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Everything posted by cornelius_sulla

  1. Good on you, mate. There will be other cats.
  2. Happy birthday, fellow Pratchett fan!

  3. Happy birthday, Phil.

  4. Interestingly, on the age front, Bob Dole faced a similar concern at the age of 73 in 1996. 12 years later, while he may have some health issues at the age of 85, it's obvious that he was viable enough at the time. McCain is far more energetic than Dole was. It's still not a good look for a politicians shooting for the top job, though, isn't it? Especially if your opponents are young and virile (and yes, I include Hilary in that category ) and you've had a practically senile old fart in office for the past two(?) terms. Isn't Dole proof? Age counted against him mightily, if I remember rightly, and he seemed much more youthful than McCain does at the moment. I also notice that the man is fodder every single night for Letterman and all of the other pisstakers - all of the jokes are about his age.
  5. Is it not possible that the Neanderthal cannibalism was some religious/symbolic rite? It seems a bit too pat to imagine them so starving that they ate each other out of existence.
  6. I watched the TV series because it was a novelty to see something about Rome set in ancient Rome made with todays technological bells and whistles. I found the characters Pullo and Vorenus entertaining in a blokey kind of way, but as for the rest of it, what a bloody dogs dinner. I wouldn't be too keen to pay money to go to the flicks and have my historical senses assaulted. Bleecch.
  7. Mary Renault's 'Fire from Heaven' and 'The Persian Boy' in an omnibus type book about the life and times of Alexander The Great. I started it being a tad sceptical but was soon riveted and foregoing sleep to get to the end. I am unsure as to how historically correct the books were, but as a read they were excellent.
  8. Gumbo sounds good. I've taken down the recipe and am going to try it tonite. It sounds like something that my kids would dig. Cheers, matey!.
  9. Judging by the tenor of the posts submitted here, you could fill the position with any one of the candidates and it would still be pretty vacant.
  10. Thankyou Nephele. The Fabii Maximii are one of those gens that have always fascinated me. I have read that Fabius Maximus Verucosus was the grandson of the first Fabius Maximus, but thought it couldn't hurt to ask your thoughts. Cheers again.
  11. happy birthday, Viggen.

  12. Welcome to UNRV, niall.

  13. I've just finished reading 'Route 66 A.D' by Anthony Perrotett, chronicling his trials and tribulations as he follows the route of ancient Roman tourists using Agrippa's Map. Good book, and funny too.
  14. The Big Lebowski is one of my faves of all time so I'm interested to see No Country. Is it a thriller or a piss take? I've not yet seen Persepolis, but I have seen Ratatouille - my kids love it.
  15. Wicked work again, Lady Nephele. Any idea which Fabian was the original bearer of the cognomen 'Maximus', and what if any great deed he achieved to be so cognominated? Also, did the blood Fabii Maximii actually die out necessitating they continue their line via adoption? If so (and you know the answers), who was the last blood Fabii Maximii and the first adopted? Was it Fabius Aemilianus?
  16. Jealousy perhaps? Penis Envy? I notice that Herc always has a massive club at the ready... As for Mark Antony in the C. McCullough books, I think depicting the guy with a massive appendage just suits her characterisation of him and evens up the fact that she describes him as quite an ugly man. Giving him an oversized utensil that he's not afraid of advertising makes his womanising more valid.
  17. I am interested in the very late Republic, from the time of Marius and Sulla to the death of Caesar. There are so many famous names in that period that you couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting one of them. Since joining this site, I have become more interested in the early republic and it's important figures. It's difficult for me, though, to surmise how much is fact and how much is creative Roman propaganda (Regulus returning to Carthage to his execution, for example.)
  18. Happy birthday, Aurelianus.

  19. Give it a blast, mate. From what I hear of Uni life, it wont be long before you're into it and looking back thinking 'why didn't I do this sooner'? Go for it. If for nothing else, do it for the chicks!
  20. I saw the Irish entry. If they are taking it seriously, I'll eat my hat.
  21. Welcome to UNRV, Falconius!

  22. Hilarious. Although I will never be able to believe you when you use the words 'no pun intended'.
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