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Everything posted by Segestan

  1. These views are founded in Greek propaganda. The consequence of this version of 'Greek History' is founded in the agents of the Christian Church, conquering Imperial Rome from within, having the advantagous position of historian age upon age. . Why did Not the Greeks and Macedonians themselves speak these views? Because they never existed! Why did not men like Caesar and many other Romans not claim this fictitious Greek origin? Because they were Roman! How easy to attempt a re-writing of the lives of the dead! They cannot speak for themselves; therefore we must defend for them best we can. This is Clearly a view of Roman history that contradicts and attempts, through false pretext , to abolish even the memory of an entire ethnicity... the Sons of Mars. Had there been any truth in this fairly tale history Roman arms would have freed Greek cities not raised them to the ground!
  2. You can read his Mispogon here: http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/julian-mispogon.html Loeb Classical Library is also a good place to look. Eccleastical writings etc. If you find a complete selection on Julian please post them, I'd like to read them myself.
  3. Julian was not a member of the cult of Mithras. He was subtilized by the New Platonic School. History has Julian a
  4. Well I've not checked this but I somehow get the feeling that the Pantheon wasn't really the first doom they built, just the largest. Also consider that it's much easier to build a dome inside an existing structure (Aka a cave roof in this example). AFAIK The Pantheon is generally claimed to be the largest 'free standing' domed structure built in the ancient world - not the first . So what! Give or take a hundred or so years. It sure pins a date on the construction of the shrine.
  5. It's domed! Pantheon was 118 AD. Either the dates for Domed construction is wrong or this temple was constructed after 118. Great Discovery.. Priceless!
  6. Julian was not killed in a Battle Maranga. The Roman Forces under Emperor Julian had destroyed every Persian attack, in fact the Persian with their light calvary chose to avoid direct battle with the Superior Roman forces. The Persians used a scorched earth policy and harassed the romans in the deserts with showers of darts. On Julian
  7. Exactly! ..... Roman republicanism was a slowly evolving step for Rome, but resulted over time in a giant leap for mankind. Rome becoming the Worlds most influnencing culture , through repuplicanism resulted in forging republicanism onto the world's political stage. A much needed idealism in an time of master and slave. I also feel historical value in how Rome was founded according to legend by the God's Jupiter, Janus, Mars and others. How Jupiter a supreme being , a father , and God of self-worthiness through virtues , him being a protector of Roman virtues ; and Mars the God of War , the protector of Rome in it's battles for preservation, Janus who protected the home of the Romans by keeping save watch over it's gates and doorways. . They to me so clearly defined the all important ideas of family , nation and God. Not exclusive virtues but Rome seems to have held it leadership to these ideas better than others. The result .....Rome was a superior culture.
  8. [quote name='Ursus' But I think the original poster was deploring the fact that Rome's legacy, whether perceived as good or bad, has at times been downplayed in our post-colonial intellectual atmosphere. On that note I would agree that ignoring the full measure of our heritage is a mistake. Agreed... Roman History in all it's glory and shame is the Western World. To remove that History is to remove ourselves as it's founders. As the builders of the modern world. To me the Western World today needs leadership akin to what Rome had.. persons who , in the main, will put Family and nation and God above the rest of the world. Each nations peoples must if they are going to survive , must up-hold heritage. But that's just my pro-western view.
  9. <<<<The Senate ruled Rome effectively for half a millennium and was able to conquer the known World; how was it possible that it was never able to regain its power from the emperors? What do you think?>>>> The -Senate- that ruled effectively , as you say; was Roman.... Not Italian , Latin or Greek . After Caesar came to power Rome was a blend of Roman, Latin and Italian. Italian meaning
  10. Very exciting. Would be nice to find some written text or musical notes in an Etruscan and even Roman tomb. But whatever was placed in this tomb very exciting finds.
  11. Thank You. That helps clear up some of the history of the Sabellian. regards,
  12. In the years 91-89 BC Rome saw a great change. This was the Marsic War or Social war ; a war between the Roman citizens , Latins and Italian colonies. The end result changed Rome forever. In many respects Rome was virtually defeated , though it's new population as Roman tripled. The Italian Confederacy minted coins showing the ' Sebellian Bull goring the Roman Wolf. They must have had alot of new power. I have read many topics on the Sebellian ideas of Divinity this doctrine espousing a One God Deity. Can anyone here add to the knowledge of the Sebellians? Any ideas would be appreciated.
  13. chauvinistic propaganda, some of them simply absurd. Says who ? Your take reads like the feminist propaganda! says..Me!
  14. <<<<Marathon didn't save even Athenian world; Eretria and Naxos were still there after the Persian sack. Marathon was one giant leap for Athens, one small step back for the Empire. >>>> You are confusing Marathon with Thermopylae. Marathon was a complete Victory for the Hellenic World over the Tyranny of Persia. Darius expedition was a continuation of the Conquest of Ionia and Lydia by Cyrus. Marathon was a direct result of the Ionian Revolt against the oppression of Eastern Tyranny and Submission. It was this Battle that was the turning back of Easternism. If Athens had lost the battle all Europe would have fallen to the Eastern Barbarians. Though the Hellenic culture ; with it
  15. Pauline and Judaic theologies were no less a conquering power than was the armies of the Gauls or any other barbarians who attacked and sacked Roman cities and towns. 'Pagan' is a term for a 'village'; the name pagan representing those who lived in the villages who had tried to keep the fouding religion of Rome alive after centuries of worship only to find themselves branded as criminals. The Eastern Christian Emperors had outlawed the olden faiths in Saturn , Mars and Jupiter. Rome was conquered by Christianity and Judaism not ....converted. The Battle at the Milvian Bridge officially created the Christian Warrior. Chrisdian Theology is derived from Isis and Judaism. Sun worship and monotheism.
  16. Eventually this Submission movement will be settled in another Battle of Marathon. Athens saved the Western World at Marathon. When or Where the brake is put on submission is yet to be determined.
  17. The term "Pagan" originated through the following event: Both Gratian and Theodosius were zealous champions of the orthodox Church, and a large portion of the edicts issued during their joint reign had for aim the uprooting of " Heresy" or the suppression of Pagan Worship. Gratian at his accession had taken away the sacred colleges at Rome , their endowments and had caused to cease the payment of salaries to the members of these bodies. As places in these associations were held by senators( Christianity was being reformed under the Battle standard of the Labarum, the Christian Standard, this is the letters XP, written with the words above it " under this sign we shall conquer " first sign was used in the Battle of the Milvian Bridge by the Emperor Constantine over the Emperor Maximus the pagan , this put the peaceful early Church follower , and there were many, under Arms for the first time, in the name of the Christian God... Christian Warriors and the state religion was thus born) the confiscation of property of the colleges dealt paganism a heavy blow by bringing it about that the pagan party in the senate should no longer have a personal and material interest in maintaining the ancient religion. The Final blow to the old religion , that is the worship of the founding Gods of the Eternal city, was given the positive prohibition of the pagan cults. Speaking generally, from the accession of Constantine , the Christian Emperor, down to the time which we have now reached, AD 390, the pagans had been allowed full toleration of worship. There was, during this period , what we call religious liberty , but not perfect religious equality; for some of the Christian Emperors favored their own faith in their legislation and in their appointments to office. But now paganism from being a tolerated idealism , became a proscribed religion. It was Theodsius the Great who , by his effective measures against heathenism , earned the title of " the destroyer of Paganism" . At first he simply placed the pagan under many disabilities, but finally he made it a crime for any one to practice any pagan cult, or even to enter a Temple at all. In the year AD 392 even the private worship of the `Lares and Penates' was prohibited. The struggle between Christianity and heathenism was now virtually ended
  18. Internal Condition of Rome- Second Century BC
  19. Good Post. One of the best written if read. To me, it should seem obvious Mr. Hingley is correct. If Not then each Romanized province would have collectively kept Rome alive, enforced Romanization back onto any rebel provinces. No Rome was replaced by those who in earlier times were conquered. Roman Provincial Administration was never on the same page. It was only a matter of time before the Augustan System would fail. Internal Power grabbing , old and new enemies of the Empire had dreams of Independence. Capitalism was the system that organized Romes early success and caused it's fall through slave trading. I mean what conquering nation throughout history has ever truly converted it's subjected masses? It's the stuff revolution and patriotic idealism originates from. ' Like the Celtic War Lord who told the Roman Senate after besieging the city ... " Woe to the vanquised"
  20. The preservation of Roman history good. I Will follow this event. More foundations of this kind need to be established. Thanks for posting.
  21. Roman racism was a requirement of surviving in a tough world. Without such strong views of Roman Superiority theRepublic and even the Empire seen through out the world as the expansion of Roman Laws of Justice , tempered with wisdom and virtue would never have come out of Rome. Of course that 'rascism' was internally displayed as rivalries as well externally shown in conquest. External rascism, however was in a greater geo-political means through acted out through the ages of Roman inflences ultimately the tool that destroyed Rome. The uptopian view of the world is not for this world.
  22. The Byzantines were a separate civilization from what was
  23. <<<<<Whilst I agree that the Roman Pantheon was adapted from Greek models - can anyone explain just why Apollo remained the same in both cultures? Of course, I know he had various Greek names, but is he alone in being the one god who was taken over by the Romans in his original guise? And if so - why? This has always interested me about Apollo. Perhaps one of our experts can enlighten us? How was he brought to Italy? Did the Etruscans, for instance, have their own version of the sun god? Does the retaining of his Greek name indicate that he was perhaps brought to Italy by the Greeks? Did his cult begin down in Campania? Any help would be gratefully appreciated, guys and gals.>>>> The Greek deities were taken up in Rome from the 5th century onward as the result of Alliances , emergencies , and propitiation
  24. No , I'd bet there is just No political Will/Gain for setting aside the monies. Just one more nail in the coffin of western Heritage. Who needs the Past when theirs .....EuroVision?
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