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Debacle And Discombobulation Inversion

Antiochus of Seleucia


Hurrah! I am a full-fledged member of the community now! :wheelchair: Beware, this will be a place of ranting and miscellaneous jolly banter. :P You know you love it.


I am here against the grain. My parents think I'm nuts for an interest in history. I was called "Rome boy" the other day. My dad thinks Gaius is my stalker because he sent me an e-mail. I keep getting asked, "What's so great about Rome?" :ph34r: Answering won't stop 'em either. I will not persue the medical field. Biomechanical engineering sparks my interest but that's my niche.


Breaking news. Just got back from the dentist. Wisdom teeth gotta go.


Got my school schedule. Chemistry, Physics, AP US History. Ect. Ect. I'm not too thrilled over Algebra II. :ph34r:

Must play pep band at a football game Friday. I think my guitar would be more fun than my clarinet. :(


There will be more to come. Don't worry. :lol:


Antiochus of Swissconsin


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Welcome to the blogging community.


I have biology this year, which I hate. My parents want me also to go to the medical field, pharmacy. I don't like science but chemistry is fun. I'm taking AP European History, besides French II, my only honors class but hey I would not have it any other way.


Hey, have you ever put sodium in water?

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Sodium in water is fun. Ceseum in water is more fun, but much more dangerous :ph34r:


I hope you do alot of experiments in chem. AP chem was kind of boring actually, we didn't do much labwork.

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Well... sodium in water is fun... but it doesn't beat thermite! :ph34r: (I'll take pictures)


I'm taking AP Euro as a senior next year. I <3 hands on science, it's just hard to get access to materials... so I improvise... :(

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Welcome Antiochus, if you need some real life Chemistry and Physics classes, I'll take you to Lebanon next time a war breaks out, which probably won't be too long from now :ph34r: .

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Breaking news. Just got back from the dentist. Wisdom teeth gotta go.


Ouch! I lost mine six months ago, horrible business; it involved lots of cutting, opening, pulling and stitching...thank the heavens for anaesthetics!


I do hope your removal goes ok. :hammer:

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Tell the Power That Is, that I am your patron and not the side saddle riding Duke of Doncaster. :hammer:


Having your wisdom (?) tooths out is a pleasant experience. Pay no attention to the groaners. No need for an anaesthetic. Once you see the hammer, chisel, machete and dynamite, you will pass out of your own accord. The excruciating pain afterwards will keep you out of trouble as you wont be able to move your jaw. Practice sipping soup through a straw now. You'll have the sympathy of all the lassies - which you should take full advantage of. :(



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Practice sipping soup through a straw now.


Thats something you don't wanna do after your wisdom teeth is out. Straws create suction, you'll be sipping your own blood mixed with soup. Pay no attention to Gaius, he's secretly trying to get you killed through your wisdom tooth :hammer:

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:hammer: I got my eye on him... he's still cranky over my Brookenhausen vote...


Anyways, I plan on eating a lot of ice cream. :( Yum.


@Wotwotius: The removal should be easier than most because the roots haven't fully grown yet. They still gotta chop my mouth up though... :ph34r:

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Aggg... wisdom teeth. I had all four out when I was 16 and had a prescription of Tylenol with codeine for pain... well codeine makes me vomit violently (twice, because I was a retard and didn't realize I was reacting to medication) and I ended up reopening the sutures. I won't divulge the particulars, but it gives me the willies just thinking about it.

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I know of a lad who lives in the boonies of misshagin. Encountered a toothache. Decided that a quack wasn't worth the expense. So, he tied one end of a piece of wire around his tooth and attached the other end to an arrow which he then proceeded to shoot out of a window. Was partially successful. Sheared the tooth in half. Didn't bother to pass out with the pain; simply went into a never ending gargling scream. Had to medevac him in a helicopter. Now, had he the wisdom to consult with me, I would have suggested a cotton string. Or better still, a .22 hand gun (from the inside pointing outwards). A little messy but gets the job done quickly and cheaply. One should have a needle and thread handy.

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Aggg... wisdom teeth. I had all four out when I was 16 and had a prescription of Tylenol with codeine for pain... well codeine makes me vomit violently (twice, because I was a retard and didn't realize I was reacting to medication) and I ended up reopening the sutures. I won't divulge the particulars, but it gives me the willies just thinking about it.


That's the sort of pain I went through; I just didn't what to scare young Antiochus.

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I had all my wisdoms out whilst in Boot Camp... Local anesthesia only. Hearing the grinding and tool work and feeling him yank my head around as he ripped them out was quite interesting and not something I ever want to duplicate.


They sent me back to the barracks with whatever Percoset was in my system and a handful of Motrin. I won't even get into having to water syringe out the rice and various ensundry food from the gapping holes in my mouth... :hammer:


I better not hear any whining. Because I will bet any amount of money that your experience will not even come close. :nopity:

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Try this. I had two impacted wisdom teeth taken out from the lower jaw. I don't remember what they doped me up with, but I remember seeing the quack turn a little table. Behold and lo, amongst all the instruments of torture there was a hammer and chisel! And I ain't fibbing! I remember thinking that I was helpless and this quack would have his way with me. It was like a movie in a dream. After the butcher slit the gum, he yanked at it with a pliers. No luck. Then he went into his carpenter mode. Put his knee between my legs; positioned the chisel and started whacking away to split the damned thing. Didn't feel a thing - at the time. Sewed me up and sent me packing with some useless pills. As the dope wore off, the head started to feel the pounding of the hammer. When the pain subsided, a couple of months later, went through the same pleasantry again. Had to pay quack a fortune. I would have done it to him for nothing.

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