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Everything posted by Crispina

  1. This is so interesting, but I'm confused about how they know it's Cleopatra's tomb? Only because of the coins? Or does her name appear somewhere on the walls? And if it's been underwater, the remains would be destroyed. I can't wait to hear more about this. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Read story here: http://tinyurl.com/36z5cj
  3. Sorry if it's already been posted, I just happened across it while surfing for information on the tapestry.
  4. I thought about the library right away, but perhaps you mean you want to purchase the audio books not borrow?
  5. The sky is bright and clear and the eclipse has begun here - almost half - total around 10pm.
  6. Thanks for sharing this wonderful article. I wish this could be presented as a film documentary some day.
  7. What is Septimius and the lady wearing on their heads? Crowns or hats? I don't believe I've ever seen a Roman (or sculpture) with a hat.
  8. I have never seen pictures like these. Thanks for sharing. What is written on the portrait?
  9. I have never seen pictures like these. Thanks for sharing.
  10. This topic has surely been discussed before, but being a lazy newbie, I didn't search the archives. Why do we not see more painted portraits and murals of emperors and important officials? Because they are fragile they just didn't survive that long or were statues considered more "proper", ect? I've seen photos of grave masks and pics of graffitti. And were documents ever illustrated?
  11. Thank you Nephele, I just now found this post! I copied and will save your reply to show my friends. Hateria Cerintha aka Crispina P.S Gaius Hortensius Frutex now wishes you a merry winter solstice as his head sits in the garden with an inch of snow on top!
  12. Now you can be IN the movie! http://www.jibjab.com/sendables/266/Holida...s_a_JibJab_Life
  13. I'm ready for MY Roman name. Gauis Hortensius Frutex says, "Happy Thanksgiving" by the way! Ctirseanthherir (I am female.)
  14. As promised here is Gaius Hortensius Frutex. A friend wrote to me that he is "just in time for Halloween" (!) Now that I think about it, he does resemble a ghoul; but then again some Roman senators were certainly "goulish". He has eyeballs, they just don't appear in the pic. Ha ha. Thanks again Nephele. And if I had been thinking I would have wrapped the ivy about his head, having no available laurel.
  15. Oh, and as soon as possible, I will post his photo!
  16. "Gaius Hortensius Frutex" it is. Thank you Nephele! And thanks for all the welcoming remarks.
  17. My first post! And want to begin by saying how happy I was to find this forum and how much I've enjoyed lurking as a "guest" these past months. Totally not what I expected my first question to be to you learned historians, but today I purchased a concrete head! He was only $10, but I saw him instantly as being given a position in one of my sunken gardens - a Medieval chap I thought. But..the more I looked upon him, the more I saw a sour faced Roman Senator! I've dubbed him, "Gaius Gardinius" (I know-not Latin for garden, but I like it). Me thinks he needs a third name. Can you help me?
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