I got to work my health seemed to improve drastically, and I felt great yesterday; the only thing I have left is a bit of a cough and that is fading rapidly.   I got a very pleasant surprise the other night; I'



Cybele (on Pertinax's Request)

Cybele was also known as Magna Mater and was a fertility goddess from Phrygia. She was associated with the Earth and was worshipped on mountaintops. Her worship was "wild, emotional, bloody, orgiastic, and cathartic" and was led by eunuch priests (called Corybantes) who ritually castrated themselves and assumed women's identities.   She was also known as a goddess of caverns and fortresses, and of wild beasts.   In Greek Mythology Cybele was known as Rhea. She was renowned as the mother of



Can't Believe I Actually Enjoy This

So, I've just completed my fourth day of work. I've had to get up at 4:30 AM every day that I have work, and I've taken to not eating lunch, simply because there isn't time and when I'm busy, I'm just not hungry. It's been interesting, getting started. I've been learning to run a cash register (which isn't as hard as I thought it would be) and learning to do various other menial tasks (which are much harder than I thought they would be).   I'm really enjoying my work, despite the early hours.



Love, Hope and Life

::glances around this poor, neglected catagory::   Just yesterday I have started a blog for various religious essays. This will not be for "everyday stuff", but only for things about my personal path. I had started out with the intention of "starting a religion" but I realized that by believing as I do, and practicing as I do, I am effectively creating the path simply by walking it. I was inspired by someone else's religious essays, and decided to write my own. I figure it will help me to lear




Tomorrow I'm catching the train to MN. It will be at least until Friday before I get online again.   I'm really nervous about the trip, not sure why. It is a lot of things I have never done before, but I think I'll be alright. I just wish I could stop worrying LOL.   We had our memorial day celebration yesterday, and my cousin's friend got his car stuck...you should have seen us trying to get it out. We got it out, but it was by 6 or 7 of us sitting in the trunk to add enough weight to get



Scented Oil and Salt Scrub

Scented oils from resin: This one is extremely easy; I actually discovered it by accident.   You need:   ~Some carrier oil (grapeseed works well, so does mineral oil; I haven't tried any others. Recommend grapeseed for skin use)   ~Resin incense (such as Frankincense, Myrrh, Copal or other) I can tell you from experience that Dragon's blood does not work well at all sad and Myrrh works phenomenally. mr blue   ~One of those liquid potpourri burner things with a tealight candle (mine is



Green Dragon and a Wedding

Well, I'm back safe and sound in PA. I really missed Pennsylvania, and any thoughts I once had of moving out west are now completely gone. I love this place.   Yesterday we went to Green Dragon...it's a HUGE flea market both indoors and outdoors. It's enormous. I didn't buy anything but a sno cone and a pretzel, but I had a good time just checking everything out.   This afternoon my cousin is getting married. It's going to be so weird that Becky is going to be a Pearson instead of a McJilton



Hey! 2 Or 3 More Inches!

Hehe got 2 or 3 more inches of draw length on my bow...my arrows (the ones made for my compound) are almost too short now I don't think I'll be pulling it back any further than this though...I'm surprised how fast my arms are getting stronger (and also that I have absolutely no stiffness from it...which IMO is really amazing). Arrows still keep going to the left most of the time though...can't figure out why they are always going to the left.



Life Is Good...mostly...

I finished the article and it's waiting to be published, go me! [edit]I just realized it IS published! thanks guys! It can be found on the UNRV homepage!   I got another 83% in AP Chem   I went to the Sportsman's Show in Harrisburg on Friday and let me tell you, it's worth a trip, but you really cannot see it in one day. It TOTALLY redefines the word "huge". (I got a pretty little piece of agate from the Yellowstone River there. It kind of looks like a lopsided arrowhead and it's all pol




So, I got my hair permed today. I'd never done it before, and I must say, while the process isn't the most enjoyable in the world, I am really happy with the result. It's hard to imagine what I would look like with curly hair, so I really didn't know what to expect. Everyone says it smells really bad...this doesn't smell *bad* but rather odd....I think it smells more than a bit like...corned beef seasoning. Yes, my hair smells like a highly spiced piece of meat I don't mind though. It's not a



I Love Days Like This

Fall is here. You can see it in the trees, feel it in the air. You can smell it in the morning dew. It rained today, it was the kind of rain that smells like snow. The wind is blowing through the trees. I love days like this. It isn't stormy, but there's a certain energy in the air that isn't there at any other time. Only in the fall and occasionally in winter. It's beautiful. I feel so alive when the weather is like this...   This week promises to be much better than last week.



I Just Had To Share

OMG, I just got an email from my aunt, my cousin Jennifer Founds (my little Jenny!!) has just started singing professionally, and will be touring soon. Jenny is such an AMAZING singer, a good actress and I hear is getting good on a guitar to. I AM SO PROUD of my little Jenny (now not so little anymore). I LOVE HER SO MUCH!! I can't wait to see her!!!   My mom and I just got back from shopping, we figured out what we are going to do for under my graduation gown, one of those dresses like the Ro



Roman Religion

The rough draft is finally done! I've sent it to PP for editing, hopefully it will be published soon (and NO "sneak peaks" you guys ) YAY! I took long enouh with it...I really hope it turns out to be worth the wait. I may write another one sometime soon but lets get this one off the ground first   I've moved my bird and flower art into it's own gallery as I'm sure some of you noticed. (it's easier to show it to people that way...I have a few friends and relatives that love to look at my art



Feelin' Great

I got so much done today. I've no sign of the flu left, and the depression I had been sinking into has completely lifted.   I have written a rather lengthy essay for Love, Hope and Life and I have added a few things to the Resources section of Hidden Worlds. I have also found a very nice skin for my blog, which is just what I was looking for (two columns, customizable header without getting rid of the blog subtitle; and it comes in colors that I love, with no weird symbols anywhere!) I'm in he



Exams-shoot Me Now

Well I had my first AP exam today. English. It was an hour of multiple choice (55 questions and a whole hour to do it. I had 10 minutes to spare) and two hours in which to write three essays, preferrably 5 paragraphs each. GAH. It really wasn't THAT bad. Although after working for an entire year on a college level course (if I pass this exam, and then later go to college, I won't have to take the corresponding English course. It's a high school class for college credit) two girls decided to exch



And This Is Why I'm Insane Lol

So, I get in my car to drive to work, and my car CD player says "bad disk" and spits the CD out at me. (there is absolutely nothing wrong with the disk. I put it back in and it plays fine.) I stop at an intersection, and a guy is spackling overhead, there is white fluffy stuff falling down and it appears to be snowing in the intersection in the middle of summer.   Is this an omen for the rest of my day?   I get to work, and I cannot get the pricing gun to work, it somehow gets the tape of li




I feel like I have some room to breath. The past few months since I started work I really haven't felt like myself, but I'm starting to have more "me" time and am actually beginning to feel like I'm getting something done again. I started The Eagle's Conquest and am really enjoying it. I'm also feeling more inspired with my writing, and I think I should start writing more poetry again (I haven't written any in...gods, months! I just hate feeling stressed and uninspired!).   I'm working on som



Pagan Pride (and a few other things)

On Saturday I didn't get to go to the horse show, so I went to the Farmer's Market with Kathy. I am sure glad I did (I'm not disappointed at all about missing the horse show anymore. I was there for a little bit.) I met three people who I could talk about paganism with. The first was the salesgirl at a clothing store; she approached me and asked about my jewlery. It turns out she's Wiccan and we talked for about fifteen minutes on the subject of religion. The second was Robin who works at Brigid



Wonderful Weekend

The weather is freakin' gorgeous! 70+ degrees and sun, AND I had off all weekend! On saturday my mom and I went shopping, and then we went out to dinner with her friend. I had a great time, and I really enjoyed getting to spend time with my mom (we rarely have a day off together). On sunday I spent some time outside, in the woods, meditating. I wrote my "rite of passage" ritual that I'm going to use when I go to MN, and I talked to the people I'm going to be staying with on the phone for about 3



Eagle's Mere

So we ventured into a little town called Eagle's Mere today. They have a few really cool shops, and in the first one we walked into, I found two Roman coins. Well more than two, I couldn't resist buying one, and I actually ended up with two. I wish I could have brought them all home.   The first one I picked up is from Constantine, the second, Constantius. I have no idea why I picked the one of Constantine, other than I was drawn to it for some reason. Actually, I didn't even realize until I g



I'm Still Here...

As you've probably noticed, I've been a bit absent on the forums lately. I spent the past week or so at my neighbor's house, dogsitting. They had a computer (that works better than mine) but my time has been spent cleaning up messes and exploring new sites (I found an awesome Pagan Forum and have been spending time playing on there.   I've also been stuck on the early shift (Oh, joy!) lately, and work has been taking up alot of my time. Between work, my internet not working, and trying to find



What a Week!

All in all this week wasn't too bad; but these past two days nearly killed me. Friday was the grand opening for Subway, and we were absolutely slammed. It nearly killed us. We were so busy we couldn't keep up, and there were at least 14 of us working. The people were lined up nearly out the door, for hours on end. It was nuts, but we made it. I got my picture with the Shell race car, and a picture of the rather perverted looking neon sign in front of my store. I'm sending them to my dad.   Sa



I'm Very Happy

My mom gave me my "Easter" present today, even though the last part isn't here I already had something suitable. It's just what I wanted, and expected: resin incense with charcoal tablets. We gave it a test run downstairs, where my mom could be there to help keep an eye on it because neither of us had ever done it before. It's interesting to light, instead of flaming at first like normal charcoal, it sparks and smokes in a manner that threatens to set things around it on fire! That rather quickl



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