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Posts posted by Octavia

  1. Okay. Here's my point. Octavian also killed Caesarion, which I feel would have been more of a threat to Antony's children, sincer he was the son of Julius Caesar. And to the point of Octavian killing Antony's son and Caesarion, and if they felt they had to distroy all the children who they felt were a threat, why didn't they kill the other three children of Antony and Cleopatra? Does this make any since?

  2. I don't know if my reader can read the search option but sometime I will try to find out some things on Augustus by using that feature and also, thanks for the info on all you have given me. Me personally, I think he was probably the best emperor out of the claudians except for Claudius. He was the second in my oppinion.

  3. I always wondered if that legend was true about Pilate's christianity, but we will never know. I also heard another thing that Claudia Procula was the daughter of Julia, daughter of Augustus. They also say that Claudia might not have been her real name. Very interesting.

  4. There are many legends pertaining to what happened to Pontius Pilate. Some say that he was put to death, and others say he was banished to an island. I don't remember where it was though.There was one legend though that sounded like a myth.It was something about how he roams a lake or something like that sometimes. Has anyone heard of that one?

  5. Well, I'll tell you who was good or bad that I know of in the list of emperors. Was domitian in your list? I forget. He was bad. Trajan? I don't know. I heard Marcus Aurelius was good, and so was Augustus and Claudius. I don't know anything about comidus.

    Hope that helps.


  6. That's what I've been trying to get to all along? What do the other sources say reguarding Livilla's death and about Sujanis's children? As for Augustus, you all are right in saying that he had different errors to the throne, but it came down to tiberius, which I feel sorry about because I feel rome would have been a better empire with someone else, but whoes to say.

  7. Hello everyone. Sorry I haven't been on the board in awhile. I've been pretty buisy with stuff. II was watching I, claudius and thinking about how Livilla died. Is it true that Antonia locked herin her room and she starved to death and what made her mother act in such a cruel way? I always read that Antonia was a respectible kind roman woman. How could she do that, especially to her own children?

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