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Gaius Octavius

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Everything posted by Gaius Octavius

  1. DD, now that YOU have revealed all, how could I have fallen into such error! Now this journalist, Greg Szymanski, where have I heard this name before? Is he a defrocked Orthodox priest? As all this is most reliable, please close this case and I shall amend my ways. Down with Mother Theresa! OK?
  2. These vomit for brains types can tell the world that 9/11, Katrina, etc., were God's vengence on America for homosexuality, abortion, liberalism and Democrats, but they can't advance to the religiously logical step that God created doctors for a purpose. I am sure that it was Type I diabetes. Some simple tests, insulin, and a good diet, and the kid would be alive. These too are God given. Now they can go before their 'family' of whole asses and claim that they have done God's will. Oh!, yes, they will willingly tithe for the benefit of their leader - who doesn't believe one word that he belches.
  3. When he hit his last home run in the last major league game he played in at fenwick park, he thought about doffing his cap as he rounded the bases, but his better judgement overruled that potential blunder.
  4. "Since a firearm made any man the equal of another, it became an inherent part of their society, something enshrined in american law, and deeply embedded in their psyche." Nah, it was the dime novel. Most fire arms were rusty pieces of junk. Not enshrined in American law nor psyche. (See above.) Let us cogitate together. Would it be an infringement of an American two year old's rights to deny him the right to bear arms? Idiots? Urban Blacks, Eyetalians, Russians and Latinos? Wouldn't it be an 'infringement' to even so much as define 'arms'? I could use a B-36 atomic bomber. The Missouri would also be helpful.
  5. Just a couple of comments: 1. Some may be searching for Net National Product. 2. The Full Employment Act envisioned a 100% usage of the means of production (broadly defined), and a 100% labor employment rate. 3. The 'Unemployment' rate the government reports excludes those who are off the 'dole' and have given up looking for a job. 4. The 'Core' inflation rate is produced by the government to shaft those on Social Security. Of course, no one uses fuel or eats food. I wonder what the rate would be if the base year had not been shifted forward.?! Once upon a time a guy at Merrill, Lynch,Pierce, Fenner and Bean (or Smith) calculated the inflation rate using the prices of things that people buy day in and day out. It beat the then Inflation Rate handily. Over the long term, the DJ is probably a better guide to inflation than the government's lies. The pollsters don't shop where I do. 5. 'Trade' occurs when one nation's businesses export their goods and/or services to another. It is not 'trade' when a business exports itself to another and then re-imports its goods. (Just ask any kid about 'Trade'.) The profits engendered here have a five year repatriation period for taxation purposes. The price of these 'imported' products does not come down by a nickel. 6. Adam Smith has been bandied about recently. I doubt very much if he was actually read. 7. I have now been driven to Demon Whiskey. Satisfied?
  6. Of course, you really meant to communicate 'write properly'. Basil
  7. It is my present understanding that ALL English must stop in at any tavern, with the name 'St. George' in it, that they pass whilst wandering about, and knock back an alcoholic refreshment. Am I in error? Cecil
  8. My Dearest Lady N., it appears that you have forgotten your very own stricture. Good P.C., what we have here is a failure to communicate. Just for the heavens of it, which of you maliglinators has ever contributed a scosh of what MT has contributed to mankind? Her contribution need not be seen as a religious thing. Get a grip!
  9. Viggen has it right. One really has to work at it to like booze of any kind. That is why most mixed drinks are sugar based. Nothing beats an ice cream soda - very good for diabetics!
  10. "1 The tetrarhy worked if the second Augustus and the 2 Caesars obeyed the strong first Augustus but this worked only for Diocletian." At some point, didn't each Augustus have two Caesars?
  11. Kosmo, did the Ottomans adopt (much of?) Roman law and government? If so, are there any remnants of this left today?
  12. I'll allow Ursus to make a suggestion for me. I wonder what MPC would suggest?
  13. Try this out for size. The amount of tax received depends on the amount at which the thing taxed is valued at. Thus, if a home is valued at $1,000.00, and the tax rate is 1%, the tax is $10.00. If the same home is otherwise valued at $2,000.00 and the tax rate remains at 1%, the tax is $20.00. Maybe everybody is right! The Cato Institute, of course, most certainly is Right.
  14. The Maltese Falcon. Casablanca. Love At First Bite. The Sky Above. Das Boot. Can't remember the proper name, but it was something like 'Bananno _____'.
  15. Scipio Africanus. Were it not for him, we'd all probably be walking around with turbans wrapped around our heads.
  16. It is quite one thing to say that Mother Theresa doesn't belong on a list of influential people; it is quite another to malign her with unbounded hatred.
  17. The problem with the 2nd Amendment yahoos is that they have never read the U.S. Constitution, in particular, Article I, Section 8. Nor do they have so much as an unreasonable acquaintance with English grammar. Let us go back to the days of yore when the Constitution was being written. When a member of the yokel class strolled down the Kings Highway, and he perchance encountered an ambling aristocrat, such as G. Washington, he doffed his cap, bowed, and strolled into the mud gutter so as not to contaminate the aristocrat. Now, I ask anyone, does he think that these aristocrats would trust the yokels with unfettered gun 'rights'? Whenever a 'Sullivan Law' type case has come before the U.S. Supreme Court, it has never gone with the yahoos. Ah!, but take heart, me hearties, there is a case before the Court now. Actually, I am all for guns. I want to install two rocket launchers each fore and aft of the Imperial Chariot. My six-shooter will take care of any port and starboard business.
  18. What about manumitted slaves? Gaulish senators?
  19. Nice work F. Still leaves open the question of what, if anything, did the ROMANS absorb culturally from the Slavs? While we are at it, did the Turks consider themselves successors to the Romans? On an old map, Anatolia is nominated 'Rom'.
  20. Help me out. Isn't there a German beer that one is supposed to add a bit of lemon to? Double Spatten? Wheat beers? Want a fizzy wine? Try Lambrusco. In days of yore, when I slang beer, and the well plastered tipplers were returning to their hogans, they would stop in for something to help them recover. It went this way: Crack a fresh egg into a glass; salt and pepper, break up egg; add tomato juice to mid glass; top off with beer and stir all mightily. Where are My Lords Pantagathus and Pertinax?
  21. Isn't there something somewhere on the blog page(?) about RSS Feeds and syndication?
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