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Blog Entries posted by Lost_Warrior

  1. Lost_Warrior
    I'm not usually the superstitious type, but dead cows in the road at 5.30 AM are a bad omen.
    An overturned cattle hauler turned my 15 minute morning drive into an hour and 45 minutes, during which I got lost, and went I don't know how many miles out of my way.
    Fortunately, my boss and supervisor both thought it was hilarious. When I got there they asked me if I needed a map to get to the other side of the shop. "Can you find your way to the Robodrill?" "Better paint some arrows on the floor for her Joe". Yea sure.
    When the fire chief says "Funny you should want to come through here" you know it's not good.
    I have used up my sanity quota for the day. If you want sanity, leave your name and number. There is a waiting list.
  2. Lost_Warrior
    I'm still fighting the depression. It's largely situational...so while I don't know exactly what is causing some of it, I do know that once things 'settle down' it should improve. I really hope and pray that that is soon, too. I wonder just how much more I can take.
    I joined a Brighid flamekeeping Cill over on TC. Tomorrow is the beginning of my first shift, and I'm building a shrine to her tomorrow evening. I'm happy that I will have the house to myself for that. I don't know what all will go on the shrine, but I do know that I am painting a design on it (I have to work on the design today) and I already repainted the cabinet that I am using, in preparation for the design being painted on it.
    I've also renewed my interest in volcanoes, somehow. They always interested me, and when I was younger, I was very much a volcano nut. Now, for some reason, I am a volcano nut again...and I have an idea bouncing around in my head for a volcano pendant made with the Artclay I got for Christmas. I'm half afraid to try it though. I get complicated ideas right off the bat. *grins*
  3. Lost_Warrior
    I actually have an 83% in AP Chem right now! That's for the end of the marking period (meaning, that at least that will be on my report card. I say "at least" because I'm almost positive there are some extra credit points in there which have not been added in yet.) I was expecting like...a 70-something. But 83?? YEEEE!! ::dances::
    (ok, I'm done now, lol.)
  4. Lost_Warrior
    So I woke up this morning, at about 11 00 (no sense getting up early on spring break of my senior year. Pretty soon i'm going to have to get a job ) and my mom is outside the bathroom door, she heard me get up and as I was brushing my teeth she told me she was sneaking into my room to get a hanger out of my closet. I find out she needs the hanger because the dryer won't turn on...we had clothes hanging in odd places all over the house...
    The reason the dryer wouldn't start was because as mom was trying to bake bread, she discovered that the stove would not turn *off*. She turned off the power, but that also shut down every 220 line in the house, including the dryer and the oven. She tried to unplug the burner but it wasn't the plug in kind-it was hard wired. The wires were broken somehow.
    So my grandad comes to help (that's who we call when we need something fixed) and he needs a flashlight. My mom gets hers only to discover that it has exploded. Literally. The batteries exploded and shattered the plastic outside part. So I fetch my flashlight from my nightstand.
    We then discover that in order to fix the stove we need wire nuts. We don't have any wire nuts, so mom asks me to run over to the neighbors and ask if they have any. My one neighbor answers the door, laughs slightly when I tell him the story, but looks confused when I ask about the wire nuts and says he doesn't think they have any, but sends me to another neighbor who just happens to bring over three different sizes...and meets my grandparents. Nice guy we sent him candy later in the day.
    So the stove is fixed and the bread is being very slow to rise as it is cold in the house, mom finally gives up and sticks it in the oven half risen. It turned out wonderfully. The one thing that went right today. We went to my grandparents for dinner, then came home and everything is back to normal...sort of. We still need to replace the 50 yr old countertop stove...there goes our "emergency fund" lol two burners still work but the wiring is just too old..its too risky to not replace it.
    So how was everyone else's Easter sunday?
  5. Lost_Warrior
    I got this email today. Normally I don't pay too much attention to forwarded emails unless they are cute, but I read about this EXACT SAME THING in Newsweek about a month or so ago.
    Stupid government. If the American people are not sufficiently angered by this, then I officially give up on America. And if this bill actually passes, then it's really true, democracy doesn't work anymore.
    On a lighter note, after much work this morning we got the art show cleaned up (I worked extra to help out afterwards) and I got all of my artwork home safe thanks to my mom for giving me a ride home today. I found out today that I almost won "choice of show", which is considerably more annoying than not winning it when I thought I didn't stand a chance
    Oh, and I posted the pictures of the flowers in my gallery, come check them out! I am so proud!!!
  6. Lost_Warrior
    So, I had to go to orientation this morning. Had to be at the store at 6 am and then head out to New Milford. I had no clue where that was. And I was making the trip alone. Majorly nervous because I was sure I'd be lost. I get about 3 or 5 miles from the store and hit fog. The windshield fogs up terribly, so I slow down to about 20 mph (in a 45 zone) trying to figure out what's going on. It happened immediately after I hit the windshield washers, so at first I thought they did it. Then all the windows fogged to. I could not see a dippin' thing. I know the guy in the car behind me was thinking "what the hell is wrong with that car in front of me" and I pull over and throw on the hazard lights, then I turn on the defrosters and finally get the windshild clear with use of the wipers, and I head out again. It was foggy and I had to drive 10-15 miles under the speed limit most of the way. The road I had to take most of the way was a mess because of recent rains doing major damage to the blacktop. Then I get to the end of the road that I *thought* went straight into New Milford. I have two choices: right or left. Now, this wasn't in the directions I was given, so I was *sure* I made a mistake. I look right and see there's more buildings down there, I figure I'll get to the nearest likely one and I'll ask directions. Then I see "New Milford Hardware" as I'm driving down the road, and I think "hey, maybe I made the right turn after all!" Still no sign of the store I'm supposed to go to, so I pull into the parking lot of an automotive shop and ask directions to the store. If I had driven 10 more feet down the road I would have seen it. They guy probably thought I was nuts.
    I thought I would be late, but I actually was about 40 minutes early. I followed the trainer into the parking lot. We were talking and she looked at my paperwork. She said "I can't believe she's starting you out at only ** an hour! That's a little low, don't you think?" I'm like "um..I guess so. I don't know what they normally pay." She makes a phone call to the corporate office and gets me a raise...before orientation even actually starts!!! I'm a bit concerned about this actually, because my manager does not know about it yet, unless the corporate office contacted her. I hope she doesn't get mad.
    Orientation itself was kind of a bore. It consisted of sitting at a table watching videos, filling out paperwork, and cracking jokes with the other trainees. The company bought us lunch, and it was good lunch to. I had an italian hoagie. I was not sure how they were making it and was quite shocked when she dumped some thick stuff over it instead of the oil I was expecting. The thick stuff turned out to be creamy italian salad dressing. I was a bit annoyed and confused at first, but I tasted it and it was incredible! I'd never even heard of such a thing, but it was really, REALLY good!!
    The drive home was uneventful, and I stopped up at my mom's store instead of calling her. I think I startled her I got shirts that she will wear once my uniform shirts come in. I also got two pairs of cheap sunglasses, because I broke my sunglasses and I need sunglasses. I have a pair of glasses for the car, but I want them to stay in the car so I always have a pair in the car
    LOL what's with the "too many emoticons" thing? I had no clue there was actually a limit on emoticons!
  7. Lost_Warrior
    So, I get in my car to drive to work, and my car CD player says "bad disk" and spits the CD out at me. (there is absolutely nothing wrong with the disk. I put it back in and it plays fine.) I stop at an intersection, and a guy is spackling overhead, there is white fluffy stuff falling down and it appears to be snowing in the intersection in the middle of summer.
    Is this an omen for the rest of my day?
    I get to work, and I cannot get the pricing gun to work, it somehow gets the tape of little stickers wrapped back inside. I try to bag rolls, and every time I turn around, someone is standing at my register. NOW, there is another register, and a cashier at it. I am clearly busy. But they have to stand patiently at my register, expecting me to stop what I'm doing and come over. I went through about 20 pairs of gloves trying to bag those stupid rolls.
    THEN, I'm trying to make a hawiian pizza, and I can't find the container. I have to get it out of the sink and wash it. Then I have to track down the pineapple and something to put it in. When I get the can opener to work, and try to put the pineapple in the container, what do I do but tip the container and dump pineapple down all over my new leather shoes, the front of the refridgerator, and the counter?
    I am trying to make a hoagie for someone and have to track down a knife, also in the sink. Then I'm making another pizza, because we have suddenly sold out of both pepperoni and cheese pizza. So I don't even get the dough spread out, before I hear a crash behind me. I turn around, and the Pringles display has taken a nosedive, there are cans of Pringles ALL OVER the floor. So I leave my pizza and pick them up. A nice lady who is in the store every day helps my coworker pick up the cans, and I get back to my pizza. (some smart person has set the tower of cans on top of the empty box without even taping the box. As you can imagine, the flaps simply folded in.)
    The next thing I know, the bucket under the drink thingy, (it's a big basin full of ice and bottles of ice tea, with a tube to drain) is overflowing. All over the floor. Oy vey. So I have to clean that up to. I swear, that thing is the worlds worst invention.
    Oh yea, I forgot to mention, when I started my shift there was water coming out of the oven. Don't ask.
  8. Lost_Warrior
    Is turning out to be a lot easier especially now that I have a helmet that works properly. Al's helmet is way too big for me, and I had to hold it on, opera-glasses style. My new one is MINE and it's auto-darkening. No more "blind tack welding".
    I'm currently working on some Oblisk lawn ornaments. This is actually really fun.
    I haven't been this content or "mellow" in a long time. I used to be a complete spaz, but I'm not anymore. It's wonderful.
  9. Lost_Warrior
    I just bought a beautiful, brand new, rosewood and mahogany Celtic harp last night!!! I can't wait until it gets here!! I can't imagine what possessed me (I spent about three weeks' pay on the thing) but I am so excited about it!!!!
    I got a pretty good deal on it, harp, case, two books, extra strings and tuning tool for about 300 bucks.
    This is the harp I'm getting, but I found it as a combo deal on Ebay instead of buying it from here.
  10. Lost_Warrior
    This was my first attempt at doing anything even remotely like this (on all levels) and I am very pleased with the result! When I do something like this again (I will, because I truly enjoyed making it) I will hopefully have a better woodburner, (what I have is a soldering iron which can't really do curves...and doesn't get hot enough to really mark the wood) and I will be a bit more careful with the colors (the gold tends to smear). I'll also be pickier about my wood.
    Made from a slice of Hemlock, some colored pencil for the color (these particular pencils work great on wood) and some beads on waxed linen cord.
    The Runic design is for Strength, Health, Protection and Courage (bonus points to anyone who can figure out which Runes I used.)


  11. Lost_Warrior
    On Monday I summoned up my courage and asked for (and got!) a raise, and more hours. That turned into more stress than I needed, but alls well that ends well, and I did get a raise and more hours (and the increase from my old weekly income is going to go right into my savings.)
    It took me most of the week but I found a DSL provider, for less than I actually expected to pay! I ended up going with the phone company, which I DIDN'T want to do for various reasons, but I did have to as Verizon wasn't available here. I think I made out OK.
    I also ordered a new Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop. I think it will be here this week, I hope. It has an integrated webcam and I upgraded the battery. I've wanted a laptop for years, but I never had a reason to have one. Now I do (more on that later) and I am getting a big tax refund, so I went and did it.
    The DSL will be installed on Wednesday. I hope all goes well. I'm a little worried since I cannot be there when they install it, and my mom doesn't know anything at all about computers. I also have a therapy session on Wednesday, hopefully, if it doesn't get canceled again. At this point it's just a hassle and I'm not entirely looking forward to it.
    I'm thinking this week will be another busy week for me, and I hope it's not as interesting as last week. *laughs*
    Yesterday I set up a blog for my Cill work: Keeping Brighid's Flame. I've invited any of the Cill members who want to join me in posting there to do so. No one has been added yet, but I have at least one other person who will join.
  12. Lost_Warrior
    I finally got to change my new 14g earrings today!!! I put in my Shorty Goddess Spirals by Little Seven (actually called Shorty spirals but they're a smaller version of their Goddess spirals)

    And a close up:

    Those are actually 18g LeRoi flatbacks in the bottom holes. They're meant for labret piercings, mostly, but they work great for earrings. A little difficult to put in and remove, but awesome for long term wear - just make sure the balls are tightly screwed on every day. No post jabbing you in the side of the neck, no clutch back that is almost guaranteed to fall off!
  13. Lost_Warrior
    Lol computer is finally up and running. FINALLY. Took long enough. LOL I had a heck of a time with my internet connection, updating Norton and the like. I have to get ADAware too again. Finally got my IM back, and I'm working on getting my channel back soon (I lost my channel because I hadn't been on. They didn't realize my comp crashed). Lol so I should be more active again now.
    Monty Python is on PBS on Wednesday nights. 8:00. XD
  14. Lost_Warrior
    Cybele was also known as Magna Mater and was a fertility goddess from Phrygia. She was associated with the Earth and was worshipped on mountaintops. Her worship was "wild, emotional, bloody, orgiastic, and cathartic" and was led by eunuch priests (called Corybantes) who ritually castrated themselves and assumed women's identities.
    She was also known as a goddess of caverns and fortresses, and of wild beasts.
    In Greek Mythology Cybele was known as Rhea. She was renowned as the mother of the gods and her festival came first in Rome.
    Much more detailed info
  15. Lost_Warrior
    I am now the proud owner of a 2006 Ford Focus SES ZX4! Yippee! It's a very dark metallic gray, very shiny and pretty. And it drives amazingly. Everything is adjustable, the seat is adjustable three ways, steering wheel, everything. I've never been so comfortable in any car (or so comfortable driving any car) as I am in this one. I actually drove all the way home by myself (and that is the first time I've ever driven alone) without feeling uncomfortable.
    We test drove two, one was a used black one from 2005 and the second one was this gray one. I got behind the wheel of this car and fell in *love*. Seriously. I had to have this car. The car ended up being $1000 more than was on the sticker because Ford changed the rebate. But my grandad managed to get them to pull some strings and get the price down some. Grr. But I have my baby.
    We left the dealership and I got to drive it home, but we got about a quarter of the way home and my grandad realized that we didn't have 1) the owners manual and 2) the spare key. So we had to go back. We got them and everything was fine though.
    After everyone spending about an hour examining the car, I drive home, my mom decides to follow me to make sure I make it home safely. and then she goes to the store. I get home fine, but don't have a house key. I realized it halfway home, then got to watch my mom drive by me waving happily while I have to sit on the porch and wait to get into my house
    I'll post a picture when I get around to getting them off my digital camara.
  16. Lost_Warrior
    So, I woke up the other day with this crazy idea in my head that I wanted to build a webforum. Mind you, I already had two webforums. I simply enjoy building them As luck would have it, I was having a problem with the admin panel on my one forum, and tech support was ignoring me (it was a function that I *really need* that wouldn't work). I had wanted to move to Proboards anyway (Proboards is AWESOME), but I was worried about moving again, because the first time I moved Hidden Worlds it was a fiasco. But I made the switch. Currently I'm glad I did (if you are interested in spirituality or new age stuff, Check it out). Now I'm trying to figure out how to get more traffic. To avoid it being as much as a fiasco as it was last time, I've decided to leave both the old and new forum up for a while, so I am currently running both at the same time.
    I got another idea in my head, to try composing music on the computer. Now I've had a song in my head for almost a year, but I can't figure out the notes to write it. I found this neat little program called Psycle, and it seems to have great capabilities to do what I want to do. The thing is, I have no clue how to use it. So it's becoming a pain in the butt I did learn something though, Techno is just a bunch of random notes and funny sounds. Now THAT I can do!!!
    I called the place I put in a job application at, and not only had she lost my application, but she hadn't bothered to look for it yet! (I mean, come on, if you don't want to hire me, just say so!) This is worrisome, because this particular place is *rediculously* short staffed AND has a reputation for hiring anyone who walks in the door. So I got an application from a couple of other places, filled them out, and took them back. One is only hiring night shift, but that's cool, I'm a total night owl
  17. Lost_Warrior
    (now please, go crawl in a hole and die!)
    That's what I felt like saying most of the day today.
    I had to work the deli this morning, and I HATE deli in the morning. I'm willing to do it, but it is far from my favorite thing, I was alone on deli this morning and still not entirely sure what I was supposed to be doing or how. I had no problem with *being* on deli because they wanted to train the new girl on register, and so they asked me to switch over to deli. Of course, the new girl was sick and wasn't going to be there, so I got up earlier and got to work earlier for no apparent reason.
    I started out having a very good head start on things, however that quickly went downhill. We were busy as all GET OUT! (something I also felt like saying most of the day) and it took me an hour to do things that should have taken fifteen minutes. The chicken was frozen when I needed it, someone has messed with the temperature settings on everything so the hot dogs were cold and the soup was scorching, I had no time to make the pizzas, I also had to bake things on top of everything else (something I never did get finished.) I felt like I was trying to be in three places at once, I cannot POSSIBLY reach the pizza oven from the deli counter, I just can not do it! Then a woman comes in and says she wants a "regular sub" and I asked her what kind of sub she wanted. She replied "a REGULAR sub. I want a REGULAR sub." as if I'm supposed to know what that means. I said (perhaps a bit testy at this point) "what kind of sub do you want? we have ham, turkey, italian..." she cut me off with "I want a REGULAR sub. I don't need your attitude. I'm leaving." at which point my manager comes out to see what's going on, asks the lady what she wants and she repeats the same answer. Of course, my manager does not know what she means either, and is trying to explain to the woman that "regular sub" is simply not in our terminology and no one here knows could possibly know what she means...(turns out she meant an *american* sub...something that I'd never even heard of before I started work!)
    They told me that we were usually that busy in the mornings, but I'd never seen it that busy. It was insane, and they told me "this is normal" (looking at the paperwork at the end of my shift, and the amount of sales, I do not think that it was normal at all actually ). Because I *love* deli so much, and managed to stop myself from simply running around in circles screaming, I am being asked to work deli tommorow morning too, because I "need more practice". Which I do, but first I'd like some time to get my head on straight.
    I had a couple of bright spots in my day, the first being that I found a silver quarter in my drawer as I was counting it first thing this morning. When I did my paperwork at the end of my shift, it came out *to the penny* which has only happened once before. I was ecstatic.
    I was driving home and a lady was walking down the road, she signalled me that she wanted a ride. I almost drove right past, but something told me "stop for this lady" and even though I really don't pick up hitch hikers on principle, I stopped. (I really don't know why I did. It was like I just could not drive past. Something seemingly outside of myself removed my foot from the gas pedal to the brake, without my even thinking about it). I asked her where she was going and it was only a few miles out of my way so I said "hop in" and I took her home. (she had wrecked her car). She was very nice, and very thankful that I had given her a ride. I recognized her, she comes into my store alot although I did not know her name. She had signalled for a ride because she had mistaken me for her friend, but I stopped and I'm glad I did, the distance she had to go would have been horrible to walk, and it started to rain.
  18. Lost_Warrior
    My birthday dinner...sucked. We got to the restaurant to find a note on the door "As of Feb. 26 we will be closed on Mondays." Just my luck. It's nearly a forty minute drive to the next nearest eating spot, and I am carsick. Have been nauseous since an hour before leaving. Come home from dinner and am very dizzy, can't even sit up let along stand. I flip out at my mom for smoking in the house again, as it makes me sick and causes my throat to burn.
    She blames blood sugars. I blame the flu that's going around. I only worked three hours today, and that was because there was no one to cover for me until 5:30. I woke up this morning at 8:30 and couldn't stand to be in bed anymore...it seems to have gone directly into my chest.
    When I got to work I was feeling much better, but it got worse from there. By the end of my three hours I was about ready to drop; I was more than a little thankful for it to be over.
    I have to work tomorrow, and Saturday and Sunday too. I'm going to bed, hoping that I am well enough tomorrow to pull of a Friday shift without issue. Mom has taken to smoking in the basement but I can still smell the smoke; it's making my nose itch unbelievably. I do not understand how *anyone* can even consider liking those awful commercial cigs.
    My schedule doesn't suck so much this week. Three more days and I get two days off in a row. YAY! I'm hoping I will be well by then; the only thing worse than having to work when you're sick, is suffering through your days off with the flu.
    I'm feeling :stretcher:. I would like to be :drunk:.
  19. Lost_Warrior
    My dad called yesterday morning, screaming at my mom. She basically told him, "you're being an @ss, and you're alienating your daughter. She's going whether you want her to or not, so you can make this easy, or you can make this hard. If you keep acting like this she might just jump in the car and go, and you don't want that, do you?" So he's stopped being a donkey's behind, and I'm catching the train in Downingtown. It'll be a VERY long ride, (about 2 days) and I have to change trains three times. He's not coming with me, but he'll see me off.
    I'm disappointed to learn that I would be better off leaving my ritual dagger at home, I probably won't be able to bring it on AMtrak. I don't really need it, but I'd wanted so badly to show it to Al. I don't know about bringing anything I make there home...I suppose I could mail it back. AMtrak is more strict than the airlines are, with their checked baggage. The good news is, I can take up to 100 lbs of luggage with me as *carry on* not including my purse, and I can carry up to 150 lbs of luggage in checked baggage. I'm going to try to do it all as carry on however, because of all the changing trains. I don't need much to survive after all, and it's only six weeks.
    There's a lot I have to get done before I go though, I have to renew registration for my car, and get it inspected. I also have to get some decent luggage. I think I may ask my gram to go with me shopping, because she's more likely to be available than my mom on any given day and she is more well traveled than I am.
    I've put in my notice at work, WOO-HOO! Three weeks...May 23...and no more work. At least until I come back from MN. (They're holding my job for me, because they really don't want me to leave). I'm desperately hoping to get a new job quickly after I come back though; my current job, while sometimes a joy, has been detrimental to my physical, mental and emotional health. I really need to get out.
    I've gotten a ring to use for my "coming of age" ceremony (my friend calls it "reclaiming adulthood" and I rather like her term for it), but it'll need to be resized when I get it here. I am planning to do it *before* I go, because it makes more sense, and because it's more practical. Hopefully the weather will cooperate.
  20. Lost_Warrior
    I'm going back to PA tonight at 3 25 AM (yay?). I'm exhausted and so NOT looking forward to the trip. I am really going to miss being out here in MN and working with Al. I've learned so much, I can't wait to get my own shop set up and see what I can do!
    The birdbath stand that was such a pain in the ass got taken out by some wind, it's a real shame after all I went through with it. It was a good project though, I learned a lot. We went to Raven Works Forge and I got to meet Joel and Sue; they're really cool, and I had a great time talking to them. I learned so much just from seeing things from a different perspective. It was so inspiring.
    Yesterday and today I worked on a "letter opener" that turned into a mini replica of an Amazon war spear with a Norse Rune engraved handle (Uruz, if you must know. I'm thinking of getting it tattooed on me somewhere. My ankle maybe?) It was a lot of work but I'm finally happy with the result. Wish it was a little sharper. I also made an armband that kind of matches my tattoo. I'm totally psyched about it and can't wait to wear it everywhere and show it off! Fire is such a fun addiction....
    I got some bad news this morning, apparently the place I had a job lined up for is not hiring a full time blacksmith (of course, this came from the boss' wife, not himself. I just asked her to take a message for me that I'd be home in two weeks). I was a little taken aback by it but I'm not that upset. While I don't feel completely ready to set up my own shop yet (I'm not talking about hanging a sign and being an official business...just having a place to work on my own stuff) it looks like I'm going to have to and to be honest, I'm quite excited about it! I just wish I had more money to start out with. I don't want to have to get a loan...I've got my mom on it; if anyone can ferret out an opportunity, she can!
    Of course this means that my NEPA newsletter might not be able to be in print like I wanted; at least not unless advertising can cover the costs. That's OK with me, although of course it's a disappointment. I can always do it the free online way!
    I've been busy, and I didn't get to read all the books I had planned to or all the writing done either...I guess I'm just not the bookworm I used to be. I would say I'll get alot of it done on the train but I know I won't. I'm hoping to sleep as much as I possibly can.
    I am really not looking forward to the train ride over two days. It's only two layovers and shouldn't be as harrowing as the ride out here but at the same time I'm nervous about it. I don't like giving up control. Next time I come out here I'm definitely going to drive...driving is fun, and I really enjoy long trips in the car. On the train, not so much.
    See you Sunday night! (or Monday morning).
  21. Lost_Warrior
    OMG YAY!!! I got a job!! A totally awesome job, with wonderful hours, and I talked to my boss on the phone and in person and he seems REALLY cool. It's doing machine/metal work, and I've done that manner of work before and I LOVED IT!! I'm SO excited to start tomorrow!!
  22. Lost_Warrior
    This week was actually pretty good, all things considered. Still, I'm tired. I was sick over the weekend, and started out the week not being able to eat well, so I was already off to a nasty start. Add to that hormone fluctuations and a few other things, and well, it went well but I'm glad it's over.
    My beads from Fire Mountain came yesterday, and I made a couple of bracelets. I'm not entirely happy with them, for various reasons, but I am mostly satisfied with how they came out.
    Elemental Fire bracelet:


    Elemental Water bracelet:


    The Firelands: (a single image of a volcano in Hawaii. Photomanip. The original image looks nothing like this, it can be found Here. )

    Flight of Desire:

  23. Lost_Warrior
    This is what I've been doing for the past two days.
    Yesterday: a volcano pendant. Didn't turn out as planned...had a hard time with it actually, but the longer I have it for, the more I like it.
    It's made of silver and that is an orange sapphire.

    Today: my completed shrine to Brighid. Painting this took a LOT out of me. But through the experience of setting up the shrine and doing my first shift work, I learned a LOT about this recent depression.

    My indigo body painting: I got carried away. I started with the flame on my shoulder...and I was having so much fun doing this (it is very relaxing and meditative) that I just kept going.
    I can't believe how good this pic came out. This was taken AFTER my prayer/meditative work, after setting up my shrine, and the painting. I'm GLOWING.

  24. Lost_Warrior
    I'm really sad to report that Lasairian died this morning.
    I don't know what happened. I changed his water on Saturday and he was fine. I fed him Saturday. He took one bite of food (I think it was too big a bite. More than one pellet stuck together or something) and went to the top of the bowl. Just hanging there. He stopped eating.
    All day yesterday he was either at the top or bottom of the bowl...totally just like 'meh'. I could tell the spirit wasn't in him. He ceased to be Lasairian and started being 'fishy' again.
    This morning I looked at him and knew he was a goner...he wasn't dead but I considered flushing him to put him out of misery. At about 8.15 or 8.30 this morning...I was at work...I got a 'flash vision' like a window opened in my head and there he was...his old self.
    I knew right then. When I came home he was gone.
  25. Lost_Warrior
    I normally don't do tests like this, but this one was just too good to pass up.
    Funny I only scored "moderate" as a heretic, when I'm not even Christian!
    The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell!
    Fifth Level of Hell
    The river Styx runs through this level of Hell, and in it are punished the wrathful and the gloomy. The former are forever lashing out at each other in anger, furious and naked, tearing each other piecemeal with their teeth. The latter are gurgling in the black mud, slothful and sullen, withdrawn from the world. Their lamentations bubble to the surface as they try to repeat a doleful hymn, though with unbroken words they cannot say it. Because you lived a cruel, vindictive and hateful life, you meet your fate in the Styx.
    Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
    Level | Score
    Purgatory | Very Low
    Level 1 - Limbo | Low
    Level 2 | High
    Level 3 | High
    Level 4 | High
    Level 5 | High
    Level 6 - The City of Dis | Moderate
    Level 7 | High
    Level 8- the Malebolge | High
    Level 9 - Cocytus | Low
    Level descriptions: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-information.html
    Take the test: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-test.mv
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