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Second Punic War

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Hello Dear UNRV people,


I'm kinda new here, although I used to site for a couple of essays.

This is my last year at school and I have to make an essay again. I decided to do about the Second Punic War.

Since I'm still at school and not some University the books I have at the local library and school aren't that much of a help. So I use the internet alot.

Unfortunatly this site is like the only site with good information about the Romans, and therefore the Second Punic War.

I was wondering if some people here could provide me with extra sites that have nice information. And maybe some guide points. Like things that are really important in the Second Punic War, what I should not miss.


Thanks in advance,


Arjan Nuijten.


P.s: sorry for my not perfect English, I'm Dutch.


P.s: the sites may be in English and Dutch.

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The Scipio Family in the Punic Wars

"i research this article due to my confusion on the Scipio name and or person"

roman wargamer


1st Punic War


260 consul Cn.Cornelius Scipio

lost 17 ship of Lipan Island


2nd Punic War




after the assination of Hasdrubal

Hnnibal succeded the throne


219 he destroyed Saguntum


218 he executed a daring march with 26,000 troops


consul P.Cornelius Scipio reach Marseilles to late

he therefore sent his brother to Spain

Cnaeus Scipio with most of the fleet.


Hannibal win at Ticinus, P. Cornelius Scipio lost


Hannibal win at Trebia,consul Sempronius Longus lost


217 Hannibal cross Appennines

west of two new Roman army

posted at Ariminum and Arretimi


Hannibal win at Trasimene,consul Flaminus lost


Rome terrified appoint Dictator

Quintus Favius Maximus known as "the Delayer"

nickname Contator


216 Hannibal win at Cannae against

proconsul C. Terentius Varro "the escaper"

and proconsul M. Cladius Marcellus

86,000 legioner was annihilated


216 1st Nola


215 2nd Nola



214 3rd Nola



212 BC 1st Capua

win Carthaginians (Hannibal)

lost Romans (Fulvius Flaccus, Appius Claudius)


212 BC Silarus

win Carthaginians (Hannibal)

lost Romans (M. Centenius Pentula)


212 BC Herdonia

win Carthaginians (Hannibal)

lost Romans (Gn. Flavius)


211 BC Syracuse

win Romans (M.Claudius Marcellus)

lost Syracusans


211 BC Upper Baetis

win Carthaginians (Hasdrubal)

lost Romans (Gnaeus and Publius Cornelius Scipio)

both was killed and drove the Romans into Ebro


211 BC Siege of Capua



210 BC Herdoinia

win Carthaginians (Hannibal)

lost Romans (F. Centumalus)


210 BC Numistro

win Carthaginians (Hannibal)

lost Romans (Marcellus)


210 P. Cornelius Scipio

son of the just died general

was given a proconsul power and was sent to Spain

and later known as Africanus


209 BC Asculum

win Carthaginians (Hannibal)

lost Romans (Marcellus)


208 BC Baecula

win Romans (P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus)

lost Carthaginians (Hasdrubal Barca)


207 BC Grumentum

*Draw* Romans (C.Claudius Nero)

*Draw* Carthaginians (Hannibal)


207 BC Metaurus

win Romans (C.Claudius Nero)

lost Carthaginians (Hasdrubal Barca)was killed


206 BC Ilipa

win Romans (P.Cornelius Scipio Africanus)

lost Carthaginians (Hasdrubal)


203 BC Bagbrades

win Romans (P.Cornelius Scipio Africanus)

lost Carthaginians (Hasdrubal/Syphax)


202 BC Zama

win Romans (P.Cornelius Scipio Africanus)

lost Carthaginians (Hannibal)

he escape




260 consul Cn.Cornelius Scipio

lost 17 ship of Lipan Island


218 consul P.Cornelius Scipio

reach Marseilles to late

he therefore sent his brother to Spain

Cnaeus Scipio with most of the fleet.


210 P. Cornelius Scipio

son of the just died general

was given a proconsul power and was sent to Spain

and later known as Africanus


190 L. Cornelius Scipio

later known as Asiaticus


146 Aemilianus Scipio


in 211 both brother was killed in Spain

consul P.Cornelius Scipio and Cnaeus Scipio


and other Scipio???






P. Cornelius Scipio later known as Africanus

L. Cornelius Scipio later known as Asiaticus


at the Magnesia Battle near Smyrna , they win

agaisnt Antichus and obliged him

to surrender Hannibal to Rome

and give up all European and Asiatic possession

though the Carthage general escape


183 BCE


Hannibal poison himself

at the court of Prusias I of Bithynia

who was about to betray him to Rome.

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