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Posts posted by Octavia

  1. I never saw a movie on Nero before. I believe that maybe as a young man, he may have been a good person, but to much influence and power ruined it. Could you imagine being emperor at seventeen or sixteen years of age? You wouldn't listen to anyone and you probably would get to where you felt you could do anythig you wanted without the help of anyone else. How did the movie show Nero to be good? Just curious.

  2. I also agree with all of you. I read the books, I claudius and Claudius the god as well as seing the felm, and they all are excilent! I am also new here and glad to be on this forum. Caligula always cracks me up, especially when he's talking to someone about the river god threatening to drown him. And woow! You don't want to make Augustus mad! Lol!

  3. I recently posting something along these lines about who murdered Messalina? I thi nk it's sad that Claudius didn't know that she was going to die and found out the next day and I can't help thinking of Britannicus and Octavia. Never the less, I also feel that she did do many other wicked things besides marryingGaius Sillius and for putting others to death, as many as she probably did, would have deserved death.

  4. Thanks all for your suggestions. I just wish there was a site I could go to to listen to it to see what it sounds like and all. Very cool about the reading of I claudius though.

  5. I think this discussion is awsome. I've never real the novel. Have to read that sometime.I'm not sure about the jewish friend in Sparticus, but I think that would have been a good thing to add to the movie. Also if you guys like, I posted my comment in the movie quo vadis as well, but that's another topic. Lol. And I also have to add, I'm sparticus! Lol.

  6. I wish that the law of building better houses and things during the reign of Augustus would have taken place. There wouldn't have been so many innoscentpeople lost, due to Nero's blaming the Christians and people that died in the fire. Plus, things would probably have went smoother. But whoes to say?

  7. Hey all. I always thought that Seneca did his best in advising Nero. Of course, the young boy always never listened to him, but there was a time where the empire was doing well because of Seneca and Burus. What do youa ll think?

  8. Hi all. I thought maybe I would try to get your minds working with different oppinions as I had with Caligula's madness. There was a fire in 64 A. D. and some people say that Nero had something to do with it. We can never truly be sure if he did or not, but what do you all think. I personally don't know, but I saw something about it on television and one belief was that the city wasn't fire resistent and therefore it caught on fire.

  9. You are right Gaius, in saying that the movie of Claudius could be exagerated a little. That's why I wondered if Narcicus or Palas has something to do with Messalina's death. You are also right in saying that Claudius was no food. I can agree with that one. He lived through out the various reigns of wicked emperors like Tiberius and Caligula and manged to survive. Very smart if you ask me.

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