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Antiochus of Seleucia

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Blog Comments posted by Antiochus of Seleucia

  1. Question: In plate 1 it is called a Dinara. Does this word have any connection whatsoever to the old Roman Denarius? (Denarii)


    Absolutely, denarius is the root of Dinar, Dinara, etc.


    Additionally, the British L.s.d. designation (the L represents the pound sign which we yanks do not have on our keyboards) is an abbreviation of the original Latin: libra, solidus, and denarius


    That's awesome.


    Any idea about the second bill?

  2. Would you say that you have a good representation of ethnic minorities where you live? Here among the mountains and hills they are all either Scots/Irish, German, and Italian.


    Here among the cheese fields are Germans/Poles of the New Immigrants of the 1890's-1900's, and as I type waves of Hmong and Mexicans are arriving and settling in the nearby city.


    If one says "Go to Naples" in Neapolitan, it ain't exactly nice. There is one of the most intact and largest Greek temples on the outskirts. The food will be excellent. :no2: Put pad locks on your pockets. You had to be told that Italian women :wub: were tops? Hah? :rolleyes: Take :mummy: with you.




    I found out myself that Italian women :wub: were quite lovely. If :mummy: wants to come with, he is more than invited, but he gets to help pay! :lol:


    @ Moonlapse- The Swede recieved about 8 rounds of applause for his comments. He swore in Switz because he thought it was funny we couldn't in school. Also thought it was really funny how strictly the cops enforce laws regarding alcohol- he merely asked, "What's wrong with beer?!" I also learned most Euros get a 2-hour lunch... they were horrified that we get 30 mins! :ph34r:


    They were a blast.

  3. Unfortunately my views on alcohol will put me in a small social crisis about that age you described above, WW, because I live in the heart of New Deutchland-Ten-Bars-on-every-street-College-parties-are-known-for-insane-amounts-of-beer.


    My state was the last one to raise the legal age, and only because the Federal Dept of Transportation was threatening to cut highway funding.

  4. Cyanide: hydrogen cyanide (prussic acid) essentially stops oxygen transmission from the blood to the cells-hence proving fatal . Zyklon B was a derivitive.


    I was told that the cyanide molecules bond to mitochondria rendering them useless... you are no longer able to produce energy, and die of exhaustion. I'll go ask my chem teacher a second time. :)

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