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Posts posted by Pantagathus

  1. "It shows exactly the same technique and size, which led us to link the two statues beyond doubt."


    Sure but Zeus was linked to a lot of women & goddesses in diferent locals... Could have been Themis who begat him Horai (Seasons), Eunomia (Order), Dike (Justice), Eirene (Peace) and the Moirai (Fates) or Eurynome who begat him the Kharites (Graces), or Metis, or Leto, etc... All of which he ravaged in/around Mt. Olympos.


    I wouldn't say "beyond doubt" unless Hera's name was actually on the statue.


    It was a very important war because if confirmed US Independence and established US Naval superiority


    Not so sure about that US naval superiority. Royal Navy still ruled the waves for at least a century after that.

    Not in the western hemishpere

  3. Not just the War of 1812, but the Mexican-American War (which ended up giving about 1/3 of the Western part of the continent to the US) often gets put into oblivion. Although with that one many would chalk it up to East Coast Bias--as in, anything west of the Mississippi is 'over there'.

    But it Doc, that's not true at all; seen as how America was mostly 'Easterners' at that time...


    In fact, the president at the time and micro-manager of the conflict James K. Polk was born less than 20 minutes from where I grew up. I for one take pride in his one term accomplishments which was mostly the Mexican-American War. :lol:

  4. The south has produced such current charming and tolerate people such as Jerry Falwell and James Dobson, not to mention such honest people as Tom Delay and Bill Frist.

    SFG: Drop it.


    There are 'charming & honest' people all over this great country but this thread is not the right place to seek them out.


    Now as to the original post by CD, either that 'history student' wasn't paying attention or their teachers/professers/learning institutions are/were completely subpar. :lol:


    I learned about it in middle school, I learned about it again in high school and went into depth about it in my US History 1 in college. So from my point of view it's a myth that this war was 'forgotten' unless you are considering if it's remembered by people who don't know who the current president is and can't name all 50 States... (Which unfortunately is quite a lot)


    It was a very important war because if confirmed US Independence and established US Naval superiority (most US Navy traditions find their roots in the Wo1812). Hell, our national anthem was written while Fort McHenry was bombarded during it.


    Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand

    Between their loved homes and the war

  5. Hmmmm.... :sneaky2:


    I don't know if you can technically claim your one year anniversary until next month seen as how you took a hiatus from April 22nd until June 1st last year; then there was that other time too... :mellow:


    My Liege, I can overlook the fact that your forsook the community for a sizable swath of time but rules are rules. :unsure:


    In all seriousness, I am overly glad that you have chosen to stick around and settle in. :notworthy:

  6. My domina says that Otter actually fits me better... Particularly this part:


    Lazy? Let's just say easily distracted. For life has so many diversions for the otter, that whether it's playing a computer game, reading a book, or doing a crossword puzzle, it's impossible to predict how it will fill it's day. But when an otter gets focused on a problem, it's keen intelligence rises to the challenge and it will not give up until the nut is cracked. Otters feel entitled to the good things in life and a general sense of well being gives them the confidence to not have to save for the future.




    Yeah, OK ;)

  7. There are lots of fun moments, but the one for me, that stood out when I was a child, and still has the power to leave we with a lump in the throat and a tear in the eye, is the moment when Jason and his buddies are sailing through the Clashing Rocks and Poseidon appears out of the waves to hold the rocks apart and let the the ship through. Has anyone seen this?


    But of course! His constipated stare as he's holding the rocks and everything is rumbling is unforgetable... ;)


    I love Ray Harryhausen! So taking that cue, I'll say that one of mine is in Clash of the Titans when Cassiopeia runs her mouth about how hot her daughter is then makes the fatal mistake of compairing her to Thetis... The huge Thetis statue starts rocking and crumbling and the head lands facing the crowd and the face comes alive... :D


    Maggie Smith (Thetis) proceeds (through the animated head) to give a supreme a$$ chewing that sets the rest of the plot of the story: "YOU VAIN AND FOOLISH WOMAN!!!" :angry::lol:

  8. I have tried a different Dogfish Head, compliments of Pantagathus :notworthy: and something called Trappiste, also compliments of His Beership :notworthy: . Both excellent, but the latter has the edge (to me).

    He has to tell us how it is best drunk though. It does make a difference.

    The later was the sublime Rochefort #10 from the Rochefort Trappist Brewery.


    The Midas presented it's flavors well from basic fridge temp all the way to room temp. Though, a slight chill is more to be desired in the Midas than a Belgian strong ale like a triple or quad which you would want closer to cellar temp +

  9. Who needs to know this? Where's the Alchohol content and price? That's all I need.

    9% ABV :drunk: & ~$9.99 for a 4 pack


    Edit: BTW, what in Loki's name does Biscuity flavour taste like???
    Bready without being 'malty' per se. Forget the cloying descriptions though, it's just really good & hides the high alcohol content very well...)



    You are trying to drive me into bankruptcy and perdition! :rolleyes:

    But of course sir!

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