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Gaius Octavius

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Everything posted by Gaius Octavius

  1. A marmoset? Iupiter forEfend! Only a midget murine mammal to graze on your hair. Fie! must I then fumigate my follicular growths with fumitory herb therewith to frighten off the mammalian marauder? Surely my mollions will be roughly aggled! Ah, but you are good! You have me, the nonce, on the last two. Nonetheless, I suggest that you use lycopode instead of the herb. I'll get you yet, Black Baron!
  2. A marmoset? Iupiter forEfend! Only a midget murine mammal to graze on your hair.
  3. Thanks Pertinax. I'll skip the moray eel though. There is an Italian digestive made from artichokes. (Can't remember its Italian name now.) That will digest anything and cleanse ones palate.
  4. Really now that is interesting. Anyones you could name in particular? That lead this small Feminist revolution. What greater freedoms did they gain? Livia (Augustus' wife), Aggripina and Messalina (Claudius' wives).
  5. We have baked spelt bread at home often. It is different - more nutty. Slavered with butter. We find it heavy but not detrimental to the the teeth. Since we are not about to make garum, what is a good commercial preparation? It seems that the wine always has to be French!
  6. No prophecies to share but Hitler could be the answer to the first one. The Brits to the first part of the second and the U.S. to the second part. Since we are cousins, these last two make one.
  7. If my memory serves, present day concrete used in road building should be kept wet with straw for months in order to 'age' it properly. The water and concrete form chrystals to harden the road. I think that in order to get a good result, it should only be poured in the early summer.
  8. I am over awed at what can be found on this site. At the Yale Avalon link:Yale Avalon Project, I found the consequences for moving or over turning a boundry stone, with malice, in this Julian Law: ".... And if the defendant is convicted, he [the judex] shall exact this money from the defendant or from his property at the earliest day possible; and in respect to whatever of this money is received he shall pay a half part to the person through whose especial individual effort the defendant is convicted and he shall pay a half part into the public treasury...." Does this mean that any rogue could tramp around the places covered in the law looking for maliciously over turned boundry stones and bring a suit in law against the culprit? If this is the case, Cicero (chick pea) would become my best friend. The "Charter of Urso, 44 B.C." at that link, is quite enlightening. I don't think that all these Roman laws were chipped in stone or printed on copper, but rather on papyrus. Since Rome was sacked a few times, how did they survive and where were they found?
  9. Nay sir, the japes and capers must await the return of the wandering Bride, Claudia Prima. Yet, my old partner in Kali4kneeya, is caprificating my figs. Something tells me that you will soon force me to resurrect my 1920's encyclopaedia and/or get a copy of the O.E.D. Most trullye Sirrah you have great gravyte and bottome! Sirrah! Me, sir? Must I thank you or build a marmorate covered Martello-tower against your predations?
  10. Nay sir, the japes and capers must await the return of the wandering Bride, Claudia Prima. Yet, my old partner in Kali4kneeya, is caprificating my figs. Something tells me that you will soon force me to resurrect my 1920's encyclopaedia and/or get a copy of the O.E.D.
  11. It's too bad that they didn't show pictures of the finds. Seems that the archaeologists never show these pictures in the press. Aside from the nude cyclists, did you note the picture of the bird and the comment about genealogical changes in the last decade due to climate change?
  12. I presume that is the Viggen clan. You have a beautiful family. Was that Viggen with the eyeglasses? What language were they speaking? And, what was that about Americans? Questions! Questions!, always questions!
  13. If you ever visit him or the Brooklyn Museum, let me know and my Bride and I will take you to lunch or dinner. Unfortunately it will not be with Richard and Mary. I'll TRY to get his e-mail from a mutual friend, if you like.
  14. I fain beshrew thee ere I am off to the Brewster-Sessions! In and for thy honour, I shall garnish my grig with Fool's-Parsley this eventide. As I am presently bereaved of fine Falernian, planter's whiskey will accompany that excellent comestable. It is my earnest wish that you enjoy my skimble-skamble. I am your humble servant, Captain Blackadder
  15. Agreed - mostly. And thanks for the 'comment'; now I know that this blog is working, thanks to Pentagathus.
  16. Fellow Sufferers: Seems that the Canadian Moslems want to assimilate, i.e., on their terms. They will determine what 'sin' is. My sometimes faulty logic tells me that means Canadians will have to do the assimilating. I'll pass and turn in my honorary Prince Edward Island citizenship. Then, there is a group of these ruffians who want to hack off the premier's head. I'm sure that that is a go for some Canadians. For a prize, let's see who can use the word 'that' in a row, (without any intervening words), the most times and still make sense. The mail brought in some very good news. My Brides Health Maintainence Org. just upped the monthly rate by $100. That makes it $7,344/annum. Considering that a stay in a hospital costs two grand a day, that's a bargain! IF one uses it, otherwise it goes into the deep pockets of top management. I often wonder why the neopath trash talkers prefer to pay their taxes to an HMO with an average 18% overhead per premium dollar vs Medicare's less than 2%. Iupiter forbid that one has to go to a hospital or doctor when one is traveling out of their area of coverage. A nurse (!) located in Tanu Tuva will have to OK it, IF your shade doesn't cross the River Styx first. The CENSORED . Now the beer has run out! I thank Minerva for paper plates. I think that I have been banned from the Racist topic of Ramses! Banned, I said! Where is Mr. Roberts? :2guns: And the Yankees lost - again Dear Lord, Gaius SPQR
  17. Two 500lb bombs whack him and he is still mumbling! Guess he didn't want to meet the virgins. Virgol61's proposal hits the spot.
  18. Gaius Octavius


    I am currious about the bridle. Is it a Roman type? Did they have cinches?
  19. 10 crates of drugs? Nah! Only one *or* tape? Booze, maybe. How about fire works?
  20. Komrades: I am technologically challenged, (amongst many other things). This is a test as to what happens. I love this site and the people on it. In addition to getting an education on my Glorious Imperial Ancestors of Blessed Memory, I am getting to learn something about using this devils machine. About myself: I lie and obfuscate when necessary. I never pay off on a bet that I have lost, but I expect others to cough up when I win. I have no problems with plagerizing. I can't spell. (Is there a spell checker here?) I am a retired Investment Banker. (The kind who used his own gold and not others.) I am considered lazy, evil and ignorant by some. To friends, relatives and enemies, I am on the wrong side politically, socially and eonomically. No one insults me with impunity - and gets away with it. And now: The U.S. is pulling out of Afganistan and the Taliban is pushing in. What a waste. Where is Osama? Why in Brooklyn eating pizza. My Bride took off for the wastes of Michigan to visit friends and get away from me, (for a fortnight) and I am left to fend for myself. A gorgeous young Princess from Michigan, for whom we are acting in loco parentis, is doing an internship in NYC. Some would call it indentured servitude. She spent the last weekend with me. I am sure that my neighbors and the building employees are musing: "His Bride takes off and IT installs a chick." A totally undeserved merit badge. The malignant swine! The kid won't pour a whiskey for me and is on my back about another bad habit of mine. A cap on a bottle of gook was left unscrewed. Made a mess of the fridge. Gook is forever off of the menu. My jug wine has run out but the rot gut whiskey is fine. Did you know that the province of Michigan has a giant mushroom growing under it? That Detroit sits atop a salt mine? Now you do. Now to see if all this takes. Somebody please post a 'comment'. Si vales; valeo, Gaius
  21. Kosmo: Your point about the Soviets is well taken. Unfortunately, you seem to exculpate the Japanese from blame for their war crimes. It was Japanese Army POLICY to treat Chinese, Koreans and POW's as subhumans. Because the Soviets commited atrocities, does not relieve the Japanese of responsibility for their actions. Whatever reasons that may be imputed for the recent Korean and Chinese efforts, do not in any way obviate the facts of the Japanese atrocities.
  22. How do I get invited to dinner? Once again, great pics.
  23. Whilst clicking away on this site, I adventured into a place called: 'rogueclassicism'. It had an article from something called: "Centre Daily Times", from the spelling, I take it to be a British paper. The following is a round up of what it held: In Roman Times: Grape vines were positioned so that they grew up the trunks of trees. Grapes were picked over-ripe and thus produced a sweet wine. The wine was white rather than red. (Guesss that they didn't want to stomp on red skins - no offence intended.) The wine was horrible by our standards (I guess that our palates changed over the years.), something like Retsina or Madiera. (Personally, I like Madiera.) These two might be mixed half and half. Falerian was aged for 10 years and Surrentine for 25 years. Both tasted like Madiera. (How does he know and then, what was the point of ageing the stuff?) Muscato, Lambrusco (The wine of Don Camillo and me.), and a white Trebbiano by Citra (Expensive; $6.00 for 1 1/2 liters but what the heck, I like it.), are supposed to be the equivalent of Roman wines. 'Sapa', a grape juice, was boiled down in LEAD pots (Nah!) and added to the wine. This might have accounted for Caligula and Nero and the idiots pounding the pavements of Rome. I must admit to being a barbarian. I have been known to drink wine, whiskey, beer, water and Pepsi Cola with anything. Yes, including Jello and coffee.
  24. My dear Tobias, Shelby seems to be a blooming micro-genius. Weeds do flower. Anyhow, allow me three points. 1. The Romans weren't kicked out of Britain. The pay wagons stopped coming from Rome and thus the soldiery melded into the local communities. 2. Roman coinage was not 'always' debased, nor was their economy 'always' in trouble. 3. Education was not available to 'all' Romans. And more. There was intercourse and debate between Moslems and Christians in the Moorish countries of Spain during this period.
  25. I can understand Italian POWs but I can't imagine German POWs. They look exactly like normal Americans. Actually German now is the most common nationality in America. Italians don't look like 'normal' Americans??? My dear fellow!
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