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Posts posted by Octavia

  1. That's alright, the augusta. No problem at all. I actually got my user name from the daughter of Claudius. Anyway, as for my blindness, feel free to ask anything you like. Okay, another line from the felm! "Yes. Piso is dead, but plancina goes feree. And you call that justice?"

  2. I always wondered if it was Poppaea who persuaded Nero to persicute the Christians or if it was Nero himself. Also, did the actress who played Poppaea play in any other movies?

  3. Thanks for that info. That's very helpful. I have another question. Octavia only said one line which was I think you're very kind, but was there any other place in the felm that you all could see her? Got another line for you all as well. "So, father asked me to see his own person physician and just to please him I did. And you know what he told me? He told me not to eat so much."

  4. Hey all. I have seen the movie Quo vadis and heard the name of Acte. I was wondering if anyone can give some useful info? I only know that she was the mistress to Nero. What happened to her after Nero married Poppaea and after his death?

  5. Thanks for the bios of the both actresses. I will look over them. Wasn't Shiela White the one who played Messalina? Who played Octavia, claudius's daughter? Also, I have another question for you all. When Nero knocks on the door, and Agrippina says who is it? Who was it that responded back to her?

  6. Hello everyone. I know Nero's tutor was Lucius Seneca. I don't know too much about him, only that he wrote plays and such. Do you all think that he was one of the good people in the empire and that he was a good adviser to Nero? Someone like Nero would be hard to take control of!

  7. Hey all. I've seen about three different versions of movies pertaining to Cleopatra. The ones that I remember seing were, the one with Elizabeth Taylor, one I think in the nineties and one with vivian Lee in it. I perfer the one with Elizabeth in it because I feel it gives more detail than the others. What do you all think?

  8. Well the augusta, I can't see. I'm totally blind, but I'll guess it was a dagger, or did you mean what plan they were going to use? I do remember they were going to see if he wanted something to eat and then they told him his greek balette were there and to come to the front.

  9. I'm not sure what actor you are speaking of, however I want to thank you for telling me about who went to the palace to deliver that letter to claudius. However, who spoke to Messalina and who was it that said he must see me. It sounded like Octavia, but I'm not sure.

  10. Hello all. I've been reading this post. Very cool. I'm trying to think of what the first pass word is that Caligula gave to Cassius. I think it was, "Give us a kiss?" Lol! I have a question for you all. I've always wondered who the person was that went to try to delivera letter to Claudius before Messalina's death. Remember the part where Messalina tells someone to take it to the palace, tell no one that you have it, only that you want to see your father. Now hurry. Who was the person that went? Was it Britannicus or Octavia?

  11. Okay. This is very cool! I have a question. Claudius's daughter Octavia says one line in the whole felm. I think you're very kind, but is she in any other parts of the felm? And here's my quote. "Have you found it mother? Oh, what is it?" "It looks like a history." "Of what?" "Of our family." "Does it mention me? Where does it begin?" "The death of his last wife, Messalina." "Oh, that should be interesting. What's it say about me?" "Would you be quiet! How can I tell if you keep talking to me?"

  12. I totally agree again about the television series. I love it. I also think the series left out a lot of stuff because they want Claudius depicted as you have mentioned. So I wonder which historian would be a good acountto read about his life?

  13. I believe I heard in a bio about Nero, that the fire started on July 19. It's good that he went back and tried to relieve the citizens, but the awful thing is, that he built his own palace that was larger than the other and had a statue of himself! He shouldn't have blamed the Christians either! A horrible and wicked act!

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