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Blog Comments posted by Lost_Warrior

  1. A fifteen year old hundreds or thousands of years ago was much more intelligent in matters of "real life" than a fifteen year old is today since the advent of this "universal education". What does that say to you?


    I'll keep punching and kicking as long as I can. smile.gif The rules I don't want are the ones created by the people who think that freedom should be forfieted in order to create a specifically controlled and designed society. Common good, my ass. I just want individual rights, not to have individual rights given to some entity, corporate/state/whatever, and have the latter supercede the former.


    I agree ;) "Those who would sacrifce essential liberty for temporary security deserve neither"...and that is just what we are being taught to do.

  2. It's a gas station/convenience store. Not my first choice of work, but it's what was available. And I find myself hanging out about the place more often than is probably healthy now, and I'm thinking I may really enjoy this job. If it weren't for the getting up at 4 30 am, I would be very much looking forward to my first day <_<

  3. I attended a private school for a number of years and I did extremely well during that time. I actually achieved very decent grades in public schools up until my later highschool years when I completely lost interest in going to school. I still managed to get accepted to the engineering department at the Univeristy of Colorado, but I changed my major to earth sciences in an attempt to compensate for my lack of any motivation to sit in a classroom and do the same crap I had done for the last 12 years. It really didn't make a difference and I soon dropped out. I was just glad to get the hell out of the small town I grew up in.


    That's part of the reason why I'm not currently going to college. I'm sick of sitting around in school all of the time, and I don't know what I want to do with my life, so I'm not going to pay thousands of dollars for an education in a field that I will later find I have no interest in, and basically throw all that $$ away while still not having the education I desire.


    If I had the same frame of mind when I was young that I do now, I'd currently be about 6 years (or more) ahead of where I am, career-wise. How powerful do you think corporations would be if teenage kids regulary became entrepreneurs and produced and learned by their own will and with an unsupressed passion? This iwas a reality that existed in the early days of America, that has now been choked almost to death. "Overproduction" was the label given to it - millions of independent humans passionately following their own dream. It severely limited big business. It's no wonder that Rockefeller and Carnegie heavily funded mass schooling.


    I never thought of it that way! Of course, I wasn't born until 1988 so I really didn't experience that or even know of it.

  4. I agree. I loved learning, and still do. I'm tired of the school system, but there were some parts of it I really enjoyed. Not the system itself, which I despise, but some of the classes I had and such, I really enjoyed. I never really tried hard at school, never studied much, never actually did my homework at home, and always did well. The way I saw it, the gods gifted me with the ability to get through that drivel easily so that I'd have time to do the more important things. <_<


    I hate to see people who believe that school is all there is. Parents do not help with this. My parents always encouraged me to do other things. Some people, I notice, force their children to do school clubs, sports, music, everything crammed into one day. It's no wonder the kids are exhausted! :ph34r:

  5. Question on Florida teacher's exam: "If you have eighteen pencils and take away three..." dry.gif

    In Massachusetts, in order to increase the number of teachers passing the exam, the passing score was lowered.


    Seems to me they do similar things with the tests students have to take.


    I think it was in eighth grade, one of our standardized tests contained the question "what is the sum of 2 and 3". Now, if you are in the 8th grade (meaning your 9th year of schooling usually) you really should be able to answer that question. If you can't answer that question, you should not have passed 4th grade. People still failed.


    In one health class I was in, the teacher got up in front of the class and "reviewed" with us. Basically reading everything off of the test (in order!!) and giving us the answers. We were permitted to take notes on what he said. We were then permitted to use these notes on the test. And work with a partner! And if we did not work with a partner, we were permitted to use the textbook! PEOPLE STILL FAILED!! :ph34r: how is this happening? I don't know how anyone can be that dumb! I mean, he gave us the answers, let us write them down, and let us use them on the test! <_<

  6. Now see, everyone told me to call back. My mom told me to call back, and at least two other people told me to call back to show them I was really interested (my mom has NEVER been turned down for a job she applied for, and she got them all by calling ;) )


    Besides that, the job market is extremely competitive here. Meaning, pretty much every job there is available, five people will have applied for it. They WILL HIRE the most desperate person, so I basically have to be that person ;)


    I forgot to mention, my AP test results came today, and I got a three on my chem exam (I PASSED!! I PASSED!!) and a four on English ;)

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