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Writing from the land of ice and snow.

Entries in this blog

Weekend anguish.

My first blog entry, who would have thought that. Not me at least. Not a chance.   Well here it is. I thought I'd share some of my thoughts with the community, for what reason I do not know.   Anyway todays subject is lectures. As I'm writing this I'm taking a short break from working on the lecture I'm to give a high school class tomorrow morning. It's only the second time I'm giving a lecture and this one is far shorter then the last one. That was a few weeks back and I had spent the whol



Upcoming semester

Well, I just received my final mails on what courses I was accepted into. Besides trying to kill myself taking 225%, being accepted to everything I wanted to, there is one more thing that I was very happy about and that I would like to share.   I tried getting into a course called Vatten - resurshantering och probleml



Time to make a choice

I have to make up my mind within the next few days.   Engineering for five years or languages? God dammit! I don't want to leave my ancient studies.



My first wiki edit.

I have so far tried to avoid editing anything at wikipedia - you see, it could easily become a bad habit eating up my time. Oh well, there's a first time for everything and I just couldn't see the Alexander mosaic being presented as a fresco. Brrr...   Alea iacta est.



Moving out.

Well this is it I guess. I've been in line for a room at Lund (the town where I study) for some time now and finally I'm first in line. I can now get to live at the place I want to. So far so good.   Now it's the time for anxiety and doubt. Should I move? Should I stay at home where I live for free but have to take the buss for almost 2 hours to get to Uni? How will I keep in touch with my friends since over 10 years? Will i be able to meet my girlfriend as much as I would like too? Will I be



Moving out v 2.0.

I have been lazy, not checking my comments. Today I saw that there were at least one curious man asking about how the moving out was going. This is how it looks right now:   I was in the last second out maneuvered from two rooms. However I have been in line for a room at another place too. It was more of a second choice and I had not thought much about it, but destiny did it's part and I was first in line for a room yesterday and they called me.   Now imagine to get a call about a room when




God damn. Why does sites and museums have to be closed during Mondays!?



Masters of Art.

Masters of Art. I finally finished my degree; I've now got a Magister (The Swedish version of a masters). As I should be really happy, I'm not cause I can't figure out what to do now. There is no possibility to get a Phd in Sweden, I'm trying to get something in the UK, but it's difficult even with good contacts there. The USA/Canada would be great too but as I don't even know anyone there...l don't even know where to start. I can't get a job as it is, I tried museums but a masters degree isn't



Joy and relief

Well a few days have passed by, they still don't know who set fire to the school but things are looking brighter anyway for all the students there. I am most impressed by the local governments quick work. There's already new plans and founds for the new building. It's actually unbelievable fast.   My lecture I was giving went well too, the first year tech students were even interested, which I'm most happy for since I was worried that I wouldn't be able to inspire them. Even thou I cannot go t



How to inspire youngsters to study harder.

Well to make a long story short - As many of you may know I study at the classical history university of Lund to one day become a scholar myself. Lately I have increased my amount of courses taken well beyond the safety point, trying to learn Latin, experimental archeology and write my Magister's essay (equals one year before a Masters making a Magister 4 year I believe) at the same time.   To be honest, it has been very hard to motivate myself recently to work this hard, but I have no found t



For those who remember "space invaders"

When I was a kid there was a game called "space invaders". To be honest, I had all but forgotten it until I found a music video referring to it.   Original game.   Here's the music video: R



Avatar and pic update.

Well it's been one hell of a week this one. Halloween is indeed a dangerous time of the year. The essays are to progress at the same time as I am to attend to party's this year it was two of them. Nope, I'm very much not complaining about that! I went dressed as an evil druid hopefully I'll find a decent picture when my friends send them and I'll show you how evil I can be. Had a really great time! Actually I've also had the privilege to be able to make some extra cash, helping a company move. G



Another week.

And even as I've been stressed until my limits I must say it's been a really good one. So far I've handed in one paper (that I'm at the moment translating for anyone who's interested. It's on dating methods and survey techniques.). I've received a new paper to write 10-12 pages in ancient mill techs (Yes I enjoy ancient technology a lot ) that are to be handed in the 16th. It's quite a pain in the ass but I've been a good boy and so far I've got 8 pages. My big essay is also, more slowly admitte



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