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Full Moons Make People Crazy

Antiochus of Seleucia


Wow. Scientists should have a full-scale research project of the effects of the full moon on people. This weekend was the craziest I've ever had.


1) Friday, while escorting several sophomores to a band party after a half-time performance, I went over to talk to some fellow clarinets in their car going to go get movies. A bunch of drunk hmongs decided our presence across the street was 'trespassing their property'- I recieved a punch to the jaw and somehow talked thirty approaching drunks to go back to their binge. I was more worried about the group I was escorting, comprising of five girls and one other guy, and the two fellow upper classmen in the car. This is a village of 5000 some people for god's sake, and I have these people living a block down the street from me...


It was a great party though! So much caffeine and junkfood... mmm.


2) Yesterday was Music in Motion, the statewide band/marching festival. Bands from all over the state participate. We hosted the event, and only performed as exhibition. Turns out that right after we got off the field and got to the gate, one of our drummers warned us that some streakers were coming. They barely made it in the gate before they were booking it the other way. The driver of the getaway car was caught and the police got all the names, and it turns out they were all from the football team. HAH.


Wow. With all the stuff in between, this has been the craziest weekend I've ever had. Highschool is weird. There are a lot of stupid people that go to my school. I would never imagine band being such an eventful institution...




On a less adrenaline-inducing note, I learned that I speak American, not English. In AP U.S. we were discussing the divergent evolution of American culture Vs. British culture after the revolutionary war. Language between America and Britain is much more different than most people think. In America, we say, "Give me a wake-up call in the morning before I take a smoke." In Britain, they say, "Knock me up in the morning before I blow a fag." Say that in America and the ignoratii will jeer until you leave.


I also learned in spanish class of the respective title 'Don' as in 'Don Tomasso'. Gaius' lofty language still confuzzes the hell outa me. :blink: Speaking of which, where'd he go? The two P's :notworthy: lofty explainations don't help. :)


Got the new empire wallmap. Stared at it for a while. I Love it.


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I am back from Hades. Didn't you read Pantagathus' blog?


Streakers are harmless and only cause a good belly laugh, so don't complain. As to the other thugs, My Cousin Don Vincenzo can clear matters up. In your case a freebee. My bride went to Beloit but I shan't tell you of her escapades. 5,000 cheeseheads! Ha! I have more cars on my block.

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Streakers are harmless and only cause a good belly laugh, so don't complain.


Ok, imagine you spent weeks and weeks carefully crafting the perfect brew. Then, one of the P's :notworthy: comes along, spots it cooling on the windowsill, and steals it.


I better not hear you complain! :P

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They would need grappling hooks to get at my windowsill. :P (Don't you people have cellars in the boonies? :lol:) If I didn't have to pick them up with a stick and a spoon :stretcher: , I'd invite them in to share in my bounty. :drunk:


Aren't you too young to be tippin' high cotton? :lol: Will alert the provincial magistrates. :sneaky2:






You don't need scientists to prove the Theory of Lunar Loonies; just ask any sober bartender. :lol:

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