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If You Were Trapped In An Rp Game ...


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Brilliant! You are a Wizard!


Wizards are spells-casters who study powerful arcane magic. While Wizards tend to be pretty fragile, some of those spells can pack quite a punch. Unlike Clerics, Wizards aren't as good at fixing people as they are at breaking them, so watch where you toss that fireball. Your most distinctive trait is your intelligence. You're probably well learned and logical, if perhaps a bit fragile.


RP test

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Smart Paladin


Valorous! Noble! Or possibly just a self-righteous jerk (but with the brains to keep you alive!)... You are a Smart Paladin!


Paladins are holy warriors. They are valorous defenders of the light. Unfortunately, most of them are so ardent in their defense they tend to meet sticky ends faster than you can say "rampaging red dragon." Many people look up to Paladins, while others just consider them stuck up, overbearing, or self-righteous.

Fortunately for you, unlike most Paladins, you're pretty smart. Which means that you're more likely to fall into the "admired" category, rather than the "obnoxious" or "dead" categories.


Much like the crusades, you manage to combine violence and religion, though unlike the crusades, you add a healthy does of intelligence. You may be a staunch defender of the faith, a valorous champion of the weak, or the stuff that jihads are made of. Which ever one you are, just be happy that you

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Smart Paladin


81% Combativeness, 40% Sneakiness, 52% Intellect, 52% Spirituality


Valorous! Noble! Or possibly just a self-righteous jerk (but with the brains to keep you alive!)... You are a Smart Paladin!

Paladins are holy warriors. They are valorous defenders of the light. Unfortunately, most of them are so ardent in their defense they tend to meet sticky ends faster than you can say "rampaging red dragon." Many people look up to Paladins, while others just consider them stuck up, overbearing, or self-righteous.

Fortunately for you, unlike most Paladins, you're pretty smart. Which means that you're more likely to fall into the "admired" category, rather than the "obnoxious" or "dead" categories.

Much like the crusades, you manage to combine violence and religion, though unlike the crusades, you add a healthy does of intelligence. You may be a staunch defender of the faith, a valorous champion of the weak, or the stuff that jihads are made of. Which ever one you are, just be happy that you�ve got the smarts to back it up and make it work.

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I never liked this class, but I guess if the shoe fits...




Dashing and multi-talented: You are a Bard!

A decent warriors, reasonable spell-caster, and fairly good at tricking people, the Bard is the jack of all trades. These charming fellows live by their wits, though a sharp blade, a few spells, and some lockpicks never hurt.

Smart, sneaky, and aggressive, you're probably good at most things you try. You don

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Assassin - 51% Combativeness, 60% Sneakiness, 47% Intellect, 22% Spirituality


Violent and deceptive: You are an Assassin.


Score! You have a prestige class. A prestige class can only be taken after you've fulfilled certain requirements. This may mean that you're an exceptionally talented person, but it probably doesn't.

Skulking through the shadows... hunting their prey without remorse... Assassins are some of the most dangerous killers in D&D, and evil bastards to boot.

You're not necessarily evil, but you are both violent and sneaky. Chances are you aren't very honorable. Though who knows? You might have some noble goals, even if your methods tend to be... unorthodox. You might just be a Slayer of Domiel or something. "


Oddly enough when I played RP's, I always chose Rangers and Paladins. But, now that I'm a "grown up" I'm a lawyer...guess the shoe kinda fits, eh?:-)

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I'm just repeating what's here, but i'll write it anyway...


77% Combativeness, 20% Sneakiness, 52% Intellect, 41% Spirituality

Aggressive, but with the brains to back it up: You are a Spellsword!

Score! You have a prestige class. A prestige class can only be taken after you

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