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The famous Ramos



Lost Warrior's comment about holiday traditions got me thinking about one in my family: Ramos Fizzes. Depending on who you believe, it was created in New Orleans (by some bartender named Ramos) or in San Francisco (prolly not true, but I'm sticking by this version out of sheer regional pride--and, yes, I truly believe that the martini was created in a bar in Martinez, California...screw NYC). Certainly the recipe in our family is a version of the ones more commonly known...the use of Peychaud's bitters along with lime juice is key in ours. Also, a ton of good gin--well, ok, that's my dad and I, since the bartenders in my family tend to not care as long as the bottle says "gin". Either way, it'll definitely put the Merry in your Christmas...and knock you on your a$$ at the same time.


And now, at 9:35am PST on 22 Dec, I give you the Petrucci Ramoz (note the spelling!) Fizz:

1/2 blender cracked ice

3 egg whites

3 tablespoons superfine sugar

1 lime, juiced

3 jiggers half-and-half (the diary kind, mind you)

5 jiggers gin (make it good, please)

3/4 of an eyedropper of bitters (Peychauds, please) and orange flower water


Blend together, then add about 1 jigger of lemon-lime soda or club soda. Blend quick, and *hiccup* enjoy!


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:( "... screw NYC...." Oh, dear, another blunder! Gaius' well known clemency will let it pass in keeping with the season. :)


:( Does 'Martini & Rossi Dry Vermouth' mean anything to you? :ph34r: If one is going to guzzle booze, it is swallowed straight - the manly way - and not as some sissy solution that is watered down, sugared up and fizzed out; concocted by a freaky, flakey, flim-flam flumster posing as a bartender with ear rings and nose rings and wearing a G-string with the brain of a gnat. :no:


:lol: You might have the common courtesy to at least put together a batch of Perfect Patented Pertimaxii. :notworthy: :fish:



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LW: the one that asked what we were doing in the holiday greetings that GO started. As for the other comments...harrumph...or something like that. I would love to make a Pertimax...but I have no access to ginger tonic, so there goes that. Besides, tradition, and stuff.

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:no: Perfect Patented Pertimaxus! Can't you beings in fairyland get anything correct? :( You, in particular, are 'right' but hardly ever correct. :ph34r:


The definition of 'tradition' in kali4kneeya: If you did it this morning.... :lol:



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The definition of 'tradition' in kali4kneeya: If you did it this morning.... :ph34r:


I stand corrected on the name of the drink...and I pray that Pertinax his Lordship forgives me.


As for you, Don Tomato...once again I feel nothing but hot air coming from Brooklyshireblahblahblah

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As usual, you are 'right' but not correct. The air masses travel from kali4kneeya and our very good friend and ally, Canadia, over the belly of America, i.e. the provinces and the out-lying districts, dropping tons of snow and detritus on such wastes of space as why?oming and oh!hiyo. If you had A/C, as we do here in the Heart of America, its first political capital and now the Capital of the World for all things worthwhile, your alleged brain wouldn't have gone frashita! ;) I.e., :horse: for brains! :lol:


The proof for the above: "Pertimax"! :lol::lol::lol::lol: Who's that? :ph34r:



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Gee, whatever are you talking about? I wouldn't misspell the name of our local Medicine Man! I think I've been working too much...one more long evening tonight, and then a couple of days off.

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Gee, whatever are you talking about? I wouldn't misspell the name of our local Medicine Man! I think I've been working too much...one more long evening tonight, and then a couple of days off.




Of course you wouldn't! But you would edit it after you were flagged! I wouldn't expect less from a person without an A/C living in ga-ga land. :lol:


Next time I'll quote you to keep you honest. :whip: :sneaky2:



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