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Blog Entries posted by Lost_Warrior

  1. Lost_Warrior
    So we ventured into a little town called Eagle's Mere today. They have a few really cool shops, and in the first one we walked into, I found two Roman coins. Well more than two, I couldn't resist buying one, and I actually ended up with two. I wish I could have brought them all home.
    The first one I picked up is from Constantine, the second, Constantius. I have no idea why I picked the one of Constantine, other than I was drawn to it for some reason. Actually, I didn't even realize until I got home, Constantius is apparently Constantine's son. I had no idea LOL. The second one seems miraculously well preserved, or completely fake. I like it because of the little legion standards on the back of the coin I have no idea as to the value of these coins.
    I've posted images in my blog:
    Constantine II
    Constantius II
    I also went to a bookstore that I somehow didn't even know existed and I picked up a book entitled The Mask of Jove by a guy called Stringfellow Barr. It's a first edition hardback book in very good condition. It is about the history of the Roman Empire, written in a narrative format. I now have four books that I plan to read for UNRV this might take a while (I picked up another off the "bargain rack" at the mall last week).
    My new book looks very good, however I'm wondering who named their kid Stringfellow and why.
  2. Lost_Warrior
    The first three days of this week were alot of fun, but the last three, well, were something else lol. I had to work deli alone for the last three days (I worked till 10 PM six days in a row ). The first night, was so crazy that I didn't actually manage to get anything done, I swear, if one more person came in with a pizza order or wanted a hoagie, I was going to scream lol. Then last night I had to "take down" deli, as well as do all my normal work, which I would have barely had time to do because I kept having to stop to make pizzas and hoagies for people. Tonight wasn't SO bad, but I had a terrible time trying to make two pizzas that I had no clue how to make, and wasted probably a half hour trying to figure out how to make them (thank the Gods that they were for the manager's daughter, and so it wasn't an issue. She used to work there and actually helped me make them when she came to pick them up. If it had been someone else, I think there would have been a problem lol) The candy display fell over, I had to tape it up. But then it fell over again. There was really nothing I had time to do with it, so I just left all the candy on the counter.
    I've learned something though, energy drinks are bad for me lol. I get such a buzz off of them, even if it's only half a can. I'm wired for hours, but then, I get home and crash, I mean I don't get sleepy, I get paranoid and jittery. I don't know what it is, lol most of it contains various "nutrients" I've never even heard of. I especially like the taste of them though, and the fact that I am totally wired after drinking them (I love Full Throttle Fury hehe, shortly after drinking some of that I was trying to say "Full Throttle Fury" three times fast. Try it, especially when hyped up on caffeine, you'll find it is nearly impossible, but hilarious)
    I burnt both of my hands on the pizza oven (at the same time) because the door fell open and I either tried to catch it, or didn't get my hands out of the way fast enough. So the back of my right hand and my left index finger are burnt, but not badly, actually, I think they'll probably be fine in the morning. It drove me nuts though, because I had to make about six or seven things after that, and wearing plastic gloves when your hands are burnt, sucks. I'm just glad that I got the dishes done before it happened, because scalding hot bleach water would have REALLY sucked, and I didn't have a nice coworker on deli to do it for me tonight. It's pretty funny actually, I usually burn myself at least once a night (we joke that we are branded when we start work ) and tonight I managed to take care of both hands at the same time. You know, get it all out of the way at once Actually, the burn on my right hand looks a bit like a stylized leaf, and I'm thinking if it actually scarred that way it might look really cool Especially since there's a scratch next to it that looks like a stem. Maybe next week I can get a flower somehow
    I tried to get a cell phone on Tuesday, but they wanted a four hundred dollar deposit. I was like "screw this" so I still don't have a cell phone. Too bad, I really wanted one. TracFone is too expensive for anything but emergencies I think.
  3. Lost_Warrior
    So, I get in my car to drive to work, and my car CD player says "bad disk" and spits the CD out at me. (there is absolutely nothing wrong with the disk. I put it back in and it plays fine.) I stop at an intersection, and a guy is spackling overhead, there is white fluffy stuff falling down and it appears to be snowing in the intersection in the middle of summer.
    Is this an omen for the rest of my day?
    I get to work, and I cannot get the pricing gun to work, it somehow gets the tape of little stickers wrapped back inside. I try to bag rolls, and every time I turn around, someone is standing at my register. NOW, there is another register, and a cashier at it. I am clearly busy. But they have to stand patiently at my register, expecting me to stop what I'm doing and come over. I went through about 20 pairs of gloves trying to bag those stupid rolls.
    THEN, I'm trying to make a hawiian pizza, and I can't find the container. I have to get it out of the sink and wash it. Then I have to track down the pineapple and something to put it in. When I get the can opener to work, and try to put the pineapple in the container, what do I do but tip the container and dump pineapple down all over my new leather shoes, the front of the refridgerator, and the counter?
    I am trying to make a hoagie for someone and have to track down a knife, also in the sink. Then I'm making another pizza, because we have suddenly sold out of both pepperoni and cheese pizza. So I don't even get the dough spread out, before I hear a crash behind me. I turn around, and the Pringles display has taken a nosedive, there are cans of Pringles ALL OVER the floor. So I leave my pizza and pick them up. A nice lady who is in the store every day helps my coworker pick up the cans, and I get back to my pizza. (some smart person has set the tower of cans on top of the empty box without even taping the box. As you can imagine, the flaps simply folded in.)
    The next thing I know, the bucket under the drink thingy, (it's a big basin full of ice and bottles of ice tea, with a tube to drain) is overflowing. All over the floor. Oy vey. So I have to clean that up to. I swear, that thing is the worlds worst invention.
    Oh yea, I forgot to mention, when I started my shift there was water coming out of the oven. Don't ask.
  4. Lost_Warrior
    So, here it is, 10:40 PM and I just got home from work. Mind you, this would not be so bad, however I must be up at 4:30 tommorrow morning so that I can be at work at 6:30. I am also working Sunday morning, at 6 or 6:30 AM. I had switched days with someone so that I would have Sunday off, but the manager decided that since I was a trainee, that wouldn't do. So now I'm back to working Sunday again. Sure, give me some relief from this hellish weekend, then yank it away again! The shift before mine did not stock the cooler, apparently, and it took me twice as long to do it as it should have. Yea...try spending an hour in a refridgerator. What fun THAT is. To top it off, there is a pipe leaking in the office, water all over the floor. The managers know about it, but haven't done anything. Tommorrow there is likely to be a flood. It is REALLY leaking. It will be interesting to see what happens, when we have a small flood in the office. Tommorrow is also a holiday in our little town, (WOO f*ckin HOO! Let's celebrate!) so the place will be so busy, I may not even have time to pee. I may have to walk to work, because they will close off main street and I will not be able to drive home in the afternoon. My mom may drive me, but I'm still going to have to drag my tired ass home on foot. Then be up at 4:30 AM to do it all over again.
    I had just gotten used to the morning/day shift, and they have switched me to midshift. Which is going to totally throw me off. And this job is killing my skin, my hands are rediculously dry and somehow I keep getting little cuts. Hopefully I won't burn myself on a pizza tray again.
    To top it off, whatever manner of six or eight legged creature who left the inch diameter welt on the back of my leg, can go directly to Hades. And if it should have trouble along the way, I will be MORE THAN HAPPY to assist in it's passage.
    Part II
    Here's the update (thank Gods I woke up in a good mood today and somehow wasn't tired, because otherwise I would have killed someone)
    1) someone thought they had gas on pump 4, so it was rung up as $20 on pump 4. It was actually on pump 3. The guy who *actually* had pump 4 thought it must be a mistake, and paid for the $9.75 that was *also* on pump 4. The $20 on pump 3 was accounted for because it actually belonged to the woman, but the $9.75 was not. Apparently, it was paid for however, because there was no short in my drawer at the end of the day.
    2) someone dumped probably 25 or 30 $$ worth of gas in the parking lot. (Hard to estimate the amount when it is all over the parking lot/road, but we did not have enough spilldry in the store to clean it up and had to get more from the fire department).
    3) a case of glass was dropped in the parking lot
    4) a glass bottle was dropped in front of the register
    5) someone apparently paid for $20.00 of gas on pump 2, when they actually had $18.02 on 3 or 4. When we would have rung up the $20.00 for the woman who had actually tried to buy it, that amount was not on the register (but she forgot about it). The $18.02 remained unaccounted for, she called as I was finishing my paperwork to say that I had forgotten to ring up her gas, and came back to pay for it. That was when we figured out what actually happened (in short, we thought there were two people stealing gas, but actually it was just confusing)
    6) the lottery machine decided to neatly accordion-fold the paper instead of printing a reciept
    7) same lottery machine refused to read any tickets put through it, and everything had to be done by hand
    8) lottery machine nearly got a little "percussive mantainance"
    9) we were rediculously busy all day and barely had time to do anything
    10) the guy finally showed up to fix the watery mess in the office
    So, today wasn't *too bad* all things considered...my drawer came out *really close* (even with over $5000 in sales, in a gas station) and I found a silver dime AND got compliments from my assistant manager, which really mean something to me because I don't think she's the type to be "loose" with her compliments.
    Tonight I'm going to the "outhouse races" (yes, you heard right)
    Update: just got back from the outhouse races, yes I have pictures, will post them later. The senator Rick Santorum actually handed out the trophies, unfortunately I did not get pictures of him.
  5. Lost_Warrior
    So, I've just completed my fourth day of work. I've had to get up at 4:30 AM every day that I have work, and I've taken to not eating lunch, simply because there isn't time and when I'm busy, I'm just not hungry. It's been interesting, getting started. I've been learning to run a cash register (which isn't as hard as I thought it would be) and learning to do various other menial tasks (which are much harder than I thought they would be).
    I'm really enjoying my work, despite the early hours. I get along well with my coworkers, although one, seems to think I have the intelligence of a five year old or something. She doesn't say as much, but I can tell it in the way she says things sometimes (I almost put the envelope in the wrong side of the safe and she yelled "NO!" at me like I was a dog or something. ) She's really nice, usually, but there is something just "off" about the way she says some things...and I don't even think she means to do it. I can understand because she's really busy, and I do think that if I were in her position, trying to train someone, I would be the same (after all, I can be pretty antisocial. Especially after getting up at 4:30 AM). I surely hope her opinion of me changes, or my opinion of her opinion of me changes, because otherwise, this is not going to be good.
    Yesterday I burnt my arm on a pizza tray, and today I had to re-price a whole passel of jugs of water. See, they didn't tell me how much they were supposed to cost, so I did what I *thought* was the most logical thing. I looked in the cooler to see how much we were selling them for. The problem was, the ones in the cooler were marked wrong. So I remarked both the ones in the cooler AND the six or 7 boxes (all stacked on top of each other) that I had priced.
    I met this really cool old guy yesterday, who came in and ordered a vegetable hoagie...basically, a sub made entirely of condiments I do not know his name, but meeting him just made my day and I hope I see him again soon
  6. Lost_Warrior
    I've just started playing with a little freeware program for making fractals. Fractal art using this program takes practically no skill, just pushing the right buttons and adjusting the right settings. Even so, the results are SERIOUSLY cool, and no one can argue about that.
    Not only that, they can be given really awesome names. So far I have "Firefly", "Golden Peacock", "Hell's Staircase", "Sandstorm", "Snail Star", "Snow White Galaxy", "Sun Flame" and "Fire Coi" (so named because it kind of looks like an abstract goldfish).
    Will post pictures soon
    [edit] they all stretch beautifully for a desktop background. Even if they appear small.
  7. Lost_Warrior
    So, I had to go to orientation this morning. Had to be at the store at 6 am and then head out to New Milford. I had no clue where that was. And I was making the trip alone. Majorly nervous because I was sure I'd be lost. I get about 3 or 5 miles from the store and hit fog. The windshield fogs up terribly, so I slow down to about 20 mph (in a 45 zone) trying to figure out what's going on. It happened immediately after I hit the windshield washers, so at first I thought they did it. Then all the windows fogged to. I could not see a dippin' thing. I know the guy in the car behind me was thinking "what the hell is wrong with that car in front of me" and I pull over and throw on the hazard lights, then I turn on the defrosters and finally get the windshild clear with use of the wipers, and I head out again. It was foggy and I had to drive 10-15 miles under the speed limit most of the way. The road I had to take most of the way was a mess because of recent rains doing major damage to the blacktop. Then I get to the end of the road that I *thought* went straight into New Milford. I have two choices: right or left. Now, this wasn't in the directions I was given, so I was *sure* I made a mistake. I look right and see there's more buildings down there, I figure I'll get to the nearest likely one and I'll ask directions. Then I see "New Milford Hardware" as I'm driving down the road, and I think "hey, maybe I made the right turn after all!" Still no sign of the store I'm supposed to go to, so I pull into the parking lot of an automotive shop and ask directions to the store. If I had driven 10 more feet down the road I would have seen it. They guy probably thought I was nuts.
    I thought I would be late, but I actually was about 40 minutes early. I followed the trainer into the parking lot. We were talking and she looked at my paperwork. She said "I can't believe she's starting you out at only ** an hour! That's a little low, don't you think?" I'm like "um..I guess so. I don't know what they normally pay." She makes a phone call to the corporate office and gets me a raise...before orientation even actually starts!!! I'm a bit concerned about this actually, because my manager does not know about it yet, unless the corporate office contacted her. I hope she doesn't get mad.
    Orientation itself was kind of a bore. It consisted of sitting at a table watching videos, filling out paperwork, and cracking jokes with the other trainees. The company bought us lunch, and it was good lunch to. I had an italian hoagie. I was not sure how they were making it and was quite shocked when she dumped some thick stuff over it instead of the oil I was expecting. The thick stuff turned out to be creamy italian salad dressing. I was a bit annoyed and confused at first, but I tasted it and it was incredible! I'd never even heard of such a thing, but it was really, REALLY good!!
    The drive home was uneventful, and I stopped up at my mom's store instead of calling her. I think I startled her I got shirts that she will wear once my uniform shirts come in. I also got two pairs of cheap sunglasses, because I broke my sunglasses and I need sunglasses. I have a pair of glasses for the car, but I want them to stay in the car so I always have a pair in the car
    LOL what's with the "too many emoticons" thing? I had no clue there was actually a limit on emoticons!
  8. Lost_Warrior
    A girl kneels by the bedside of her dying lover. Her tattered wings spread out behind her, the feathers unkempt and dirty. She is crying pitifully. The only one who can save her lover, and therefore herself, stands behind her, scowling at her weakness. He is the reason her lover is dying. She would be lost without the one she loves. The voice of Justice echos like thunder throughout the room.
    I've watched your helpless fall from grace
    And the agony in your face
    If every cut were one less pain you had to bear;
    I'd cut myself a thousand times to save you
    And as I watch you slip away
    And this is justice done?
    But I was young!
    The loss of innocence that you hate was caused by you in a time of rage
    Those that died were no longer pure
    Because you stole their purity
    Look at her; she is the last, crying for the one you would not save
    If every cut were one less pain you had to bear;
    I'd cut myself a thousand times to save you
    Will you not help her? Will you turn away and let her die by the suffering you caused to save her kind?
    I am the cause of all I hate
    a thousand times
    Tell me now! Is it not too late to save her?
    It is never too late
    Copyright 2006 KMcJ
  9. Lost_Warrior
    Of the two applications that I put in at the beginning of last week, I got a phone call from one of them (on the same day I was going to call them to "check in"). I had forgotten to fill out my birthdate on the application, and the manager called me to ask for it. No big deal. I come inside from mowing the grass and theres another message on the machine. I almost don't answer it thinking it's the same message as before, but since there are two messages which are nearly identical, I figure it's a new one and not a malfunction so I call her back. I got an interview that same day. She said I'd probably know Monday or Tuesday.
    It's now Wednesday, and I haven't heard, so I called her back. She says she's still waiting for approval from the central office. Now this, I can believe, because she seems to sincerely want to hire me and I know that background checks for 18 yr olds take a long time (my mom also works at a franchise). So I'm hoping I'll know tomorrow, because orientation is Saturday so they had better get their backsides in gear and let me know Turns out it's not night shift though, its "all shifts", which means that I could be working...all sorts of funny hours. I'm a bit apprehensive about this, but not totally. I think that while it may be a pain, it will be kind of fun. My adventuresome spirit sees this as a possible opportunity for an interesting experience. ::crosses her fingers. and her toes:: I really need this job.
    I still haven't heard back from the place that "lost" my application. Although after talking to the manager there, my mom says I probably wouldn't want to work there anyway (apparently someone in authority who shall remain nameless said "what's she need a job for anyway? She has a car, a place to live, and no bills to pay" My mom can't afford to keep me forever ya know lady.) Besides that, their parking lot is aweful and I fear for my low profile tires every time I have to drive through it
    I went to the mall and poked around through the bookstore. Now this bookstore is expensive, and so what I do is keep a little notebook in my pocket, take down the titles of the books I want, go home, and order them off of Amazon for a third the price I did find, on their "bargain books" rack, a large and very beautiful volume entitled Ancient Rome: People and Places. It is actually sewn, not glued, and its glossy pages are chock full of gorgeous pictures! There is more text than I first realized, and it is rather slow reading as I am constantly distracted by the pretty pictures, but it contains a wealth of information. One thing that irks me about it though, is that it does not have a single page devoted to the Roman military. It may be part of a series, in which case the military would be covered in another, similar book which I would love to aquire. But otherwise, I cannot believe the author left out that very important aspect of Roman history!
    The next two in the Eagle series are also headed my way from Amazon, and I cannot wait to recieve them. They were shipped yesterday so I should have them soon. UNRV should have three new reviews, in relatively short order!
    Not long ago I was promoted to Patrician status! :punk: This made my day, even if I was slightly disappointed by not yet having found out that I have a job
  10. Lost_Warrior
    So, I woke up the other day with this crazy idea in my head that I wanted to build a webforum. Mind you, I already had two webforums. I simply enjoy building them As luck would have it, I was having a problem with the admin panel on my one forum, and tech support was ignoring me (it was a function that I *really need* that wouldn't work). I had wanted to move to Proboards anyway (Proboards is AWESOME), but I was worried about moving again, because the first time I moved Hidden Worlds it was a fiasco. But I made the switch. Currently I'm glad I did (if you are interested in spirituality or new age stuff, Check it out). Now I'm trying to figure out how to get more traffic. To avoid it being as much as a fiasco as it was last time, I've decided to leave both the old and new forum up for a while, so I am currently running both at the same time.
    I got another idea in my head, to try composing music on the computer. Now I've had a song in my head for almost a year, but I can't figure out the notes to write it. I found this neat little program called Psycle, and it seems to have great capabilities to do what I want to do. The thing is, I have no clue how to use it. So it's becoming a pain in the butt I did learn something though, Techno is just a bunch of random notes and funny sounds. Now THAT I can do!!!
    I called the place I put in a job application at, and not only had she lost my application, but she hadn't bothered to look for it yet! (I mean, come on, if you don't want to hire me, just say so!) This is worrisome, because this particular place is *rediculously* short staffed AND has a reputation for hiring anyone who walks in the door. So I got an application from a couple of other places, filled them out, and took them back. One is only hiring night shift, but that's cool, I'm a total night owl
  11. Lost_Warrior
    Well I've been home from my dad's for 3 or 4 weeks, and now it's time for me to find a job. I put in an application at a local grocery store. Not only is the place within walking distance, but I liked the atmosphere and thought I would like to work there. They weren't officially hiring, but they were short staffed. I had two reccommendations from people who worked there. I turned in my application. I called a few days later, they told me that the manager had taken it upstairs to look at it. All was looking good. They told me they'd call me. They didn't. I called back, they said "oh, well we looked at your application but we aren't hiring". Um...you think they could have told me that...when I handed in the application? OR, when I called the first time? I think they just wanted a nice way to blow me off. But they could have called. That way I'd have known to keep looking.
    See, the problem is, where I live no one wants to hire an 18 year old. People my age have quite a reputation for not showing up for work, walking out on the job, or if they do show up and stay there they just stand around.
    So I applied at another place, the small convenience store/gas station. The manager was very happy to see me, told me "we're always hiring! They'll find some place for you!" and sent me off with an application, which I turned in 15 minutes later. I went back a few days later to check, and they had lost my application. Manager said she'd find it, I called the next day she hadn't even started to look. OK, that's fine. Told her that if she couldn't find it and needed me to fill out another one, to call me. Said she'd be conducting interviews maybe at the end of the week. I haven't heard back from her yet, but I'm still hopeful.
    I was going to go yesterday with my neighbor to a knife/tool place in Williamsport. See, we are both collectors of knives and swords. He was ill, unfortunately, and also Williamsport was getting pelted with hail and tornados Needless to day, I didn't go. I needed to get some driving time in in order to get a discount on insurance, so today mom and I went to Wal*Mart. (I love Wal*Mart).
    Unfortunately, the road we usually take was closed. So, we had to go the long way around, and we managed to get lost. Well not truely lost, but we were much confused.
    Finally we get to Wal*Mart, and I happen to find the ring I have been looking for. It's citrine, and I wanted a citrine ring, not so much for the look of citrine (citrine is a yellow stone for those who do not know) but for it's energetic properties. Some believe that wearing citrine attracts wealth, which is something I am not concerned about. However, I find that when I wear citrine or carry some of it with me, I am considerably less agitated. I found this out years ago, when I could not stand to be in my school. Large crowds and certain types of technology make me feel physically ill to be around. I do not know the reason, but I found that citrine helps with that, and with some other things as well. Recognizing the "energetic insanity" creeping up on me again, I pulled out my piece of rough citrine and stuck it in my pocket. Instantly felt better. So then I started seeking a ring made of the stuff, because I really don't like carrying random stones in my pocket. At the very least, they tend to go through the wash if they don't get lost alltogether. Besides that, my particular piece of citrine looks a bit like crystal meth. My friends and I used to joke about this, especially since I carried it in a stash box that I had found near some woods where I used to live. But where I currently live, this might not be such a funny coincidence. Especially when I'm trying to obtain and hold onto a job.
    So I found this ring at Wal*Mart, it isn't silver like I wanted, it's yellow gold. But it's quite pretty, and wasn't horribly expensive. I was going to buy one on Amazon, but when you buy a ring online like that you can't see the stone or really what the ring looks like. This one cost about the same as the one from Amazon would once you added in the shipping charges. It's also very simple, which I like, because I plan on never taking it off
    While I was in Wal*mart I stumbled across a soapstone potporri holder/incense burner which I plan on putting on my altar. I don't like incense, because of the smoke and because most of it burns my throat, however some other sort of scented thing would not bother me at all. I'm thinking a cotton ball with some essential oils on it
    And of course, I can't go anywhere without something going wrong. I stepped to get out of someone's way in the perfume isle, and a box fell off of the shelf behind me and right onto my foot. The corner left a bloody and bruised scrape Watch out for that designer cologne spray, that stuff hurts!
  12. Lost_Warrior
    I went to New Hope PA today with my dad and KT. (New Hope is PA's mystically-inclined shopping town. Tarot readers are a dime a dozen there.) Unfortunately my little cousin Jenny could not come along, she became ill last night, but I hope to be able to see her sometime this week. We spent the day shopping and basically having a blast. I didn't spend much (it's very easy to spend entirely too much in New Hope) however we did visit many interesting shops which are "right up my alley" so to speak. KT added to her collection of Tigger things and also her collection of blue glass.
    I got a nice dagger in a small magic shop. It's a well made dagger (for decorative purposes or for use in ritual, not "battle worthy" as far as I know) and very beautiful. I doubt I'll use it for magic as I don't really practice magic, however I do feel some sort of bond with it and it almost instantly became very special to me. (I do collect weapons of all kinds).
    I also found some perfume oil in another shop down the street. This fragrance oil, unlike most of it's kind, is actually designed for use on skin. This was from a slightly larger magic shop and many of the oils were designed for a magical purpose, however I do not know how effective they are in serving that purpose. In any event, I chose one which smelled pleasant, and which I could be certain would not have any unwanted side effects if the magic did in fact work. It smells really good, and the smell reminds me somewhat of being in a temple of some kind. It's an odd, happy, protected feeling.
    That's all I bought, but I'm rather proud of myself because I didn't plan on spending alot of money even though there were so many things there I would love to have. We ate lunch at a nice little place called "Wildflowers", which I absolutely love. The entrance is hard to find (it's back beside a building and you have to go down stairs) but the food is served outside on a terrace (usually) and the atmosphere is amazing. As is the food. Cheaply priced (you can get a whole lunch for $8 while at most places one entre is $14) and absolutely delicious. The service is wonderful also, and you get your food quickly. I highly reccommend it if you are ever in New Hope. I know if I go back to New Hope I am eating at that resturant again.
    Yesterday we went to yard sales, and then to a wedding. At the yard sales I got a weird candelabra which is pretty much hideous, it is made almost entirely of solid marble with brass "arms" and details. It cost $4. I'm sure it's worth far more than that. I also got a pretty mother of pearl and abalone shell box, which I'm sure isn't worth too much more than the $5 I paid for it, but I simply fell in love with it. It is sitting in my room and I always have to stare at it now when I'm in there.
  13. Lost_Warrior
    So I got my first tattoo today It's a tribal design, on the front of my left hip. (Painful place for a tat btw. Mine is pretty big, too.) I went with KT (dad's girlfriend. She's really awesome.) and tomorrow we're going to Harrisburg to go shopping. I'm having so much fun!!
    My first two days weren't as great...on the whole ride up and yesterday too I was feeling a bit ill, and at my graduation party yesterday I was half asleep and a bit nauseous. I'm feeling much better now though, so it's all good.
    I'm looking forward to getting a manicure/hairdo and getting some really cheap clothes tommorrow!
    I just went to move some of the ointment that I have to put on it around, because there was a dry spot on it where my pants had rubbed, and some of the ink came off on my hand! Is this normal??? (at the very least I'll make a mess of the bedsheets)
  14. Lost_Warrior
    Well, now I'm an adult. I have been technically "adult" since my eighteenth birthday, but I didn't feel much like one. I mean, nothing changed. I still went to school. I had my driver's license, but I didn't drive, because I didn't have anywhere to drive to, and no car. Now I'm eighteen, have my license and a car, and I now have my high school diploma. Now things have changed.
    That chapter of my life is closed. That stage of my life is over, and in a week I'm going to be looking for a job, starting a whole new chapter. The "adult world". For now what I have to do is to enjoy the interim. I'm going to my dad's tomorrow, I'll be there about a week, to see everyone. A little vacation in between stages of life I suppose, there's no going back now, only forward. Time to celebrate how far I've come, reminisce, and think about what is to come and what I'm truely going to do with my life.
    They say when god (or the gods) closes a door, he (they) opens a window. Well certainly, in the course of my high school years I've made some mistakes, and I do have a few regrets. Those doors are closed, now time to start looking for the windows. Of course, once the "real world" hits, it won't matter what classes I took now, it won't matter all that much what happened in high school; and to be honest, most of it will probably be forgotten. but I look back at my former years of schooling, and while I have forgotten much, I am surprised at the things I remember.
    As for the actual ceremony itself, well, it was a moving ceremony, and though the crowd was rowdy it was relatively uneventful. We marched into the gymnasium (it was raining so we could not have graduation outside, unfortunately) to a shower of cheers and cat calls (someone whistled so loud that it nearly broke my eardrums) and someone, unfortunately, had an air horn. The superintendant's cap fell off as she was giving her speech declaring us officially graduated, and she simply said "I knew I was going to lose that" and continued on with her speech. I guess after so many years of doing public speaking, you simply learn how to roll with the punches.
    Perhaps the most powerful moment of the night was as we were driving home, however. I saw some strange cloud formations, which did not look like much at first, although the colors grabbed my attention. Then I saw, up ahead, a cloud formation which looked to me, exactly as if Jupiter himself were riding a triumphal chariot across the sunset sky. I was speechless. I fumbled with my camara, but alas, I failed to get a picture (my camara is bad at taking pictures of the sky anyway). Aw well. I will have that memory, even though I have no proof of it.)
  15. Lost_Warrior
    I am now the proud owner of a 2006 Ford Focus SES ZX4! Yippee! It's a very dark metallic gray, very shiny and pretty. And it drives amazingly. Everything is adjustable, the seat is adjustable three ways, steering wheel, everything. I've never been so comfortable in any car (or so comfortable driving any car) as I am in this one. I actually drove all the way home by myself (and that is the first time I've ever driven alone) without feeling uncomfortable.
    We test drove two, one was a used black one from 2005 and the second one was this gray one. I got behind the wheel of this car and fell in *love*. Seriously. I had to have this car. The car ended up being $1000 more than was on the sticker because Ford changed the rebate. But my grandad managed to get them to pull some strings and get the price down some. Grr. But I have my baby.
    We left the dealership and I got to drive it home, but we got about a quarter of the way home and my grandad realized that we didn't have 1) the owners manual and 2) the spare key. So we had to go back. We got them and everything was fine though.
    After everyone spending about an hour examining the car, I drive home, my mom decides to follow me to make sure I make it home safely. and then she goes to the store. I get home fine, but don't have a house key. I realized it halfway home, then got to watch my mom drive by me waving happily while I have to sit on the porch and wait to get into my house
    I'll post a picture when I get around to getting them off my digital camara.
  16. Lost_Warrior
    OMG, I just got an email from my aunt, my cousin Jennifer Founds (my little Jenny!!) has just started singing professionally, and will be touring soon. Jenny is such an AMAZING singer, a good actress and I hear is getting good on a guitar to. I AM SO PROUD of my little Jenny (now not so little anymore). I LOVE HER SO MUCH!! I can't wait to see her!!!
    My mom and I just got back from shopping, we figured out what we are going to do for under my graduation gown, one of those dresses like the Roman women wore (or what they may have worn. As my mom says, "what the Vestal Virgins wear in all the movies". I think it's called a Pella?). My mom is an awesome maker of weird clothes, I have a knitted "legionary tunic" now (I'm serious. LOL it does actually look really awesome). She's going to make it. I also found this most amazing dress (almost in the same style but it's navy blue) at a thrift store, for $6. I just HAD TO HAVE IT it fits perfectly.
    We had another bomb scare at school on thursday (second one in two weeks) they made us go home without all of our stuff. Andy found a baby bird though, it couldn't open its eyes but otherwise it seems quite healthy and SO cute. Odessa took it home. She named it "Stick". They then locked all the bathrooms except for one (the bomb threats were written on the bathroom walls.) and students now have to go in one at a time, sign in to the bathroom, and the stalls are checked after you leave
    My grandad is actively seeking a Ford Escape for me
  17. Lost_Warrior
    Well, I'm finished the last book assigned for English (well actually the assigned portion of it) and so I only need to finish The Mill on the Floss for an assigned review for English. I'm getting rather bored with that book, as it is so long. I can't wait to start Simon Scarrow's book, which I will be reviewing for this site and perhaps will start it this weekend, hopefully after getting the review done for English. I hope it is considerably more exciting than a 500-something page novel about family life in..."old time" England (I forget the *correct* time period but it's rather not modern lol) I suspect it won't take me very long to finish Under the Eagle as I'm sure it's rather fast paced, and far more interesting. Not to mention, not as long
    Today was rather interesting, I managed to pull something in my neck before ever even getting out of bed. I heard the muscle "snap" and have been walking around with my head cocked to the side all day. It's a little better now, lol I can mostly move it without pain. I'm glad I heal fast. lol I'm wondering if people were wondering what was wrong with me.
    I threw my atlatl darts for the first time in Shop class, and my metal shop teacher (who had never thrown atlatl before) wanted to try. He got great distance, but the problem was, he threw the atlatl along with the dart It messed up my thrower (cosmetic defect, nothing major) but it was totally hilarious. And the wood shop teacher (who had been the one to help me with the project) got it on "film" (digital "film")
    Mr. D wants me to make him some metal flowers to use as a sample, and I'm excited about that, because I was sort of looking for something to do for the last few weeks, and those are fun to make. Mine are sitting in the middle of my dining room table
  18. Lost_Warrior
    Well I finally got around to painting my room. My mom was being a bit of a **...she said she'd help me before but then didn't (was too sick) but still got mad at me for not painting it "her way". So anyway...I had just started painting my ceiling when I managed to break the handle off of the roller (which then fell on my head. I managed to keep the paint roller off the hardwood floor, but I looked like a wannabe for the "blue man group"). I've got my room back together now though, and it looks really nice. I'm glad I got it done. Not so glad about the smell though. I have to sleep in there tonight. It took me all day, but I got it done. I love my nice, calm, blue room. Getting that way was not so nice nor so calm. I have to wait untill tomorrow to put up my pictures and stuff, which is a shame because I really can't wait to see what it looks like when everything is hung up. I finally found a place to hang my butterfly picture (the blue one I drew/painted then framed for the art show).
    BTW, latex interior paint isn't as difficult to get out of one's hair as you might think. Also, "one coat" paint...isn't.
    I never want to see a piece of tape again. I have delt with so much tape in the last week, well...lol tape is evil
    This coming week should be refreshingly uneventful. Which is great, because these past two weeks have been *crazyinsanelalalalala!!!*
    OH, I almost forgot! On a VERY brighter note my grandpa called me earlier, interrupted my praying but when he told me that he was giving me a car, I certainly did not mind the interruption! Although, he's definitely a Ford man and I want a Pontiac but hey! Beggars can't be choosers!!! WhOoT!!
    ...and now off to bed with me. ::yawns:: I'm more than a little tired.
  19. Lost_Warrior
    I got this email today. Normally I don't pay too much attention to forwarded emails unless they are cute, but I read about this EXACT SAME THING in Newsweek about a month or so ago.
    Stupid government. If the American people are not sufficiently angered by this, then I officially give up on America. And if this bill actually passes, then it's really true, democracy doesn't work anymore.
    On a lighter note, after much work this morning we got the art show cleaned up (I worked extra to help out afterwards) and I got all of my artwork home safe thanks to my mom for giving me a ride home today. I found out today that I almost won "choice of show", which is considerably more annoying than not winning it when I thought I didn't stand a chance
    Oh, and I posted the pictures of the flowers in my gallery, come check them out! I am so proud!!!
  20. Lost_Warrior
    first off, the AP exams are DONE. The chem exam was killer, but there were some nice "gift" questions in the free response part, so I am really happy about that I'm most happy that it's done, I have no more exams hanging over my head (except finals, but I was never worried about finals). I'm not even really worried about my grade. Although the girl who switched papers with someone and got her score invalidated is now trying to get all of our scores invalidated on a technicality. I doubt she'll succeed as she can't prove anything, but she seems to think that if HER score is to be invalidated because she switched papers, then all of our scores should be invalidated because it was possible for her to switch papers in the first place
    My chorus concert (along with the band concert) was tonight, and also the art show. I finished to copper/brass flowers I made, I'll post pictures maybe...tomorrow or Saturday depending on what I feel like doing tomorrow when I get them home from school. I won fifth place in the art show, then commandeered the microphone to publically thank my teacher for all of her hard work, the poor woman was flabberghasted, as was everyone else. She never gets any recognition. I think she was half afraid to let me speak, because she, (along with every else) had no clue what I was going to say.
    The chorus concert went better than the last one, but still, I'm not overly happy with the results. I think we really need to work harder, the problem is, that most of the people in the chorus are only there because they think its a study hall, and even six hours before the concert, on stage, at rehearsal, they WON'T SHUT UP and they don't know the music. The director actually had to play the piano for the beginning of an a capella song because the tenors couldn't get the notes right. OOO I AM SO ANGRY WITH THESE PEOPLE!!!
    I can't wait till I get to bring all my artwork home though. I love bringing my stuff home and my mom is picking me up from school so I won't have to bring fragile things home on the bus
  21. Lost_Warrior
    Well last night was prom, nothing really exceptional but I had a good time. And nothing disastrous happened either. The only disaster, was some of the food, something unidentifiable that I think was pork, and some green beans that smelled, seriously, like that really stinky kind of plastic and tasted similar. The strawberry shortcake was to die for though.
    I have the responsibility of watching the neighbors dogs for the weekend, and I went to their house yesterday morning to find the kitchen full of gas The pilot lights on thier stove had gone out. I had no clue what to do about it thank Gods "Uncle Frank" was home, he always knows what to do
    Watching the dogs is no big deal but it included staying at their house for the night as the really personable dogs (who didn't like when it got dark and they were alone, they left a "present" on the floor) don't like to sleep alone. I watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail again, and tried to crash on their couch. Except, have you ever tried to sleep with a Shi Tzu on your chest? yea. Suzy has a habit of walking all over you when you try to sleep. I woke up, with Little Bear at my feet and Suzy about 2 inches from my face, staring at me. I'm glad to be back in my own house. I was wishing I were in my own bed last night.
    My favorite TV shows are on tonight! I hope my neighbors get back by then so I don't have to stay over there (I'm not going to have to stay the night but I kinda want to be *here* this afternoon. No idea when they are getting back except that my friend will be back from...wherever she is...by nine)
  22. Lost_Warrior
    Well I had my first AP exam today. English. It was an hour of multiple choice (55 questions and a whole hour to do it. I had 10 minutes to spare) and two hours in which to write three essays, preferrably 5 paragraphs each. GAH. It really wasn't THAT bad. Although after working for an entire year on a college level course (if I pass this exam, and then later go to college, I won't have to take the corresponding English course. It's a high school class for college credit) two girls decided to exchange papers. Now this exam is *locked down*. By even reavealing any of the multiple choice questions after taking it, even to our teacher, we may forfeit our scores. The exam has to be taken at the same time, by everyone in the country. If it is not given on a certain day, between the hours of 8 and 9 AM (or later in Alaska) the test is not valid (technically). So these girls, who may or may not have been trying to cheat (they said the writing they showed each other wasn't about the test but I don't know. I didn't see it) forfeited their scores after a year of work in this course. I cannot believe, they would do anything so stupid, but they did. and one of them was actually crying about it (of course, they deserved it if they were doing something so stupid. I certainly don't want anyone to cheat on this test and have an unfair advantage.)
    I have an AP chem exam next week. I have to actually get out of class to take practice tests. Which is a real bear because I need some of that time to do other things which need to be done before next Thursday, and it's not something I can work on at home either My brain, is fried. I seriously can't feel my head
    My prom is saturday night, i'll be sure to let you all know how that goes. I hope its not a complete disaster
  23. Lost_Warrior
    So, I got my hair permed today. I'd never done it before, and I must say, while the process isn't the most enjoyable in the world, I am really happy with the result. It's hard to imagine what I would look like with curly hair, so I really didn't know what to expect. Everyone says it smells really bad...this doesn't smell *bad* but rather odd....I think it smells more than a bit like...corned beef seasoning. Yes, my hair smells like a highly spiced piece of meat I don't mind though. It's not as bad as the time I stank of burning feathers from something I did in shop class. I can't wait to see what everyone at school says.
    I can hardly believe tomorrow is Wednesday already...the AP exams are closing in...I'm not thrilled about taking them. I'm sure they will be torture can't wait to have them over with though.
    I put in a job application, the place wasn't officially hiring but they gave me an application anyway, so I filled it out. Its a start anyhow.
  24. Lost_Warrior
    So on Easter we went to my grandma's for dinner. My gram had a stomach virus and was not feeling well, but my mom thought it was "side effects" from all the meds she's taking. Yea, well, "side effects" are not contagious. Last night I spent the whole night puking my guts out...amoung other things. I couldn't sleep a wink. I spent half the night eating popsicles because they were the only source of water that I (thought) I could get to stay where it was supposed to. Of course I threw them up all over the kitchen floor, but at least some of it got into my system. Dehydration sucks. I've now *attempted* to drink some regular juice (I've no spit left so with the popsicles I kept swallowing air. not good) and I'm hoping I don't throw that up as well. Man, am I ever thirsty and I can't drink say, a whole quart of juice in 10 seconds either like i'd like axiously awaiting mom to bring home that ginger ale
    I was going to paint my room this weekend but it's raining, and my mom won't be home. Bah. So that will be put off until I don't even know when...
    I'm probably going to miss school monday, I can't imagine being able to eat by then. That majorly sucks...because I have an art project that pretty much has to be done monday. There's no real leeway because its a clay project and getting close to the art show.
    On a positive note, I've started a copper and brass sculpture in shop class. I hope it turns out as well as I envision lol It's really fun to work on though
  25. Lost_Warrior
    So I woke up this morning, at about 11 00 (no sense getting up early on spring break of my senior year. Pretty soon i'm going to have to get a job ) and my mom is outside the bathroom door, she heard me get up and as I was brushing my teeth she told me she was sneaking into my room to get a hanger out of my closet. I find out she needs the hanger because the dryer won't turn on...we had clothes hanging in odd places all over the house...
    The reason the dryer wouldn't start was because as mom was trying to bake bread, she discovered that the stove would not turn *off*. She turned off the power, but that also shut down every 220 line in the house, including the dryer and the oven. She tried to unplug the burner but it wasn't the plug in kind-it was hard wired. The wires were broken somehow.
    So my grandad comes to help (that's who we call when we need something fixed) and he needs a flashlight. My mom gets hers only to discover that it has exploded. Literally. The batteries exploded and shattered the plastic outside part. So I fetch my flashlight from my nightstand.
    We then discover that in order to fix the stove we need wire nuts. We don't have any wire nuts, so mom asks me to run over to the neighbors and ask if they have any. My one neighbor answers the door, laughs slightly when I tell him the story, but looks confused when I ask about the wire nuts and says he doesn't think they have any, but sends me to another neighbor who just happens to bring over three different sizes...and meets my grandparents. Nice guy we sent him candy later in the day.
    So the stove is fixed and the bread is being very slow to rise as it is cold in the house, mom finally gives up and sticks it in the oven half risen. It turned out wonderfully. The one thing that went right today. We went to my grandparents for dinner, then came home and everything is back to normal...sort of. We still need to replace the 50 yr old countertop stove...there goes our "emergency fund" lol two burners still work but the wiring is just too old..its too risky to not replace it.
    So how was everyone else's Easter sunday?
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